
CRank: 4Score: 27510

Racism is everywhere but you can't live your life worried about what every idiot in the world thinks about you, 99% of the time they are all talk, and its better to just move on before you end up doing something you will regret (its not worth going to jail).

Also I think its pretty lame to act as if this is only a problem associated with XBL, this isn't a gaming preference issue this is a social issue within society, mostly 'caused by people being brainwashed into believe a c...

6173d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I'm not sure if your comment is directed at me but either way I would like to point out that my comments did not say anything about having an affect on the HD-format battle....I simply said that I think lowering the actual price even further instead of giving away free HD DVD's would have been a better option IMO to sell alot more players. -Yes that may or may not have little affect on the format battle, but its still good news for those who are ready to buy HD movies and want a HD DVD playe...

6174d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I'm a football junkie, Madden has its flaws but its still a great football franchise and Americans like me are addicted to football(American football). I'm not a big soccer fan but I don't knock it because its not my thing. Yeah I'm glad its 60fps on 360 but if I only owned a PS3 I don't think it would stop me from buying the damm game if I love football. Also I think you guys are way to hard on EA with the whole innovation stuff, yeah there's always different things that can be done to ad...

6174d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

It was called "Destroyed Beauty"

"Last time I ever talk to that f-kin guy." -lol

6174d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I think making the player itself even cheaper instead of the 5 free movies would have been a better route if they really want to get a big push for sales but its a great offer for those are ready to by HD movies and are interested in HD DVD content.

6174d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

Crackdown is hella fun....but it was heavily criticised I think because it was used as a pawn for the Halo3 Beta, therefore some people automatically assumed it was a poor game when in actually Crackdown is a blast to play, I definitely can't wait to see what they come up with for the second one.

6174d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

We all know VG chartz is un-official but this news still should have been posted on N4G. I know their numbers are off but their in the ballpark, and they have been referenced countless times before...really I don't understand why 360 fans are so defensive about PS3 sales beating 360 sales for one month or whatever with the price cut and movie offers to boot, I think its understandable PS3 sales would increase, the question is whether it will be long term....and even with all the bad news and...

6174d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Well its funny 'cause I like many others have always thought the bubble system was flawed in fact I made a the following comments about the bubble system yesterday:

"....if I had one or two tommorrow oh well its just a gaming news site NO MONEY LOSSED. -Don't get me wrong I appreciate other members who give me positive feedback, I really do, but I still believe the bubble system is over-rated, because in many cases its being utilized as a:

"I don't lik...

6174d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I have to admit that I don't find Sony Protection Group creditable even with the normal grain of salt you always take with a fanboy website. Of course their site contains plenty of creditable info too, but honestly thats not hard to do for a gaming site, most sites report alot of the same news stories or cover the same industry news which they can easily report from other sites. The problem I see with SPG more so than other fanboy sites is that it has alot very questionable type of news art...

6174d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

I think Konami is the one guilty of sparking most of the rumor fires, most media sites and 360 fans just speculate when Konami has given them reason to, same as some PS3 fans did with Gears and Bioshock, nothing new. The difference those dev's made clear statements quickly to put those rumors to rest. I think this should put MGS4 rumor to rest. Now as long as Konami doesn't say anything from here on out that sounds contradictory to it being PS3 exclusive forever then, I think any further r...

6175d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

Well actually I haven't played any for awhile but as I said before I will give this game a try, yeah its a little on the cartoony side but its a beautiful game and the animation is cool, my daughter really likes the demo and anything I can play with her on my 360 is really a good thing.

On a side note I never understand why those with a post history that clearly shows they don't like the 360 think that their opinion about this or any other 360 game matters at all? (same for tho...

6175d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Bathyj don't get me wrong this is a positive thing because its intended to make sure those effected don't have to pay. -But I really, really hate when companies f-k up and then try tell us the BS really smells like Roses because we are fixing something that shouldn't have been a problem in the first place. Anybody who've seen my comments no I like the 360 very much, and I do think they have been beaten up pretty hard over this issue,(some of justified some not) but still I prefer when exec'...

6176d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

but I have to call BS on this one. Yes I do agree that the warranty itself is a positive move by M$ it alleviates 95% of the risk of having to pay since the PROD issue is almost always the cause of defective 360's.....but this is definitely not a "advantage" over the competition IMO, thats just pure BS spin because this wasn't something offered since launch and the fact that they are offering it now is out of neccessity, the fact that the 360 is much more likely to be defective com...

6176d ago 4 agree2 disagreeView comment

I and others said right after the show that COD4 was the best of the show, but it doesn't matter though, its just an opinion some might have thought other games were better, but the bottom line is that COD4 seems to have "shined" the brightest for most people. The good news is its multi-plat so we all get to enjoy it. -Honestly I think alot of attention is because no one was expecting it to look as good as it did, seriously although I knew it was not going to be another WWII shoote...

6176d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

If or whenever it comes to PC it won't have much impact on the 360 version and I'm assuming since you hate the 360 that was the intent of your comment; otherwise I don't know why its revelant to let us know that you want it for the PC. In any case I'm not the selfish type so I'm glad PC owners will get to experience some of the great 360 games like GOW, but I don't think it has any effect on the 360 gamers, most console gamers like me brought it to play on their 360 almost a yr ago and its s...

6177d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I'm not exactly sure what they are saying went wrong, I think overall in general they are trying to say M$ kind of sorta "played it safe" at least thats how they summed it up in their last paragraph which said:

"Microsoft has presented a middle-of-the-road press conference that serves as a lithmus test for the other two console manufacturers. A few nice announcements and decent demos, but nothing Earth-shattering."

I think they have a point on...

6177d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

and I think its great, but I'm wierd because I admit I never owned and iPod. If this new version is significantly better then I might just get my wife one so can stop "borrowing" mine. To be honest my only dissapointment is because when I first brought it, I was hoping M$ was going to have more 360 related features for the Zune so far, intially those were the rumors at the time. Either way its a great player but they are really missing out by not taking advantage of adding some ga...

6177d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

The majority of the comments so far are very good.....I almost want to scream because I'm so excited to see gamers/fans of all consoles having an intelligent conversation. One thing I would like to emphasize even though some of you have already mentioned this, is that; being a loyal fan or only wanting to support one console does NOT make you a fanboy IMO, I completely understand that some gamers really enjoyed gaming on their PS1, PS2 or Xbox and therefore they "choose" to play ga...

6177d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I don't know what MGS4 has to do with this game, but if you are referring to the 1st post; all he said was that he believes they(Konami) made the descision to put this game on the 360 because they made the descision to keep MGS4 exclusive to PS3. -Personally I would say that his comments sound like a wild guess to me and its alot more likely that Konami made this descision like many other companies to go multiplatform with more games because its a simple business descision to make more money...

6177d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Where will I find the time?

6177d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment