
CRank: 4Score: 27510

yeah I think GOW alone will sell alot of systems this November and Christmas time, and also I think about 85% or more of existing 360 owners will buy this game (just a guess)....I know I will!

6592d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

but seriously I do agree with most of your points. I just don't think even GOW can stop the "Christmas Craze" for the "new PS3" which is usually why consoles launch at this time. I think the price factor will be a big deal in the long run though. It's crazy because I know $600 is alot but I know I will get a PS3 in about 6 mo. or so when the games I want to play are out, but I know Im not the NORM gamer....plus Im waiting a bit just to see what type of launch problems S...

6592d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

the gameplay looked fun as hell!

6592d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

do you actually believe that if PS3 are available that 360 sales will increase at the same time PS3 launches....I think theres a chance it may do better a couple months or so after, and maybe long term but it WON'T OUTSELL PS3 DURING THE HOLIDAYS, unless I say UNLESS Sony blows it big time and does not take advantage of its own "hype" by not manufacturing enough PS3's!

6592d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

yeah, I agree with you, I think what you said is really about the same thing that I was talking about. Hey RealDeal, I understand that you don't believe they will ship 4 million by the end of the year....Im skeptical also, I think 3 mil is possible though and 2+ mil is definitely likely so my question to you is if whatever # of consoles they do manage to ship, do you agree that just from brand name and hype alone that every single one of them will be sold by Christmas? yeah like I believe d...

6592d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Trust me, I don't believe most of the things Sony says but according to what they have said publicly they will have 4 mil available in 2006, so thats 2 mo. of the biggest holiday shopping season. If true then I think my statement is perfectly logical, also notice in my post that I did say my theory will is heavily based on IF Sony has trouble with PS3 supply early on....but the supply issue is debatable, we can't say for sure its true but until there's official word your "estimated"...

6592d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Listen I can't predict the future but I know a little bit about the videogame market so I can tell all you 360 fanboys that the PS3 will outsell 360 over the holiday season, think about it....Its the latest game console, its the brand "NEW THING", its a Playstation and despite what you think most average guys who simply play "Madden" and 1 or 2 games every now and then will assume its better than 360 because its new. I know its true because whenever I have a casual conver...

6592d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

also CD's eventually became the logical successor format for many reasons, especially since there was no "format war" it was a natural transition because basicly it wasn't competing with another format.

6593d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

correct me if I'm wrong but I think cartridge based media for game consoles prior to the "NES" and also after it used the same basic format until enventually consoles started using CD's....which I believe was about 3 or 4 generations (NES, SuperNES, and N64 were at least 3 gen's) CD's were a new format but cartridges were more than adequate for awhile.

6593d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I think that the 1st video looked pretty good....alot better than some of the pics I saw earlier.

6593d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Hey, I don't think anybody wants you to quit posting, I was just trying to tell you not to let anyone, especially on the internet get under your skin...I'm always interested to hear what other games are thinking, so I hope you will keep posting....either way its just games, no big deal....besides I like to have a few every now and then....its all good.

6593d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Hey bro, read my post #3 and the other posters who have explained updates are being included in games already, then please explain why this isn't a rip-off.

6593d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

for the sake of argument when I say 1080p capable out of the box...I mean ready to play....which it is.....after you buy the cable.

6593d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Hey its OK if you guys want to trade jabs but at least offer something to the debate besides flamming. RealDeal I see your point and I often point out Sony fanboy BS, but you don't help your case when you make obvious provoking comments like "Bomberman will be better than all of PS3 launch games", lol its funny but you know its not true, but hey jokes are jokes. HyperBear, hey bro I know your name speaks for itself, but you don't have to get so hyped-up and start making threats-it...

6593d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Jin, I have to agree with you that Bomberman sucks, of course I haven't played it, but judging by what I see and several of the reviews Im sure its garbage. TheRealDeal is just flaming when he says it will be better than all the PS3 launch games, just laugh but don't let him get you so excited. Now if you think that the PS3 over its life cycle won't have some really bad games then you clearly don't know the history of videogames. (look at PS2's library...lot of good lot of bad) In fact, th...

6593d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Hey as a gamer I want to continue to see every aspect of games progress and improve.....until graphics become picture perfect theres always room for improvement and even though we are still a ways away from that, I'm pretty impressed with the graphics we have now. I have been gaming for 20+ years so as far as graphics go, I can clearly see we have came along way, but when it comes to AI, I believe games have alot of catching up to do. I mean honestly games are just as fun as ever but I'm lo...

6593d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

You can't be serious, $28.99 for something thats already available for free. Circuit City is basicly running a scam to rip off ill-informed/kids/consumers/gr andparents that think they may need this so lil Johnny can play this brand new console he's been begging for. Also I believe you can buy a 12 mo. gold subscription for $35 bucks, which is only 6 bucks more, and if they can't afford broadband service most likely they don't have a HDTV which makes the BC upgrade for the Xbox games irreve...

6594d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Damm this game is HOT!....I think this game will have Halo type sales....and eventually replace it because Halo 3 is suppose to be the final story.

6594d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

After making wild predictions like "the DVD should still have about 6 months, MAXIMUM 1 year left in it before almost every game requires atleast 2 DVDs",etc....Im glad you recovered by saying this is your opinion. Really? Thanks.

6595d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

This is a nice addition, Im glad M$ are looking out for than fans, choice is always good, but its really only good for the small minority of consumers who own a 1080p TV, or am I wrong?

6595d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment