
CRank: 4Score: 27510

Usually I try not to repeat myself but this post goes along with the other so I will say it again. I've been saying that I expected M$ to have a few surprises for TGS, but I never expected this. Actually they should have held it just a little bit longer and said it right at the begininig of the show, it would of been like a gut punch. This is definitely "Big" news, but I will say what I have said a thousand times 1080p is not a big deal 'cause all my games look great in 720p, and I...

6578d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

I already read this somewhere and it said that a remake of the older version of Ninja Gaiden would be coming to the PS3...so I believe this is the same Ninja Gaiden, with a few changes. Damm, Mart why do always have to add insult to injury, no wonder Sonyfanboys love you so much.

6578d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

WOW! I've been saying that I expected M$ to have a few surprises for TGS, but I never expected this. Actually they should have held it just a little bit longer and said it right at the begininig of the show, it would of been like a gut punch. This is definitely "Big" news, but I will say what I have said a thousand times 1080p is not a big deal 'cause all my games look great in 720p, and I don't see any difference between 1080i and 1080p movies, also this will effect very few that...

6578d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I guess you make an excellent point because I have a buddy who plays that World of Warcraft(I think thats the name) MMORPG and thats all he does, he's like a hermit....so I guess I will have to take both of you guys word for it when you say they are addicting. Thankfully I was never really a classic RPG fan, so I never got into MMORPG's either, its just not my cup of tea, but I respect the fact that some people love them. Anyway, all I'm saying is 10 bucks a month is expensive for 1 game, a...

6578d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Will this HD DVD player be region free?....I mean if I were going to Japan on business....could I pick up 1 there and use it to play stateside HD DVD movies? mmmmmh, I would appreciate if somebody could give me a solid answer, please! Thanks.

6578d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

That was a good post explaining how 1080p will be possible. Yesterday I was just saying on another post not to underestimate M$ ability to upgrade the 360 to do 1080p for movies because I know that I've seen you post that link before but I couldn't remember what topic. CAUTION....while this is good news just to have this capability, I still don't think its that important, since 1080p is a long way from mainstream, and personally I don't think there's a tangible/real difference in 1080i or 1...

6578d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

It will definitely help to get more BD movies into more homes, but remember its still just a rumour for now. I think its unlikely that they will actually bundle BD movies for free with games, especially this early on. I think its more likely that any game they are going to release bundled with a movie will cost $5 to $10 more.....otherwise it will make the games released without a BD movie less of a value, because you are getting a game with no movie for the same price....and releasing all ...

6578d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

First of all I want to apologize for accidentally voting "lame" on this post. I was actually trying to scroll down with my mouse and I accidentally clicked on lame. lol how ironic, because I usually never vote either way on any news post, I just make my comments and go on my way.....and if you have read any of my previous posts you will know that I don't think there's anything "lame" about GOW. Now my original comments are that this game looks bada$$ but I would love to ...

6579d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

its going to be on the PS3, it would make sense for them especially if M$ didn't pay for an exclusitivity contract upfront, why not?....they know this games has relatively good hype so they will definitely make alot $$$$ if its multi-platform.

6579d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I don't care how much it costs for maintenance costs, this is not a PC, I'm sure some of their costs should be cut since it will be intergrated with XBL. I agree that we already get more than we pay for with XBL already, $50 bucks a year is dirt cheap for unlimited play of so many games....but that's exactly why its so popular because its a great deal. When you compare $120 bucks a year to play 1 game, thats almost 3 yrs. worth of subscrition to XBL and hundreds of games, so as you can see ...

6579d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I'm just curious if you have a link that confirms all those games are 1080p? I know the last I heard was that RFOM was "targeting" 1080p...and alot of those games I know have been previously listed at 720p.....not thats its important to me because I have to agree with Clayton....I personally can't tell the difference between 1080i and 1080p, I've seen them side by side and I have 20/20 vision, still I believe there is some difference, I personally just can't see it....but I do hear...

6580d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I believe this list is incomplete, like others have already said Blue Dragon and Lost Odyssey aren't even on the list. Also, the old games that are on the list will be shown because I believe they never released them in Japan, but I still don't see why they want to show off The Outfit to anybody, much less Japanese gamers. That list does have a somewhat legit look to it because most of those games seem to be more Japanese style titles.....with just a few games to get our (American/European)...

6580d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Now according to your own post, qoute: "But that’s 'at the moment’; we’re talking about what’s going to happen in the next 3~5 years."....so basicly for the next 3~5 years 1080p won't matter, meaning most games for the PS3 and 360 will be about the same -depending on what developers do with them and then in 3 or 4 yrs or sooner I would not underestimate M$ ability to upgrade the 360 when needed, then in 5yrs, yeah the Sony might have no plans for the PS4 anytime soon, but knowing M$...

6580d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Im glad to see this game is 1080P, whether or not it will make a difference to the majority who don't have 1080P HDTV is irrevelant, Sony preached this as being only true HD, so I hope we will see more 1080P games, hell why not all of them? If so maybe I might buy a PS3 sooner rather than later, as I've been planning.

6581d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

OK lets see, where do I begin? Did you even read my posts, first of all you label me a fanboy when your name demonstrates you are the fanatical fanboy. Why do you say I talk smack about Sony, as if I'm just making things up, NO....I'm pointing out actuall facts, you even agree that Sony promised alot of "extra features" like 2 HDMI ports and then cut them, and I agree its not that they were neccessary, but thats not the point if you read my post you would see the point was so they...

6581d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Live is a great innovation for games, I know XBL has been around for a few years now, but it continues to shine, thats a definite plus on M$ for making games better with Live. I understand that this guy wants to see more innovation in games, but it seems as if he's looking for some kind of extreme leap forward overnight, I mean they can only make graphics/AI do so much with today's tech, and yes gameplay can always be molded and done in better ways, but thats easier said than done, so unless...

6581d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Yeah, I do agree that Sony has had alot of nasty rumours floating around, but I'm not talking about that, Im talking about the things that they have said themselve's, right from their own lips and then 6 mo. later they don't deliver. Why do you try to act as if all of Sony's negative PR is only because of false rumours, its everybody's fault except Sony, lol what about all the lies they have told themselves? You know exactly what I'm talking about, but you conveniently avoid the topic of th...

6581d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

First of all like you said I was talking about videogames, but just to broaden our scope a little I will point out something about Vista. I assume you are talking about how its been delayed for awhile. Vista is an OS, and unless someone out there has been living under a rock they know that M$ bread and butter of their company is their OS software, which has implications well beyond just videogames....and its basicly used by everyone in the WORLD (government, schools, banks, and so many othe...

6581d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

No my friend I think you are confusing exposing bad PR with Sony bashing, because speaking for myself, I can say I don't hate Sony, (and I challenge you to read any of my past posts where I hate on Sony) but what I have said many times is that I don't like Sony's marketing strategies, in fact I do hate Sony's PR....which they are repeating over again like with the Dreamcast, so in a nutshell they overpromise/lie about their launch date and features and so on, so that everyone will wait for th...

6582d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Also just to emphasize what I mean about the history of electronics products is if you look at most new electronics products you will see that its considered successful or unsuccesful after about 2 yrs on the market, (for example a new model entertainment system) unless its one of those rare products that are a overnight success like say the "ipod", but generally speaking if sales are above average after 2 yrs for any one product then its considered a success for the company....if o...

6582d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment