
CRank: 4Score: 27510

and I'll say it again: Blu-ray & HD DVD will not become mainstream for the next 3-4yrs. (OK, I realize I'm not the only one who has said it, but it sounds better when I say it) If there is a clear winner it will be decided over the next 2 yrs....then in about a year you will see that format become mainstream. Now with that said, I have a sneaky feeling that we might see some sort of compromise from both formats (dual format) or niether one will win becuase there are alot of other media...

6581d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Whats all the arguing about? This game looks good, period.

6581d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Paul's comments are right on point, I never saw a story about M$ passing a FCC test prior to the launch of the 360, why? beacause every electronics product has to pass FCC tests prior to selling it to consumers. Also HyperBear, the FCC tests are not assurance that every PS3 will not have defects or be broken out of the box....it only means that the model as designed and the actual one tested in the lab worked properly.

6581d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I just wanted to point out how fanboys can't get past the idea that the games are the most important thing and not the spec's.....also your post has the added bonus of showing us the ridiculous FANBOY LOGIC like this qoute from your post: "Next, The ps3 is more powerful as far as games is concerned. I dont need to state facts or anything else...." lol, so why do you actually go on to state your oppinion mixed with more specs as fact? Now I would like to correct my opening and say t...

6582d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

and I definitely hope this is the last we hear of this heartless idiot.

6582d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Wow, why are "GAMERS" still arguing over specs, didn't we already have this debate about a year ago? The fact is that most un-biased developers have said that while both consoles have different archetecture their performance will be very close. I think most rational people would agree that PS3 has the higher overall raw power, but that doesn't neccessarily translate to a "better" console than 360.....and vice versa. In other words both console specs are set-up different...

6582d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Wow, I was going to reply to Astaroth about how he contradicts himself over and over again in his own post, but you beat me to it. Of course we all have a little bit of bias, because we're all human and have personal preferences but, isn't it funny how fanboys on both sides have so much tunnel vision they don't even realize that they are totally biased? Your post, although long was well worth the read, I think the only thing I would disagree with slightly is the "$10-$20 extra for each...

6583d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

My bad, I don't mean to sound so harsh, but your question pissed me off because it seemed like a very insensitive question. You say you are just curious but my point was that its irrevelant, because if you think about your question; then what does it matter which game he thought was justification? I know that you are not saying that theres any game that would justify what he did, but just asking the question seems totally ridiculous especially when thats the only comment in your first post....

6583d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I don't know where you are from "kingboy" but if you nose wasn't tilted so high you would realize that you have some messed up people there too. So don't call it an American tale and then say "no diss", 'cause when you slap someone in the face and then say excuse me, you should still expect to get your @$$ kicked. kmis87 I know lil kids say things without thinking but I'll answer you question anyway: WHO CARES!!, its not important....the sad thing is a baby was killed f...

6583d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Yeah, we all have DVD players already, and I understand Nintendo likes to do their own thing, but this would have been a simple feature to have and considering how mainstream DVD's are today its just STOOOOOOOPID, not to include this functionality!

6583d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

but this is old news....oh well I guess some people missed this the first time.

6585d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Wow, Mart sounds like you are getting a lil soft spot for the PS3, are you feeling OK bro?.....nah but seriously I would agree with you, I really hope Sony doesn't totally bomb the way Dreamcast did, I think if they finish 3rd this gen. it will be what they deserve because of all there constant BS to the game fans. I'm sure they will survive and when they do, I bet the PS4 will be everything they say, which means M$ will have to stay on top of their game and both systems will be amazing!

6585d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Yeah so, there are holographic and organic discs that hold terabytes of info. in development....and they need to work out the kinks with the dual layer Blu-ray discs first, the current BD quality needs improvement.....so the mine is bigger than yours arguement is pointless. As long as dev's can make games like COD2/3, GRAW, RB6: Vegas, Mass Effect, Bioshock and GOW on DVD9, then I don't see why 200gigs is neccessary for games this generation.

6585d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Yeah so, there are holographic and organic discs that hold terabytes of info. in development....and they need to work out the kinks with the dual layer Blu-ray discs first, the current BD quality needs improvement.....so the mine is bigger than yours arguement is pointless. As long as dev's can make games like COD2/3, GRAW, RB6: Vegas, Mass Effect, Bioshock and GOW on DVD9, then I don't see why 200gigs is neccessary for games this generation.

6585d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Are you talking about how GOW on DVD9, looks much better than RFOM 22gigs on BD?....so why is BD neccessary again?

6585d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I'm glad that you keep making basicly the same irrevelant comments everytime you insist on making a case that Blu-ray is neccessary for games right now....or am I mis-understanding your post? Well if you are again saying that Blu-ray is neccessary I will ask the same question I have asked you before, which is:

Why would the developer have to change his statement at all, if in fact this game can only be made on BD?

Yes he did say its about 300MB at 40 levels to...

6585d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I'm sure Sony WILL be upgrading the servers to handle the extra traffic and downloads....but they haven't said exactly WHEN that will be. Its wierd how Sony is backing off alot of their statements so casually these days, as if no one will notice. hmm, Very Strange???

6585d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Still nothing new here that shows why Blu-ray is neccessary for videogames right now. I will say that I disagree with TheMart a little because I wouldn't go so far to say that the game has "lame" programming....I think that this is just an example of how Insomniac chose to design this game because of the amount of space BD has. So why not make it 22+ gigs?

6586d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I'm just not a big fan of Koei, I did play the first Dynasty Warriors, it just wasn't much fun for me, so I think I will pass on this game.

6588d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

It seems that you are the one trying to create a flame war, especially when you look at your post #3, and now you start a personal attack by insulting TheRealDeal, your post sounds more of a personal nature than substance. Do you even understand that you are contradicting your own post? Hey, its OK, just change your name and start over, nobody will know.

6588d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment