
CRank: 4Score: 27510

It looks as if they still have alot of work left to do if any of these games are going to make launch...WOW only Ridge Racer 7, is 100%. Given how much time some of these games have already been in development, then looking at their current completion percentage....I'm wondering which one's will be complete in a little less than 2 months?

6576d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Who wants to bet that Ken will say something dumb? If Sony knew what was good for them, they would gag Ken, tie him up, lock him in a small room somewhere, and just tell the media he's at home sick.

6576d ago 4 agree1 disagreeView comment

Bro, that has got to be the best 1 liner I have heard in awhile. I'm laughing my a$$ off typing this right now. This news between M$ and Sony is hilarious....and Sony seems to be the one with mudd all over their face.....damm, the comedy continues!

6576d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

yeah, this is definitely a good PR move by M$, of course it was a small percentage that had problems anyway....mine is fine(nice rhyme, huh?) but this is definitely good for those who had problems and most companies would never extend their warranty, especially for a complicated piece of tech, like the 360....M$ is smart this is good PR at a good time.

6576d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Damm, this is hilarious because I just responded to him on another post about him lying and saying the 360 wasn't capable of Native 1080p, he was quoting some comments from Sony, I swear when will Sonyfanboys learn that Sony has no creditability with their statements. It's funny because I was just correcting this kid "The Chef" lies, here's his statements:
So to wrap up this "BIG NEWS" from Microsoft!

NO TRUE 108...

6576d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

It's pretty sad that the best you can come up with now that the 360 is capable of 1080p is crying that M$ is copying Sony, as if they invented 1080p,(weak!) thats a nice switch since before all the Sonyfanboys said they it wasn't powerful enough. Yes, you are right it will upscale games made in 720p to 1080p when you change the resolution in 360 dash to 1080p and of course if your HDTV is capable of 1080p, games made specifically in 1080p will be NATIVE 1080p resolution, just like PS3....WOW...

6576d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

MGS4 will be a bada$$ game....its already looking great, personally it doesn't look quite as sharp as some of the trailers we saw before, but just remember that Kojima will be working on this game for at least another 9 months or so.....I sure it will be 1 of the best looking games on any console. Honestly, I like cinematic cutcenes here and there throughout the game but I would prefer if MGS4 had less cutscenes then some of its predecessors, just becuase for me personally I believe to many ...

6576d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Im not a big fan of classic RPG's but if I keep seeing stuff like this I just might be impressed enough to check this one out....who knows, maybe??? Hey, is this even going to be released stateside or is it just for Japan?...just curious.

6577d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

My personal oppinion is the same as it was the day they announced it...."Wii" sucks, its a terrible name for a console because the name only begs for bad jokes, also it plays into the already kiddy image of Nintendo....if they were truly looking to cater to a wider audience of non-gamers then they should have kept the "Revolution" name or something along those lines. I'm sure Nintendo will still do fine, but honestly when ever I tell most non-gamers what the name of Ninte...

6577d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I guess we'll have some sort of confirmation at TGS. If this is in fact true....thats great news for Sony because this game is going to be HOT...in a creepy twisted sort of way! I can't wait to get a hold of this for my 360, but its good news for all gamers.

6577d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I submitted this same story a few hours ago, but I'm assuming it wasn't approved since you submitted it first. Anyway on topic when I saw this trailer of gameplay footage, I was "shocked", nah, but seriously I knew this was going to be a hot game from E3 but this footage is awesome and the story seems to be so in depth and twisted....I like his commentary explaining the game. On a side note, I'm curious what genre would this game be classified as....FPS or more of a FPS RPG hybrid...

6577d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Hey I just saw an awesome trailer of Bioshock gameplay on 360 via IGN....straight from TGS. Damm, its about 15 min. long, it takes a little while to download....but trust me, it was one of the most immpressive gameplay footage I have seen in awhile....no BS, go check it out at IGN, well shiiii I'm going to submit it to N4G site....got to run.

6577d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I think I remember you stating that the 360 wasn't capable of 1080p a few times....I could look over some old posts again, but honestly I'll just accept your last statement about it.....either way its not a bid deal. I actually think that last post #27.1 is the most sensible valid post you have made lately, although I still disagree with parts of it. For what its worth I don't think you make things up, but I do believe that either you read/research info. and then apply your own biase to that ...

6577d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Why are you so upset Horse Piss?....Why is DJ lying? I think you mis-understood his post, he wasn't saying that he had all those problems with his 1 PS2, he was talking about some of the negative things some of PS2 owners went through with their system. Anyway he's just being honest about some of Sony's screw up's but I know he still supports Sony, which I can respect. Relax bro. Anyway DJ, good post....I hope Sony does have a better online this time....it will only keep pushing XBL. BTW...

6577d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Come on bro....are you crying about be reported as Spam/Offensive?, well nobody feels sorry for you because thats exactly what you do, not all the time, but most of the time you never make a sensible point all you do is babble disrespectful comments....there's a difference....don't cry now, hell just look at your past posts....we all may say something negative about a post, but at least most people have a point to make other than F-the 360, now you are trying to appear sort of neutral....give...

6577d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

It's like comedy watching you change your position and your reasoning.

When you thought 360 was incapable of 1080p....you said it was because it wasn't powerful enough.

Then you said it couldn't do native 1080p....but in fact it can....so you say M$ is copying Sony as if Sony created 1080p.

Also you misrepresent the facts, M$ has said that 720p is the standard they had in mind because its more realistic that most gamers will have this Hi def ca...

6577d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Jin (pay attention DJ)....yes it will upscale games made in 720p to 1080p when you change the resolution in 360 dash to 1080p and of course if your HDTV is capable of 1080p, games made specifically in 1080p will be native 1080p resolution, just like PS3, which we still won't see many 1080p games for awhile....Damm I can't stop laughing at Sonyfanboys excuses, they can't accept that 360 is capable of 1080p....they made it an issue, and now they are the one's caught with their foot in their mou...

6577d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

When your names claims to enforce truthfulness and your statements like: "360 isn't cabable of 1080p and fact is no matter how you twist it" are totaly wrong, as many Sonyfanboys have been, then it shows you are either biased, uniformed, or UNTRUTHFUL....which means you don't have any creditability at all, but don't take my word for it, read an become informed, and then maybe even truthful.

I have never said 1 system sucks and blindly praised another, but I've been bashed many times for saying don't underestimate 360 so it's funny that some "Big" news for 360 is released and instead of Sonyfanboys actually waking up and admitting that they were wrong about 360 not being powerful enough to do 1080p, they still won't, but again 360 fans are not saying its important now; all it means is that Sonyfanboys were wrong, and now its a stooopid argument that they can't use anymo...

6577d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

He's probably too young to even have ever played Contra. How can any true gamer vote lame on this post.....its just stoooopid jealousy. M$ continues to deliver for the consumers, especially older gamers like me who remember playing classic titles like Contra when I was a kid and everybody loved Contra....kingboy is just a pathetic lil kid who votes lame on most 360 posts but never has an explanation why its lame and if he does comment, its nothing more than trash talk because lil kids have ...

6577d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment