
CRank: 4Score: 27510

Did you guys read post #13.2 post.....According to the "Official TGS Booklet" this game is the only one that is 100% complete....hold on let me say that again, its the only one that is 100% complete, so for all those that are trying to blame this on unfinished/bad software code, well maybe you could have used that excuse for any other game, but ironicly this is the "only" game thats 100% complete and it's the ONE that overheated. lol--Seriously though yeah, 1080p is defini...

6574d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

WOW....you really are slow.....just because you live in America doesn't mean you can't be anti-American. OK, I'll try to speak slooooowlyyyyyy for you this time....anti-American is a thought process, its a feeling, its a way of thinking that goes against American values, like free speech, and so many other freedoms that we as Americans enjoy, and in this case "Capitalism" which is what American business is known for and yes there are some Americans who hate their own country for th...

6574d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Your obvious hatred for M$ is clear, but why hate M$ because they are successful....thats just plain anti-American. All large company's make business ventures in many different markets....including Sony, they make all kinds of computer hardware, music players, they own music labels, and movie studios....its called business, so why hate M$ for being an aggressive business....its good for consumers, since we benefit from their products.....if you don't like them don't buy them, oh wait I'm sor...

6574d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

Right or Wrong, just say whatever sounds good.....its Ken's motto.

6574d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

This news article doesn't make alot of sense:

"Reports are now radiating from Tokyo that this American corporation will soon be opening its doors to Asian developers."-----No, M$ has always had the door open for Asian developers, its taken awhile for Asian developers to finally start supporting M$ a little. M$ has been trying to secure Japanese dev's support since the Xbox, with little or no luck, and now a few of them have actually decided to support the 360. Companies ...

6574d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I appreciate the compliment about my Japanese; "Domo arrigato gozaimasu", yeah, I've spent alot of time in Japan. I guess we will have to agree to disagree, because even though you are standing by you comments, I still think its crazy for the same reasons I said previously....but thats your opinion so you're entitled to it.

6575d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Nice try DJ, but still contradicting yourself...lets see....

DJ's quote from #24.1:
"All I said in that sentence is that it's more powerful and feature-packed (1080p is a feature). Considering that the 360 requires an online update to get this feature (and isn't included in the firmware to begin with) my statement is valid since I referred to the consoles themselves and not updates or add-ons."-----Thats about the most absurd thing I ever heard, you say I read ...

6575d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

First of all, I'm not defending Mart, but I don't think he ever said "Oh 1080p sucks anyway", theres a "Big" difference between saying its not important for the majority of gamers and saying it sucks. I'm sorry kid but you don't seem sure about anything, I've seen your posts over the last few weeks and you change your mind about everything. I try to ignore, posts when its obvious that its just a lil kid that wants to share his opinion....thats cool, but when you make bold...

6575d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

OK, I'll give some counter points......

1.A "choice" by definition means that you have options to choose from, which means when M$ says they will release, an HDMI cable adapter for the 360 when needed; just for those few who need or want it (1080p HDTV owners) at all can buy it. Again thats an option, which is and, I'll say it slowy for you this time is called a "CHOICE".

2.I personally can't tell the difference but most of the suppose experts who hav...

6575d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

So the whole point of your long post is that: If 360 fans are happy and enjoying their 360, why are they here?, instead of just playing their 360?
WOW! what a ridiculous theory. So I guess when the PS3 is launched, we won't see any Sonyfanboys on the internet. Sonyfanboys will no longer watch TV, no news, no football, nothing....only PS3 for next 5 yrs.
Sonyfanboys won't go to work anymore, and will stop eating and sleeping too.....WOW! the PS3 is going to make all t...

6575d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

OK, forgive me but I'm going to try to say something rational to Sonyfanboys......the whole point here is that a price drop was the last thing Sony needed, especially in Japan. Damm, you guys are just not getting what the analyst is talking about:

1. Japan is PS3 home territory; the PS3 would have sold out at the original price no matter what price it was, no question!

2.#16 Sony will easily outsell the 360 in Japan, have you seen 360 sales #'s lately...with som...

6575d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Pay attention Sonyfanboys so one day you will stop repeating your mistakes.

These are exact quotes from the "1080p Support for Xbox360 Unveiled" news article about a day or two ago:

My statement to DJ:
"When you thought 360 was incapable of 1080p....you said it was because it wasn't powerful enough."

DJ's reply from his post:
"I never said that it wasn't possible."

Reply from my next post:

6575d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

M$ was the first to launch with a HDD included at the time, and the tech in the original Xbox was expensive for that specific time, but M$ knew that if they sold the original Xbox for what it cost to make, most consumers would not pay that much money for a console, Neo Geo is good example, therefore M$ took the strategy of selling at a lost and trying to make a profit over the life cycle of the console, which didn't happen....but it did establish them a solid 2nd place in the business. Now i...

6576d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Damm, Sony can't win for losing!....kingboy, I think you are missing the point of what the financial expert is saying. He's saying that Sony is already losing a substantial amount on PS3, and by cutting the price so early (its not even launched yet) they will lose even more money. Of course most consoles always start out losing money, but over the life cycle they make it back through games sales/royalties and eventually hardware sales as production/manufacturing process becomes cheaper and ...

6576d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

What's going over there at Circuit City?....this type of stuff is bad for business, funny though.

6576d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Yeah the videos look pretty good, but haven't we already seen this trailer from RFOM and Heavenly Sword?...shouldn't they be showing brand new gameplay footage for two major launch titles? Its just day one, so I'll just have to wait and see....but you and me both know they could have had a better start than this. BTW, I'm skeptical that they are now going to have HDMI in both PS3 models now, I read they already started manufacturing, but I suppose if they haven't started manufacturing the l...

6576d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

See what did I say?...I told you Ken would say something dumb,(wow, I'm a genius) or more importantly I should of said its what he didn't say. Why in the hell do you start a "keynote" speech, with boring spec's and pie in the sky fairy tales. Come on, Ken.....at least Phil would have realized halfway through his speech, to start talking about what PS3 features will offer today....talk about online capabilities....offer some actual gameplay of a launch exclusive, pick some one to c...

6576d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

So in other words we should not believe a source from the PS3 IGN news who was stating facts from the "Official TGS Booklet" but instead we should "add about 20% to all of them", just because you "don't believe" its accurate, but provide no evidence with to back up your ridiculous assumption. You must think we're "ALL" Sonyfanboys, huh?

6576d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Don't avoid the obvious question implicated in this article, which is why would you make the "grand prize" your competitors product instead of giving away your own product that is directly competing with it....in other words M$ doesn't compete with Sony's music label.

6576d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

What an idiot....tell me that's a photoshop pic, and this guy isn't stooooopid enough to get a videogame name tattooed on his back!

6576d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment