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" is definitely a darker, harder game." that just sounds inappropriate already.

5372d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Bioshock looks like the winner.

5376d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

I think the D3 support was just a cheap solution so that we wouldn't have to buy more attachments than necessary. They are still just dipping there toes into the water. I mean some of the concepts for the other games were dual wand action, which was cool as well. Next year Sony will be taking the plunge and than we'll see how well the new control swims.

5376d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Its good fun reading from long standing 'critics' of Sony as they struggle to say good things about Uncharted 2 or just seeing them desperately trying to find anything bad to say about the game.

5376d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

I mean the PS3 Slim pretty much busted down the doors and created a huge leap i momentum for the brand, while Uncharted 2 is being haled as one of the best games of this generation and one the biggest game this year (Modern Warfare 2) will come to both consoles.

I'll be more interested in how they'll play out their bash/smash game next year. With Natal and Halo: Reach coming out toward the end of the year, yet the Wand and God of War III will be coming out at the beginning.

5377d ago 5 agree0 disagreeView comment

There is a terms of agreement shown before updating your systems Firmware, it has a passage talking specifically about the chance of your system malfunctioning because of installing the update.

5377d ago 5 agree1 disagreeView comment

Already unsatisfied with her CAPCOM? Damn, what a jerk.

5380d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

Didn't Shadow Complex want to be Metroid/Contra?

There just inspirations of gameplay but not settling molds of what the final game will be shaped to be. Same as God of War and Dante's Inferno, you have something that works and you copy it to add your twist to it (or remix it).

Let us not make the mistake of remembering Half-Life without remembering Doom. Roots are what developer's will always cling too, as a grounded game is more stable than one that is shot through ...

5380d ago 5 agree1 disagreeView comment

I love the responses under the post, the first one is particularly intelligent and well thought out.

To add, Graphics help a game, they provide a level of immersion. As before characters facial expression could not be well communicated or communication was left up to body language. With new graphics we have seen artist/animators allowed a new level of creation to express their work. To simply dismiss better graphics as only eye candy is just rude to the people busting their ball...

5381d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

People like to brag about how their horse is in the lead, in which case their console is symbolic of a ticket, genuinely the ticket won't win them millions of dollars but would grant them access to more games. As people tend to support the winner more than the loser, and some "people" desperately crave a winner/loser scenario.

5429d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

She's probably into Mario.

5432d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

SEGA aspirations to create and own long standing franchises is very refreshing.

@gaffyh : Yeah it was posted before.

5432d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Sales matter to companies who want their games to sell and developers who want their games to be appreciated. The only reason a fan would care about sales is just to see where the franchise they love is going (Up or Down).

Soda Popinsky@ I wonder if they spent their time making one really great game instead of 3 okay ones, maybe they would be in a different position. Medicore games seem to be killing developers off one by one in this bad economy. I wonder if more developers will...

5432d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

@JoySticksFTW Heroes for Hire - Iron Fist (Daniel Rand) and Power Man (Luke Cage)

Luke's catch phrase was Sweet Christmas, while his parthner was obviously Iron Fist which is also a Trophy in the 1st Uncharted (as Axecution pointed out).

The Icing on the Cake for some would be that they're both playable characters in the next Marvel Ultimate Alliance game. I'm not a fan of Marvel: Civil War but my friend's are so they will be getting the game, I'll be spending my mo...

5432d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

This video was a pleasant surprise and so was the Comic-Con one. I wish they did God of Games III, that would be great to me.

5432d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Blizzard isn't really known for their high-end graphics. They are known for creating great games that are fun to play and accessible to a large range of different computers so that many gamer audiences are able to enjoy them.

5433d ago 8 agree1 disagreeView comment

No machine can run without running to a glitch here or there at some point, you just have to hope for the best, especially with a massive server data base like XBLA.

I wonder how problems like this will affect Digital Downloads when they do hit mainstream audiences, I mean these problems don't exactly give the best impression as of right now.

5434d ago 3 agree2 disagreeView comment

No iShotty?

5434d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I'm sure Valve gets a cut of the profits made for the DLC sold, along with MS, so both parties share wealth in this sale. PC gamers got it made, free DLC and fun Mod's made by loyal fans.

5434d ago 9 agree0 disagreeView comment

It doesn't help that many Developer's are running scared from the Modern Warfare 2 release date, which will allow Activision to easily claim the sales that other publishers aren't willing to fight for.

5434d ago 7 agree6 disagreeView comment