
CRank: 5Score: 16250

Only major gripe I have with that list is no mention of FF6.

My top 3 in no particular order:
- FF6
- FF7
- FF9

Second tier soundtracks:
- FF8
- FF10

Followed by 5, 12 and 13. Havent played FF15 yet....

2749d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

True. Thanks for reminding me. I fixed my comment.
Titanfall 2 sales are lackluster on all platforms. Even on PS4 (although that's were the biggest numbers are). But the game itself is exceptional! Oh man, I've lost so much of my real-life health-bar for not sleeping enough because of this game. :D (clean office job and 2 years old son don't really leave much free time for games...other than nights of course).

2750d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Multiple obvious reasons for this:
- Battlefield 1: Amazing game with healthy sales
- Titanfall 2: Equally amazing game although not that good sales numbers. However this game certainly lured many COD players that were disappointed to IW (similar movement mechanics etc.)
- MW remastered is splitting the fan base for sure - especially on PC.
- Black ops 3: many people are still playing this game and BO3 is generally considered superior multiplayer game compa...

2750d ago 8 agree1 disagreeView comment

Diablo 2 was really addicting indeed. Here's my list:
- Civilization 2
- Diablo 2
- Heroes of Might and Magic 3
- Timesplitters 2
- Rocket league
- Black ops 1,2,3 + MW1 and 2.
- Mass Effect 2

2750d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Great score! Too many amazing games to play but TLG is truly something unique and stands out from the pack.

2754d ago 12 agree1 disagreeView comment

U remember when Crash first came out? Back in the days it was graphically one of the most impressive games out there. Not the same case with this one. I would have loved a bit more details personally. But i love the fact they didn't mess the gameplay. If this sells fine then there surely will be a new Crash came but I'm not too hyped about that one because of Activision...

2754d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

Me too! But...

I'm an old school crash fan. I've owned every game in the series. Here's my take on this: This remake seems to be respecting the originals which is amazing news. The gameplay looks identical which is good. But the visual presentation, and don't get me wrong, while being an enormous step up from PS one era, the visuals still dont't really match today's standards in my opinion. ND would't have settled with those visuals. I mean cmon ...

2754d ago 4 agree5 disagreeView comment

Got em all. 4k TV is no way useless without pro. Netflix in 4k and HDR/dolby vision is amazing. Between PSVR and Pro I would have to choose VR. Although i've spent more time on Pro already. VR sessions are rare for me but those are amazing experiences. I'm just a bit lazy with plugging the cables. Especially now that I cannot run Pro hdmi through vr breakout box when gaming on pro. Expensive time to be a gamer: 2500€ on tv, 500€ on psvr+camera, 200€ on pro (ps4 trade-in).

2771d ago 8 agree1 disagreeView comment

Kara's back! YESSS!!!!! That game looks so promising that I'm out of words!

3159d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

@aquaticDonut: lol what are you talking about, didn't you get the memo?
Greatest movie: Empire strikes Shawshank
Greatest song ever: Bohemian Thriller
Greatest painting: Mona Scream
Greatest video game: Last of Fantasy IX

3184d ago 0 agree5 disagreeView comment

Normally I don't mind other people's list and opinions but this EDGE guy.....the list has pure WRONG all over it.

No Grim Fandago
No Deus Ex
No Diablo
No Time Splitters 2
No Heavy Rain
No Alan Wake

Driveclub but no Gran Turismos
Final Fantasy XII over VI, VII or IX
MGS5 over 1,3 or 4

Tetris? That really stands out even by today's standards?

Too many Souls ga...

3187d ago 13 agree5 disagreeView comment

Are YOU drunk? ;)

3187d ago 5 agree1 disagreeView comment

Score = original music composed for the film/game (e.g. Final fantasys, skyrim, etc).
Soundtrack = collection of songs that appear in a film/game. Some songs might be original and others migh not (e.g. GTA franchise, Nhl, etc.)

Just wanted to point that out.

My favourite score has got to be in FFIX or FFVI. I also love metal gear solid and last of us scores (fits perfectly). Skyrim score is the most epic one. GTA Vice City soundtrack is pure gold. <...

3192d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Funny how opinions can differ. IMO Final Fantasy scores are the best ones but the quality has been declining from FFX onwards. FFVI, FFVII, FFVIII and FFIX are amazing. FFX is also pretty good.

3192d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

MGS is such a money-making-machine that they'll surely try to continue where Kojima-san left off. However they'll have a hard time maintaining the old Kojima quality.

They could also try to remake the classics (e.g. Metal Gear Solid) - I guess Konami owns the rights to do this?

3208d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

Some might argue that if it's an "essential game", it's pretty much a masterpiece.

I hear your gripe about women being objectified. It's totally valid. But this matter alone doesn't hinder the game's greatness (purely subjective - obviously).

3208d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

Simple answer: WITHOUT A DOUBT!!!

3208d ago 9 agree4 disagreeView comment

Nice read. Completly agree with the author about every point he made (that's probably why it was a nice read).

3219d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Mgs1: Psycho Mantis
Mgs2: Opening scene
Mgs3: The End and The Boss fights
Mgs4: Ending scene

3220d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Yep, Bethesda is the last team in the world that should even think about this. Their games are buggy as hell even with the current development cycles.

3226d ago 3 agree2 disagreeView comment