
CRank: 5Score: 16250

Buy gioteck real triggers for your Dualshock3. They really do work, trust me. I purchased those and never looked back. No more accidential R2/L2 pressing as you put the controller down. And they are concave so no more slippery triggers.

5144d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

At least based on his anti-Ps3 comments.

5144d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

Trailers looked so promising. But this actually looks like GTA4 in western setting. To me GTA4 wasn't the game i hoped it would be. That's why I really need to reconsider buying this game. Renting is not an option as I live in a country where there's no game rental stores. Well maybe in Helsinki there is but at least not in my home town.

And please, don't spam me with comments like "play the game first and pass your judgement after that!". I'm no...

5147d ago 0 agree4 disagreeView comment

Don't hate the blogger. He clearly isn't too young like some of you stated (the lamest argument there is - unfortunately it's used all the time here in n4g).

Secondly: Of course he hasn't played the game! This blog post is just mere speculation. That's what most blog post about gaming are all about.

And actually I have also got little concerns whether ID is going to deliver this time or not. The game has been long in development and I'...

5147d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

that the game (FFXII) stands on it's own pretty well. It's a good game but it just doesn't feel Final Fantasy. And that's why I don't like it that much - see, I'm a huge Final Fantasy fan but I'm not that big RPG/JRPG fan. So you could say I'm really a casual rpg-player as I only love Final Fantasy-games (and Chrono Trigger). So maybe FFXII please fans of the genre in general more than just FF -fans.

5149d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

...I just simply didn't like it that much. Just a matter of opinion. I love olives but I hate mushrooms, some do vice versa.

But for me FFXII just lacked that classic Final Fantasy -feeling (FF9 has the strongest presence of that feeling imo). It had boring characters and not-that-epic musical score.

5149d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I had such high expectations towards FFXII but I felt really underwhelmed when I finally got to play the game. Even Metacritic gives FFXII 92 points - that's a perfect example that you shouldn't always trust the reviews, you really need to judge yourself. Same goes for GTA4 imo (Metascore is way too high).

I just ordered FFXIII from Amazon so soon I will be able to see if I'm dissapointed like I was with FFXII or pleasantly surprised (I have only fairly high expe...

5149d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

...but yeah, that's one possibility. Altought one cannot play AW on Pc ;).

5150d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

It's the most popular daily tabloid magazine here in Finland so the credibility of this review really suffers. I don't think this reviewer is that experienced gaming journalist. Besides, it's a Finnish game and a Finnish magazine - you see where I'm going? We Finns are really proud of everything we make, same goes for mobile phones, heavy metal music and video games.

I'm not saying that this game doesn't deserve this score (haven't played the game)...

5151d ago 6 agree8 disagreeView comment

"We unfortunately don’t have anything to communicate concerning Natal other than it looks like a very cool piece of technology". This sounds pretty clear to me. How can one make any assumptions based on that statement?

Alan Wake is NOT going to use Natal. I'm 100% sure about this. Yeah, I know it's nice to speculate but c'mon people. There's nothing unclear about this one. This game company from Finland is surely going to stick with normal control method...and I'm happy...

5473d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

Don't take me wrong. This MP3 by rock* looks great but it doesn't look like Max Payne! Where is the noir style!? Game setting is Brazil, come on. There's not that same old Max Payne vibe going on any more... I could be wrong but at this point I am really dissapointed. Well...what can you expect: It's not made by the series original developer.

5485d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Mr. Bungle FTW!!! gonna see Faith No More twice this summer :D:D:D

5504d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

It's not ironic at all. Whining about whining? Sure, if you wanna look it on that way but that really happens in every single comment section. Here's a example: If someone whines..let's say about inFamous's graphics and someone else asks that someone to stop whining and says that the graphics are fine (makes a counterstatement), you think that's ironic??? What a wierd interpretation on irony. m0sand made just a statement that tries to stop the whining (just like mine before).

5504d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Yeah we don't get playable FFXIII demo but so what? It's Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children Complete on Bluray and that's enough for me (as I haven't bought ac on dvd but waited for bluray). I really didn't even think we would get a playable demo of FFXIII so I'm not dissapointed at all. It's a great movie, high definition and is packed with extra featurettes! And you guys still complain.

5505d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

Takes me back to good old days. I just loved (and I still love) those over 2min long summon/limit attacks. It's a shame summons were pretty much useless in FFXII. In FFVII, VIII and IX summons were vital tools of survival (well sure you managed without them but it just wasn't as fun...).

5507d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Wow, thanks for the info! Didn't know that one (how the hell is missed it???). I'm really looking forward to this game now as the graphics seem to be drastically improved.

you deserve a bubble for clearing this thing to me :)

5511d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

There's no confirmation yet whether this is in-game pic or from a cut-scene. So hold your horses and wait for new information..

5512d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

and you make it sound that I am. Am not actually. Just wanted to control the hype a little bit as some people already touted Mafia 2's graphics to be pure awesomeness. IMO Mafia 2 looks just a little bit better than average this gen game. At least at this point of development. But I'm sure this game will be great, no matter if the graphics are "just" good.

5538d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

...this doesn't look as good as I expected. Have you seen the screenshots they have published? They look stunning but this video looks just something between good and great. Sure, the video isn't the best quality so that can explain something. Anyways, here's some screens so you can judge yourself:


5538d ago 3 agree3 disagreeView comment

...Trine is coming also to PC. But it's not coming to XBL and I think that's what pretty much matters for most people. So Trine is PSN console exclusive.

5553d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment