
CRank: 5Score: 16290

Not a fan of mobile games but dammit, that Clash of Clans commercial is one of the best ones out there!

1321d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Other important point that people need to be aware of: 3d audio technology is no way exclusive to Pulse 3D headset. It works JUST AS FINE on any stereo headset out there. I was astounded by the amount of hype around this headset. People where pre-ordering Pulse 3Ds like crazy because it apparently they though it will provide them the "optimized experience" for 3D audio... Sony marketing folks really hit home run with this one.

1321d ago 6 agree1 disagreeView comment

Overwatch 1 has been tremendous value for around 40€ for me. I've spent more quality time with that game than with any other last gen game. I'm happy to pay full price of the sequel.

1325d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

Well I also want them to polish the games but I was honestly expecting Holidays 2021 launch for OW2. Diablo was kinda expected imo.

1325d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment


1325d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

@luckytrouble if the game was that bad then why did you "play it beyond the necessary point of completion" then?

Funnily enough, I picked up Switch few weeks ago and started Zelda BOTW (my very first Zelda game at the age of 35) last night. I can immediately tell that the game is going to be amazing and super engaging. I was planning just to have a quick test drive but ended up playing for 3+ hours. Normally I don't like open world games. I used to but now I&...

1356d ago 5 agree2 disagreeView comment

That's classical foxtrot. Dude is full of passive aggressiveness with his black-and-white opinions. If you disagree with him your comment is a "joke". His maturity level never seize to amaze me.

TLOU2 is more than deserving to win GOTY. There is a lot going for it. Sure feel free to disagree but it should be pretty obvious why many won't. Your argument for "best storytelling" is "No". I disagree as I cannot think of any other game that...

1397d ago 10 agree3 disagreeView comment

Call me crazy but I don't understand what's the problem here. Extra weapon XP? So what? You can unlock cosmetics faster. Two extra loadouts? Does this really give any competitive edge? Sure if gives nice quality of life addition but hardly makes a difference between winning or losing. There are nevertheless multiple loadout slots for all players. And for competitive purpose only few loadouts are really needed. There is literally nothing unfair about these PlayStation related benefits....

1413d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

Tempest 3D audio will be one of the biggest enhancements out there! The best thing: It works with all headphones. There's a lot of hype around new Pulse 3D headset but there is literally no reason whatsoever to get these if you already have a decent headset. Tempest 3D audio will work just as well on other headsets. :)

1417d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

You don't need to do that. Metacritic already uses weighted average in their metascore (well-known and recognized reviewers have more weight). Sure you could try to filter the extremes out but in that case wouldn't you also need to take the 10s out of the equation as well? Imo metascore is the best indication out there as it is. Of course all of us sometimes disagree with metascore as we have our own individual preferences.

1420d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

They didn't define "active" but most likely it goes exactly as you wrote (that's how most companies define this). So yes it's not a prefect way to measure things but at least it's something and gives an indication. Blizzard does these frequent challenges in OW that they provide new cosmetics for free if a player wins 9 matches. I'm sure a lot of people only log in to complete these challenges. But even that means that these people still care about OW cosmetics af...

1422d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

We can diss Activision/Blizzard all we want but: Overwatch having 10 million monthly active users still after over 4 years of launch and after 12months of complete content hiatus is absolutely huge! I had no idea this game was still this popular. Imagine if OW2 P2P side goes free-to-play. It would be a massive success no doubt.

1423d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Certainly okay to delay a bit for "extra POLISH" (CDPR being a Polish company and all, you know) ;)

1423d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

Tbh, these games are not my cup of tea. Won't bother downloading. What a disappointing month for me personally but I'm glad there seems to be many people who will get some enjoyment out of these.

1452d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Imo the new face looks better. Sure it looks a bit too young but it shares a lot of similarities with MCU Peter, and that is a GOOD thing (why wouldn't it be)? It's better for both medias: Game Spidey and movie Spidey feel now more like the same character.
Also one important point: Easily the biggest graphical downfalls of PS4 Spiderman is the way faces look like. There is this uncanny valley feeling all the time, especially when looking at aunt May and Peter Parker. I actual...

1452d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

@Ratty: My reasoning on Bluepoint is that Sony might help them to grow and take the next step. Them being a fully first party studio with total freedom and bigger budget from Sony might lead into great things. I feel that their talent is a bit wasted in creating remakes but that might just be me. I want new games and new IPs. I hate this remake-boom. I ties way too much resources, limits the creativity and ultimately recycles old ideas and prevents us gamers from getting more new fresh experi...

1458d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

It's still brilliant though. Perfect game doesn't exist. :)
I just hope we get a PlayStation release.

1459d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

FromSoftware is also quite niche company. Sure Bloodborne sold extremely well (i don't know final number...something like 2-3M units i suppose?) but still the games are targeted to very specific type of gamers. And PlayStation gets these games anyways. FromSoftware would certainly not be in my top5 list of developers that Sony should acquire.

My top3 would probably be:

1. Remedy: a top developer but still not a HUGE studio, quite big nevertheless. Non...

1459d ago 0 agree3 disagreeView comment

Sometimes I don't understand this site with all the disagrees. I know N4G traditionally hates everything CoD (I was also in that same train for a long time) but let's be real: This DOES look great! It FINALLY seems like we are getting an obvious graphical jump for Call of Duty. And Treyarch sure knows how to put a trailer together.

1473d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

@RazzerRedux : I can't even...wtf is happening here? If we are talking about games that "Defined the generation" then yes, we absolutely are talking objectively. This is not about "Games I loved the most this gen". Totally different things. Generation defining is something of what PEOPLE (as in masse) remember this gen from. This post was not about "these games defined the generation for RazzerRedux".

1482d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment