
CRank: 5Score: 5140

PS360WII -

The 360 sold better in its first year than both the PS2 and Xbox. It's more expensive than both of those systems, yet it still sold more. It was launched during a period where the anticipation of two other console launches, including the 'king of consoles', was at an all time high, yet it still sold well. It continued to sell will during the actual launches of the other two consoles. In no way can you possibly spin that as bad and have an ounce of credibility.

6350d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

While Sony has done some really crappy things, this isn't one of them. Guarding your IP is not only OK, but it's advised. Additionally, Sony is getting its ass kicked on almost all fronts. They need to do whatever they can at this point, and retaining popular IP is a start. ZootFly should have known this would happen and taken the propper steps.

6351d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I could be wrong, though, but this is a way to increase Crackdown sales so I would think they would make getting the code from renting not possible.

6351d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

..Sony got busted for creating a fake movie critic that gave all of Sony Pictures movies top scores. Of course, Sony responded by saying that a Sony exec did it all on his own, who they subsequently fired. Quite obvious, though, that he was just the sacrificial lamb and Sony just got busted lying, again.

Like the time they claimed pre-rendered CGI was actual gameplay. Or the emotion engine. Or that 1080p on the 360 was upscaled, not native. Or that 'true HD' doesn't start until the...

6351d ago 5 agree0 disagreeView comment

Leave it to the fanboy rumor mongors.


Microsoft doesn't own Bioware. MS has, however, bought exclusive rights to certain Bioware franchises, like Jade Empire and Mass Effect.

6351d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

DJ -

The PS3 isn't selling better than the 360. During the same launch period before the 1st of the year, the 360 sold 1.5 million worldwide while the PS3 sold 1.1 million worldwide. The NPD numbers for U.S. only put the PS3 sales during this same time at about 80,000 more than the 360. However, Sony ignored Europe. You have to account for worldwide numbers when you look at total market share, not specifically one region. Additionally, PS3s began sitting on store shelves collec...

6352d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

up in the air. Sure. It looks the worst for Sony at this point, but they can still get it together. One thing is for sure, though. There is absolutely no way the PS3 will do even remotely as good as the PS2, let alone surpass it. The only way the analyst's prediction could come true is that the PS3 would have to crush the sales of the PS2. Sorry, not this time. Not at that price. Not with this competition. Not with Sony's lack of funds. Not with Sony's reputation falling rapidly.


6352d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

that that particular game will never be on anything but the 360 and Windows. End of story. The PS3 will never see Gears, Crackdown, Alan Wake, Mass Effect, etc. because MS has secured exclusive rights to these games in exchange for massive funding. It will have to be another Bioware game, like Fallout 3. Sony fans should just be thankful that such a great developer is actually interested in making games for the PS3 considering how bad it's doing compared to what was expected of it.

6352d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I guess that just means that developers can make better games on the 360 than on the PS3.

Whether it's due to porting or the 360 just being a console better suited for gaming, the end result is the same. Multiplatform games are better on the 360.

6352d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Exclusive titles would almost always go to the top of the 'most-wanted' list because developers of exclusive titles are focusing only on one piece of hardware and can therefore, in theory, suck more juice out of the system. The PS3 just doesn't have that many exclusives, as compared to the 360, hence the amount of multiplatform titles on the PS3 list. Sad part for PS3 owners is that the multiplatform titles are being developed for the 360 and then ported to the PS3.

6352d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

....how many multiplatform games there are and will be? In fact, most games are multiplatform. It's plainly obvious that these multiplatform games will be developed for the 360 and then ported to the PS3. Let's, just for a second, buy into your fanboy logic, and it's not that the 360 is a better console, it's that the PS3 is receiving ports that explains why the 360 versions are better. Who cares? The point is that the 360 versions are better and will continue to be better, for whatever reaso...

6352d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

People need to start actually buying the PS3 for it to surpass anything in sales. Explain to me the piles of unwanted PS3s at any store you go to.

6352d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Guitar Hero 2 has already been announced for other consoles.

She quoted the U.S. launch numbers for the consoles, but left out the rest of the world. Worldwide, the 360 sold 1.5 million, the PS3 sold 1.1 million, and the Wii sold over 3 million.

As for her predictions, she left out facts like game attach rates for the consoles, number of games in development for each console, and the fact that PS3s are sitting on store shelves, collecting dust a mere couple weeks...

6353d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

The 360 already has Viva Pinata and several arcade titles. The PC will be getting Spore and has tons of arcade titles. The Wii will definately have its share. They may be far and few between, but they're out there and more are coming.

The flaw in this guy's argument is that he's putting too much emphasis on the collapse of the Playstation brand. The same people that bought 'artistic' games are still out there. Even though people are shying away from the Sony brand's newest entr...

6354d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Let alone debugging and optimizing. There could still be months and months of work left. Additionally, MS wants this game as polished as possible. Still, good news though.

6354d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

...as an RPG by many gaming sites. If it has SP legs anywhere close to Oblivion, then I'm fine without a MP. I'm even fine without MP for Dead Rising, although co-op would have been sweet. However, if Bioshock is a 10-15 hour long SP only game, then it may end up being a rental. My vibe is that it's going to be a great SP game, though.

6354d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

then he better make it for the 360 and possibly the PC. With the PS3 doing so horribly, it could be years until there's enough owners to start making large budget PS3 games profitable. This is why he even mentions the 360 and PC in the first place. He probably wouldn't say anything at all if the PS3 wasn't such a disaster. All companies need to make money.

6354d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment


6354d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

...like bright colors.

6354d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

From the day of launch in 2005 until Dec 31st, 2005, the 360 sold 1.5 million consoles worldwide.


I can find no reports anywhere that say the PS3 sold more than 1 million units during the same period in 2006. Sony announced at the end of Dec, that it had SHIPPED 1 million to the U.S., which doesn't mean SOLD. Additionally, they SOLD 466,716 units in Japan.