
CRank: 5Score: 5140

....unlike many forum goers, you seem to have legit reasons to back up your purchase, instead of blind brand loyalty. While I may not agree with all of them (especially the PS3 replacing a PC part), I can see where you're coming from. My personal complaints about Sony and the PS3, are not that the PS3 is not a quality machine, it's more that it didn't live up to Sony's unending, absurd hype. What could, really?

Personally, I don't think a PS3 will ever be as functional as a PC,...

6395d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

This is the same hype as before the NA launch and look what happened there. This is the same hype as before the Japan launch and look what happened there. What makes Europe any different?

Virtual Gamer: What you fail to mention is that during the first 4 months of the 360 sales, MS was also shipping to Europe. The US sales during this time were limited by stock, as MS couldn't ship enough consoles to all regions. Therefore, the 360 was sold out in the US until March. The PS3 wa...

6395d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

....those who wouldn't realize that its a 5 year old console with a 10 year old control system added to it and retails for the price of a 'new' console. Once the 'newness' of the Wii-mote wears off, sales will drop as the Wii really doesn't offer anything else besides nostalgic games and the largest contingent of kiddie games. Nintendo will retain its niche market, but at $250 the Wii is a rip-off, IMO. If it were $129, I'd be all for it, as old tech with a twist is worth that (but then it is...

6395d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

First, I applaud Sony for doing something for the PS3 not related to bluray. However, it's still just a concept. In no way is it the 'envy of the industry'. It hasn't been implemented, tested, or even remotely finished yet. It's coming from a company that is the king of promising things that never come true. MS would be foolish to copy anything from the Home concept at this point. Every gamer I talk to and play with (which admittedly is a very small sliver of the actual gaming comunity) has a...

6395d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

...is from their competitor. Yeah right. Like when Sony said 1080p wasn't native for the 360. Nintendo should have taken a lesson from Sony about running your mouth as its just going to come back to get them. Take Sony, the negative consumer reaction to the PS3 is not because the PS3 isn't any good (actually it's a fine machine), it's because it didn't live up to all the absurd claims Sony made. Now Nintendo is talking all kinds of smack about its competitors. This, of course, is going to mak...

6395d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Bioshock isn't even listed, yet it has the potential to be a top three game of the year. Also, Too Human and Fable 2 both have a chance to really impress as well. By far, the 360 has the best line up of 2007. However, the sequels to many of these games, like for Mass Effect, whatever Halo thing they do besides Halo Wars, Forza 2, etc. won't be out in 2008. Many of the announced top notch 2008 360 games, like Assassins Creed, Unreal Tournament, Indian Jones, etc. are cross platform and many of...

6398d ago 6 agree0 disagreeView comment

The current premium version at 299 is a steal and is really all the average gamer needs. My one big complaint at the 360's launch was not including a HDD standard. Big mistake on MS's part, but it seems that most people that have purchased a Core have gone ahead and bought a HDD (judging by 360 HDD sales). If this new 360 version and its features are true, pricing it below the PS3 retains a big selling point for the 360.

Oh, and HIGHPS3v2, MS isn't concerned in the least about ...

6401d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

MS offers the first 'get free stuff for gamerscore points' contest which costs nothing to enter, it has a rocky start and was confusing, and therefore you are going to switch to the PS3 because what, you didn't get all the free stuff you think you deserve? So exactly how were you ripped off again?

6405d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

...assuming you had just a sliver, you completely lost it when you said Ridge Racer outdoes PGR. That's got to be the most laughably, assinine fanboy spew I've seen on these forums. That's saying quite a lot. You have an argument with GT, but Ridge Racer!?!? Wow. Also, Burnout isn't in the same category as Forza, GT, or PGR. It's in the category of NFS.

It's also obvious you haven't given Mass Effect a chance due to fanboy blindness. Go to any gaming site. They have all been gu...

6405d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

....and I can't for the life of me find them. So close, yet so far.

6406d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

...but Sony is the king of broken promises. IF, and it's a big IF, Sony actually does what it claims, this could be really great. While it's nothing new (almost completely borrowed actually), it looks to take a bunch of good things and put them all together in a really nice package. Personally, I don't think I'd spend much time with it as I'm more into gaming, but I applaud Sony for finally going in the right direction on something. However, the comment 'infinity more blah blah blah than othe...

6407d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

First off, Crackdown is a great game, IMO. It's one of the most enjoyably fun games I've played in a long time. Secondly, no one forced anyone to do anything. The Halo 3 beta is exactly what its name flat-out says.....a beta. The retail version will be released to the public so everyone can buy it, including all the whiners. If you really can't stand Crackdown, which is a shame for you, don't buy it. Wait until the fall and buy Halo 3. No one is forcing you to be a game tester. This was a bri...

6408d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I don't like the excuse. You can see your connection to whom you're playing, just don't play against people with a bad connection. Plus, there are only two players online at the same time, which greatly reduces the amount of lag. For $60 a pop, it's rare that I'll buy a game that doesn't have online play. In fact, the only 2 I own like this are Oblivion and Dead Rising. Fighters just aren't deep enough for me without online.

6408d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

...that it's really about the games. God of War is a great game, it doesn't matter what system it's on. So is Gears, Halo, FF, Crackdown, Shadow of Colossus, etc. etc. This is separate from who makes the hardware. The PS2 has the weakest hardware of its generation. That's a fact. Arguments to the contrary like from #1 are just assinine. This doesn't mean that there aren't great games on the PS2. There are great games on every system.

What sucks for the Sony fanboys is that thi...

6408d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Oh except maybe......Sony.





...one of the most pure, enjoyably fun games I've ever played. Sure, it doesn't have much of a story, but I don't think that matters at all. This game is about free-form fun, and it succeeds completely at everything it tries to do. Orb collecting is straight crack. The rooftop races, car races, and boss fights are all very enjoyable. Co-op works flawlessly, the explosions are great, the jumping is a pure blast, and this game has some of the best thought out achievements of any game so far. In...

6421d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

MS's first batch of 360 consoles are unreliable. Anyone denying that at this point is kidding themselves. MS even admitted it, paid for people's repair fees and shipping, and frequently offered a free game for the troubles. This, however, is old news. Adjustments were made to the system and the later batches are much better.

However, for the Sony cult members to say that Sony is an innocent angle of a company that has never had problems with their hardware and has the best cust...

6422d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

....but just as sad as people saying that the PS3 is crap and won't have great games (it will), is saying that this game has anything to do with which system is better.

Bethesda had an entire YEAR to tweak the PS3 version. Any game a year later will be better than the year before, it's just that simple. If Bethesda took a year and tweaked the 360 version, it would be much better than the original and may or may not be better than this PS3 version. Who knows? You can only compar...

6427d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

It's good that PS3 users will be getting this game. However, this game can't be used as a comparision between the two systems, since the PS3 version has had a full year of extra development time and Bethesda is one of the good developers. Take EA, for example, they really didn't utilize the extra development time to make FN3 really shine on the PS3. But, it's EA. It looks like Bethesda is taking the extra development time to make Obvlivion shine on the PS3, which is why I have a lot of respec...

6427d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

The main quest in Oblivion was less than 20 hours, but I still logged in nearly 100 hours total. That means that 80% of my play time in Oblivion was side quests and DLC. Having 20-30 hours set aside for the main quest in Mass Effect seems quality to me.

6428d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment