
CRank: 5Score: 5140

that post on this website when it comes to game development. I know it's been said already, over and over, but it's a frickin' ALPHA build. ALPHA builds are without nearly all of the final graphical effects. This is where the playability of the game is designed, the level layouts, the flow of the game, functionality, etc. etc. Many of the textures, audio samples, weapon effects, etc. are all place holders. Additionally, many of the graphical effects like bloom lighting, etc. etc. are not even...

6370d ago 7 agree1 disagreeView comment

the subsequent posts. As for the article, where does this guy get his sales figures? The 360 is still selling twice what the PS3 does in the US on a monthly basis. The European launch for the PS3 went not much better than those of NA and Japan, a lot sold in the first week and then nothing. The PS3 is still 7 million behind the 360 and 3 million behind the Wii.

Where is this lack of video games for the 360? It currently has more games released, more AAA games released, more gam...

6371d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

EGM/1up says seriously. They are the biggest tabloid-like, rumor mongors in the gaming media industry. Rarely any of their absurd rumors come true. Take Dead Rising 2, for example. Why would Capcom, who is currently making everything for the 360, including DMC4 and Resident Evil 5, make Dead Rising 2 exclusive for the PS3 when the first one sold over 1 million copies being exclusive to the 360? That makes absolutely no sense whatsoever. A possibility would be that Dead Rising 2 might be multi...

6371d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

wanted to type and off when you don't. Like the headset.

6373d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

So someone payed. Personally, I think the Halo 2 model and the way these maps are going to be handled is the way to go. Win, win for everyone including the corporations and the gamers. You charge initially and then they're free a couple months later. There are many, many consumers who can't wait and will pay the money up front, therefore earning a profit for MS and Epic. For those that have more willpower (or less money) and refuse to pay, they will have the same access to the same content fo...

6373d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Competition for dollars breeds advancements and price regulation.

True, MS saved the game console world from Sony. Just like Sony saved it from Sega, Sega from Nintendo, etc. etc. Without MS entering the gaming world, consoles wouldn't have HDDs, HD display, great online play (although nod to Sega for trying it first with the Dreamcast, which Sony killed), marketplace, DLC, game updates, etc. etc. Without Sony, games would still be on cartridges. Nintendo saved the gaming indus...

6373d ago 7 agree4 disagreeView comment

I realize you were posting in defense of some anti-PS3 remarks, but saying the 360 has hit its limits in the first year is just as retarded and fanboy-inspired as those saying the PS3 couldn't handle what the 360 can.

Both sides need to accept the fact that both machines are quite capable. No the 360 has not hit its limits. Did the PS2 the first year? Did the Xbox the first year? No, in fact no console hit its limits that early. Has the majority of cross-platform games looked b...

6375d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

Until the PSN gets anywhere close to LIVE, the comparison that PSN is free and LIVE is $50 per year just doesn't hold any water. The response will always be, "Well I don't mind paying $4.16 a month for something that doesn't suck". However, if Sony can integrate the services like MS (maybe with HOME, although it sounds sketchy) and still keep the service free, then there's an argument (and a good one). For now, though, just leave PSN out of it because it really isn't any good and ju...

6375d ago 3 agree2 disagreeView comment

That, 'feels like a PS3 game', has got to be one of the dumbest comments I've read in awhile. The PS3 has been out for barely over three months, so what does a PS3 game feel like? So I guess Oblivion on the PS3 will feel like a 360 game? Or Ninja Gaiden Sigma will feel like a 360 game? Oh wait, Ninja Gaiden is like God of War, so does that mean than Ninja Gaiden sigma feels like a 360 game that feels like a PS3 game that feels like a 360 game that feels like a PS3 game...........blah, blah, b...

6378d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

It's funny that fanboism has spread so much that people take sides on imaginary sales counters because one counter favors one side while the other counter favors the other side. Then they use youtube videos made by anyone with absolutely no confirmation or regulation to justify their initial belief in imaginary sales counters. All of this because of some fictitious belief that these game console manufacturers are either gods or some sort of extended family members. Even more wierd is that gam...

6378d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

A youtube video claiming whether something is legit or not.

I'm not defending nexgenwars. Actually, neither vgcharts or nexgenwars are all that accurate, since NPD even involves guesswork and it's way more legit than either of those two. There is no real way to know for sure, unless you are MS, Sony, or Nintendo. However, I do find it funny that people think a youtube video is more or less legit than nexgenwars or vgcharts. Or that vgcharts is more or less legit than nexgenwar...

6378d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

...an anorexic or a cultist. It just doesn't make any sense whatsoever.

First off, how can MS have abandoned HD-DVD when it was never included in the first place? MS has always said that whichever format wins they will have an add-on for, there will not be bluray or HD-DVD internal as the formats are not yet proven, and for now they go with HD-DVD. This is extremely smart, since neither format does anything for gaming, it allows for flexibilty in consumer purchasing, it will be...

6380d ago 3 agree2 disagreeView comment

Currently, MS and Nintendo are in much better positions for a price drop than Sony, meaning either theirs will happen first or whenever Sony decides to do something, both MS and Nintendo will trump it. The Wii is the most profitable system, with the 360 second, making $75-$100 per unit sold. The PS3 is losing money for Sony on each unit sold. Therefore Sony won't make a price drop until they are either earning a profit on the PS3 or out of complete desparation because they are getting stomped...

6380d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I expect it from the fanboys, as they'll make a big deal over anything or nothing because, for some strange reason, gaming has turned into various cults. However, I just don't understand the rest of it. All three SKUs have the same GPU, same CPUs, same services, same game line-up, same online play, same controller, same everything. The only difference is the HDMI output as the HDD can be upgraded on any of the SKUs (although currently the 120 gig is way overpriced).

The visual ...

6381d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

about 12. Either way, your prices are just wrong (I'm going by US dollar). You can't possibly shop for cheaper parts to the PS3 as it is all packaged. You would have to find the entire PS3 unit for cheaper. Therefore Sony would have to drop the price, which it won't for quite awhile as the PS3 has just been released with Sony currently losing money on each unit sold. If an HDMI cable was really over $100, then PS3 owners would really be screwed since the PS3 doesn't come with cables. You shou...

6382d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

you get HDMI output, HDMI cables, HDD data transfer cables, a 120 gig HDD compared to 20 gig, and package software on the HDD. All of those are easily worth $80. The ripoff is not the 'Elite' which is priced fine. The ripoff is the separate 120 gig HDD. $179 is about $50 too much. The PS3 is still $120 more expensive with half the HDD size, but it does have WiFi and Bluray. Bluray does nothing for gaming. WiFi, however, is nice, but it only costs $40 to upgrade the 360 to wireless (just don't...

6382d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

If you want to post something as an argument, at least get your facts close to accurate. HDTV's have component, VGA, and HDMI. There is no HDTV that a 360 won't work on, newer or older. You can get HDMI cables for close to $20. You can use other wireless adapters besides the MS one (which is $100, not $129). Go to xbox.com for a list of compatible devices. The one from Linksys you can get for as low as $40.

6382d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Wow, Sony must really make those magic boxes good. I mean, to get them to last a whole 3 months and all. That's....well...well, that's Sonyspectacular!!!!!

Amazing how you would actually wish ill towards others just to support your.....well I don't even know what to call it......cause, I guess. Go to my earlier post and actually click on the links. They're real as one is actually an official Sony settlement page. You might learn something about the fallibility of today's compa...

6383d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment




Or the PSOne for that matter. Did the 360 have problems when it launched? Yep, even MS admitted it, which is why t...

6383d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

many broken promises, delayed too many times, specs lowered, not shipped with proper cables or headset, no upscaling, crappy online service, busted half done BC, higher priced system due to forcing of an unneeded feature, lack of rumble, busted half done motion sensing, poorly implemented online store, 2 SKUs, no music streaming during gameplay, many games missing online MP, many games outdone by competition's counterparts yet system is still higher priced, no regulation of games' video resol...

6385d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment