
CRank: 5Score: 5140

I haven't yet heard someone rationalize Sony's lawsuit loss and lack of money to pony up for a rumble feature with, "My subwoofer substitutes the vibration feature of the 360." Calling vibration "last gen" is also a very poor excuse for Sony not being able to afford rumble. You act as if it was Sony's intention to not include rumble all along. It's amazing to me that Sony loses a lawsuit, won't pony up like MS and Nintendo and the fanboys are so blinded that they claim tha...

6493d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

but the Wii isn't really competing with the PS3 and 360. If you want great graphics, better AI, surround sound, more on screen, movie playback, HD display, HD movie playback, online play, and streaming music/videos then you either need to get a 360 or a PS3. You don't get any of these features with the Wii, you MUST buy something else. Therefore the competition is between the PS3 and 360, as they offer basically the same features.

The Wii offers something different. Comparing W...

6496d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

those numbers are just for the U.S. Secondly, there are many stores that NPD doesn't count, like Wal-Mart. As it states in the article, NPD measures about 60% of U.S. stores. The only way to acurately measure is either to ask MS or get the numbers from every retail store out there. The 360 has sold a lot more than 3.8 million worldwide, closer to double that. Considering MS shipped 10 million a little while ago, the numbers sold (worldwide) are obviously much higher than 3.8. Several reports ...

6496d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Since you had to resort to namecalling, I'm going to assume you're probably about 15 years old. Maybe you haven't learned yet about doing your homework. Check out all of the major multiplatform gaming sites, they all say the same thing: multiplatform games, at this point, look and play better (ie. smoother) on the 360. This may be an opinion, but its an opinion shared by all but PS3 fanboys.

Additionally, bluray on the PS3 isn't downscaled from 1080p to 720p. So if you don't ha...

6498d ago 6 agree0 disagreeView comment

I believe what this guy is referring to is the fact that 360 games look better, play better, can have music streamed during gameplay, have better online, and all display in 1080i (unlike the PS3). In addition, as a media hub he's probably referring to the fact that the 360 offers HD content on demand, displays HD movies in 720p, can stream content from a PC/Mac, can use a PC HDD for extra storage, and actually comes with HD cables out of the box.

Now if you take all of these fa...

6498d ago 7 agree1 disagreeView comment

who initially claimed they'd have 2 million at launch and 4 million by years end. As it turns out, they had not even 200,000 at launch. If you do the math, that's less than 1% of what they initially claimed. Additionally, Sony is on target to sell 600,000 to 700,000 by years end. That's about 17% of what they initially claimed. Sony also said they'd launch by Xmas '05, then Spring '06, now Xmas '06, and they said it would be a worldwide launch like MS's, but as you know, it wasn't (poor Europ...

6498d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

What do the S. American and Indian markets have in common? A lot less money is spent on electronics than markets such as the N. America, Europe, and Japan. The PS2 is much more affordable. Imagine what the PS3 would cost? Once MS gets the Core reduced in price for these markets, and gets more games in the 360's line-up, it will compete more. This is the whole reason why MS is sticking with the Core SKU despite media flak from richer markets.

A similar principal also applies to...

6498d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Everyone needs to stock up on canned beans and bottled water because a huge meteor may or may not hit the earth soon, wiping out all life but roaches, ameobas, and reality TV.

6501d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Seriously. People are actually arguing that the PS2 is better than the 360. Each and every day I am surprised by the neverending ignorant fanboy spewing. So let me get this straight. The PS3 is doing horrible, getting horrible press, and is basically a big dissapointment. So, since fanboys have had to bail from using the PS3 as their holy grail. They are now resorting back to using the PS2 as their holy grail of all that is video game great. It is a sad, sad day for Sony fanboys. I know fanbo...

6501d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Deathnote1 - the only reasoning I can possibly come up with to explain your comments is envy. Included in the upcoming RPGs for the 360 are those done by the best eastern RPG developer (Sakaguchi) and the best western RPG developer (Bioware). All three RPG genres are covered, JRPGs, MMORPGs, and western RPGs. There is also a lot of variety in settings, including: Anime, Comic book, Movie/Book tie-in, Old World, Fantasy, Sci-Fi, and even a GTA-inspired game from one of GTA's original creators....

6501d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

multiplatform game with a near-simultaneous release so far looks better on the 360. At least this one is closer than COD3 where the 360 looks significantly better. I feel bad for those who are still staunchly defending Sony. While I do agree that the PS3 will eventually have some strong visuals and smoother framerates, it's blatantly obvious that the PS3 can only equal the 360 as, currently, it's significantly behind.

PS3 owners shouldn't give up all hope that the PS3 will hav...

6502d ago 4 agree1 disagreeView comment

Gears is above and beyond every other game on the market. It blows everything else out of the water, especially the crappy PS3 launch games, and even all 360 games before it.

However, this doesn't mean there aren't a lot of great 360 games. Just because Gears was just released, don't forget that 360 gamers have been playing next-gen games for just over a year now. True, there were a good amount of last-gen ports released for the 360 initially (although what's sad is that they got b...

6503d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Probably because EA is receiving a lot of bad press lately for being money-grubbing bastards. However, they still are money-grubbing bastards.

6504d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I think they can sell 2 million by Jan 1st, which will leave MS very close to their goal. Additionally, if they roll out games like Lost Planet, Forza 2, Bioshock, and of course, the monster, Halo 3, MS will continue strong sales well into 2007.

6504d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Actually, according to gamerankings.com, COD2 (90.1) for the 360 is rated higher than Resistance (89.1). COD3 360 (83.7) and COD3 PS3 (81.2) are both ranked pretty far below COD2. As for comparing launches, lets look at the rankings for the top 5 games that aren't on both the PS3 and 360.

360 -> COD2 (90.1), PGR3 (88.5), DOA4 (85.8),
NFS:MW (83.4), Condemned (82.7)

PS3 -> Resistance (89.1), RR7 (79.1), Untold
Legends: DK (59.9), Ge...

6504d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

Sony, the PS3, and its fanboys is not that the 360 overall is better than the PS3. Sure, the 360 has better developers' tools, better online, better GPU, better controllers, more established features, better PC functionality, better HDTV functionality, more games in development, a very large head start in units sold, and is cheaper. Yes, the PS3 has more capacity on optical disc, an experimental CPU that may or may not prove superior, better Japanese developer support, and more brand recognit...

6504d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

aren't of the best quality to really compare, IMO. I'm defending both sides here. You need to play the same game for both systems on the same TV to really compare. However, if you go by the reviewers, nearly all major muliplatform gaming sites say the 360 versions of games like COD3, Ridge Racer, Tony Hawk, etc. all look and play better on the 360. At this point, I have to go by what they say, as its not just one or two sites, but nearly all of them.

Looking at videos from site...

6505d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

is in trouble if they use COD3, R6: Vegas, Tony Hawk, or Ridge Racer as the 360 versions all look and play much better. Either way, this isn't a true test, since multiplatform games are almost always ported from one system to another. The real test would be system exclusives, in this case Gears vs. Resistance. Gears, of course, would curb-stomp Resistance, but I would wait until the PS3 had a non-launch game to compare before I made a judgement.

6505d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

MS say they won? All I see is that MS says that 'retailers confirm it was the hottest selling game console this weekend'. Personally, I don't find that as hard to believe as the computerandvideogames.com website seems to find it. No one is declaring victory. However, there are more 360 units in stock, with more games, bundled prices, better games, more features, etc. What's the big deal? Once the other two consoles pick up supply steam, they'll sell a lot as well.

Also, PS360WI...

6505d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Of course the 360 is going to outsell the other two this holiday. It has more games, better games, more units in stock, more developed features, etc. The real battle doesn't start until next holiday, although the 360's head start may just be enough.

I also agree, the author of this article is kind of a tool. MS isn't claiming victory and the 360's higher sales is quite obvious, given its current situation. Yet this guy tries to put as much negative spin as he can.

6505d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment