
CRank: 5Score: 5140

I've not had a single problem. Everthing actually seems to run smoother. The only exception is that when I eject a game disc it seems to take an extra second or two to go back to dashboard. I could also be imagining things, since everthing else is great.

6678d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

The great thing from my perspective is that not only is the 360 game line-up finally starting to warm up with quantity, but the games aren't just games for the sake of games. I'm actually very interested in a large percentage of them. Normally, I pick and choose what I buy and let most slide until I'm bored and it becomes time to rent. Take the 360 summer games for example, I'm actually interested in every single one. Doesn't mean I'll buy them all (due to the fact that I'm not independently ...

6679d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

The only reason Sony is talking about the PS3 being a computer is for hype. They aren't sure that Bluray will justify, for most consumers, the price hike to play the same quality of games as the 360. They also know they can't compete with a software giant (MS) when it comes to online strategy. Therefore, they are hyping the PS3=PC to get people to rationalize the extra money they've got to drop on the PS3. I'm not saying the PS3 sucks, but emailing and web-surfing on a hackable console with L...

6679d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Good luck with those PS3 games in 1080p. With the exception of a few Sony produced games in 1080p (maybe), you won't be seeing many.

6679d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I think it looks alright. It does have jaggies but the gunfire effects look cool. I like urban combat so this game has got potential for me. Overall it looks a little rough, but we'll see how it turns out.

6679d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Again, take all of these anonymous reports from either side of the fence with a grain of salt. You don't know if developers stepped up or not. You don't what the truth is, either, unless you are working on the PS3.

6679d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

My point remains the same. This article is not a developer giving an interview. That I would believe. An example would be the John Carmack interview where he said basically that in the end the consoles would be the same, although the PS3 is harder to program for. Insightful, and he's wasn't bashing anyone. The inquirer, whether it's less reputable or not, did not have a tech that worked with the hardware give an interview on this or that about the cell. Therefore, take it with a grain of salt...

6679d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

This article has anonomous sources, so did the inquirer's. Both need to be taken with a grain of salt. However, there have been various reports about cell problems from various sources for awhile now. Anyone saying the cell has been working smooth as butter is kidding themselves. Obviously, there's been some problems due to the amount of reports and the amount of different sources.

Does this mean the PS3 won't launch on time? Not necessarily and in all reality, it probably wil...

6680d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

Yeah, we'll see. Even if it does work, say goodbye to LIVE play, updates, downloads, etc. I don't think it's worth it. LIVE is a big reason why I like what MS offers. Taking that away just to steal games doesn't seem worth it to me.

6680d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Actually, if more Sony peeps were like this guy, I'd have a lot more respect for Sony. Sony comes across as so arrogant and so full of crap, that it's hard to believe a word they say. Sony lies, under-delivers, etc while at the same time saying people will buy there product even if there weren't games for it. If they approached it like this guy and most of the guys at MS with the attitude of, "We've got a lot of work to do, a long road ahead, but we'll do our best to give gamers what the...

6680d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

My point is not that the PS3 will suck or that it will be great. There is nothing in this article to say one way or the other. Nothing was confirmed by ATI or Nvidia and there is nothing to say that these 'high-end' computers were even tested by the incomplete PS3 software. Just because something is running on a high end computer doesn't mean it needs to. Does playing solitare on a $3000 gaming rig means it's better than Gears, MGS4, Halo3, FF etc.?

You can't tell anything from ...

6680d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Instead of posting hardware comparisons of what you think, try looking up information first. Many tech sites have already compared the 360's GPU to the PS3's GPU and the 360's has across the board been claimed to be better. However, the potential of the cell has been claimed by those same tech sites to be greater than the potential of the 360's tri-core, albiet more difficult to program for. So far, the cell has been giving Sony problems, but the potential is still there. In the end, all (inc...

6680d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Since no developer has a final dev kit (as of May), then the hardware isn't finalized. Doesn't mean Sony will miss the launch, since MS came out with the final dev kits in the summer before the launch last year as well. The difference (according to multiple reports from multiple sources) is that Sony seems to be having more problems than MS did at this time last year. What does this mean? There was an obvious shortage of 360's last fall, but there was no competition at the time, therefore peo...

6680d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I'll tell you what, Sony diehards certainly do try to put a positive spin on even the worst news. There is nowhere in the article that they say anything about the power of any PS3 component. This article isn't actually that down on Sony, though, except to imply that the PS3 may get delayed again. I don't think Sony will let that happen. Most likely, there will be an incredible shortage but Sony will release something. They have to, or they're done for. Either way, Sony's hurting, though. If N...

6680d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

You should follow your own advice. I never said the developers are saying anything about how the PS3 works. In fact, that was exactly my point. How can the developers be saying anything when they don't even have the dev kits because Sony hasn't ironed out all of the problems yet. Therefore, the developers can't possibly be saying the PS3 works great like the other poster claimed. Ergo, my post.

6682d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

The developers aren't saying the PS3 works great. Here's an example:

Sorry, this is a response to #16.

6682d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

This article isn't the only report of the cell underperforming. Do a search. While maybe the facts in this particle article may be presented in the most negative light for Sony, the point still remains. Sony is have problems with the cell. The cell has been in development for 5 years, yet it is still having significant problems with only 5 months left until PS3 launch.

Instead of being so 'diehard' for Sony, if people think for a second, this explains why we haven't seen hardly a...

6682d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Yeah, this is looking like it will set the bar for realistic racers, just like the first one did for the original Xbox.

6682d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Here's an interesting article to read for those that claim there will be a disc capacity issue for the 360 and that blu ray is definately needed this generation.


6682d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Yes, the 360 is six months old. How many great games did the PS2, Xbox, Gamecube, whatever, have in their 1st six months? Xbox had Halo and the PS2 had what, FF, plus each had one or two others. All systems take awhile to warm up. The 360, in my opinion, has had the most amount of quality games in its 1st six months, then any console to date. The PS3 isn't out yet, so no one can say for sure about it, but it has less games scheduled for launch than the 360 did. It's also having more hardware ...

6683d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment