
CRank: 5Score: 32060

Same here, had it preordered and paid off months ago. To think it's now only like 5 days away is crazy but here's hoping for everyone that these last days go quickly so we can all enjoy what's sure to be a fantastic game.

Then of course when the game drops the countdown to online begins, but i'm glad it's 2 weeks after launch as it allows me to enjoy the single player aspect and explore the vast area we've been given.

4029d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

''and then releasing only one exclusive worth playing in the last year''

''This next gen looks to be the same already, except these same exclusives are not longer new and exciting''

How you support MS when you're trying to put down the competition with exactly what MS are doing i'll never know, what unique exclusives worth playing have come to Xbox360 in the past year?

I hate using the word fanboy but y...

4030d ago 13 agree2 disagreeView comment

What are you talking about?

How is the price point an opinion you fool, Xbox One is $499 and the PS4 is $399....whether it's worth it or not is YOUR opinion but those prices are fact.

It makes me laugh sometimes the ridiculousness of some of the people on here....it's not fact because i don't think it's worth it.....HAHAHAHA SMH

4030d ago 16 agree1 disagreeView comment

Agreed, but people will argue for the sake of arguing in the hopes they can be all high and mighty to feel some sense of achievement. You weren't into the PS3 games so it wasn't the console for you, others won't be into what Xbox offers so they won't want to purchase it. What matters is that you got enjoyment that suited your tastes, problem with some people though is that if your tastes don't match theirs then you're a fanboy :/

Many people seem to ha...

4032d ago 7 agree1 disagreeView comment

They've probably seen the article, seen the comments and because there is now fact that destroys their speculation they'll choose to ignore it.


No doubt we'll see another rumor arise claiming something new that increases this or speeds up that and we'll once again have out faces firmly buried into our palms.

4032d ago 17 agree1 disagreeView comment

GiantEnemyCrab it doesn't matter if this isn't what you're buying Kinect for, it's what MS wants you to buy Kinect for.

I have seen a lot of people defending MS as a business and stating that they do these things to make money which to an extent is reasonable, but i think we've just seen why the Xbox One was built around the Kinect....not for the games....not for TV or the capabilities but for MS to make more money and squeeze every consumer.

4037d ago 9 agree0 disagreeView comment

Wow, i never thought i'd see someone actually have a nervous breakdown on here, reminds me of the lyrics from Stan ''You got some issues Stan, I think you need some counseling
to help your ass from bouncing off the walls when you get down some''.

On Topic: it's disappointing to see so many things being reported as ''not at launch'' but i guess with all the changes recently they probably all got pushed back to help them launch th...

4038d ago 4 agree1 disagreeView comment


Because illumiroom isn't that practical in the home, for illumiroom to work on par as a VR headset it would have to be played in an empty pitch black room so that light reflected back properly.....how practical is it to sit an empty room with lights off if say you have children or if your partner was doing housework while you were playing?

4038d ago 6 agree1 disagreeView comment

Here you go mega31, http://n4g.com/news/1344588... , here are all the comments you want to see about the PS4 not allowing people to install to an external hard drive so you can feel better about people not only hating on Xbox.

As has been said many times though it isn't that big of a deal a lot of people as they already have larger HDD's that they will be using inste...

4039d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment


''You guys said Ryse is nothing but pretty graphics but it looks to me like we just found the numero uno candidate for all looks and no substance ''. Is this you conceding that Killzone SF looks better than Ryse as you yourself called it ''numero uno''.

Boring or not i thought we established from that Ryse video was somewhat subject to opinion....what i didn't see in the video above was anything sluggish or unr...

4039d ago 5 agree3 disagreeView comment

Agreed Purp and Swiggins, i am very tempted to order one and to be honest if GTA V wasn't coming out i probably would have by now. When i'm done with enjoying GTA is when i'll order my PS4 and with it about 5 or 6 games to play, i'm deliberately not planning to buy anymore PS3 games so that i can enjoy games like Watch_Dogs, Assassins Creed: Black Flag and others on the PS4.

It's hard to stave off the temptation and what makes it worse is knowing people wh...

4040d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment


The video has nothing to do with N4G or it's user base whether bias or not, IGN comment on their experience with the game and because you can't disprove the legitimacy of their opinion you attack fans of the competition.....smh

4040d ago 8 agree1 disagreeView comment

Calm down edonus, these guys have actually played the game and seem to be giving somewhat of an honest opinion of what they thought of it.

''This is why gaming journalism being so opinion based is makes it worthless''. Well your comment is opinion based so by your logic your own comment is worthless.

If you listen to his explanation after he says it's boring you can quite clearly grasp that he is basically saying it is repetitive...thus b...

4040d ago 10 agree1 disagreeView comment

NeutralXP, you really should change your name to GraspingAtStraws. Sure the PS4 can't install to an external but with 2 TB put in the PS4 why would it need an external?

*EDIT - As quoted by you in a Kinect article ''Now back your pathetic trolling''......who is the pathetic one Neutral?

4041d ago 21 agree6 disagreeView comment

I disagree, even when the booth guy was playing there was lag...look at when he jumped and when the game registered it. This isn't the 1:1 that MS were raving about, this has me wondering if the voice recognition also has a delay after you speak.

4041d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

Yea i mean it's not like MS are getting someone like...oh i dunno....Major Nelson to do the majority of XboxOne videos that are coming out....oh that's right, they are.

At least this video shows the general public giving the PS4 praise and not just an MS employee.

4045d ago 29 agree2 disagreeView comment


By innovation i'm assuming you mean the fact it's not just an FPS but it has MECH's in the battle too.....if that is the case COD:Ghosts must be innovative too because they have a dog and fish A.I. :/

Don't get me wrong, it's good to see games like Titanfall doing things differently to it's competitor but i wouldn't call it an innovation as such, i say this because even though it's a MECH it's still basicall...

4046d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment


SO by your logic EA must be very gamer friendly for buying the rights to many leagues for their FIFA games right? I mean they have deep pockets and are using them to force people to buy it if they want to play as a certain team....yes this must be good! :/ (sarcasm for those in need of telling).

Spending money on a timed exclusive isn't good for gamers, it's good for those that are buying an XboxOne and for MS to sell their console. Ultimatel...

4047d ago 14 agree2 disagreeView comment


From what i saw of the conference they had a working UI being shown along with many unique and intriguing games as well as teasing some bigger games to come...so they do clearly have features and games that they did show us.

How can one comment he made become ''focusing on MS''? It might have been a little jab at MS but as people have said it was the truth and even you didn't deny that.

Also don't bring your ha...

4052d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Don't feed the troll people, just bubble down and move along.

OT, exclusives really are about personal preference but i would like to see more of Ryse, at the moment neither consoles exclusives blow me away but i'm glad there are a plethora of top multiplats being released with next gen consoles.

Edit: Omg i completely forgot about infamous, I'm a fan of the series (and sandbox games in general) so i'd definitely like to see more of that as w...

4054d ago 14 agree1 disagreeView comment