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I have previously seen that article and it doesn't make either of them any better or worse than each other so the link is irrelevant. What i think you disagreed with on my comment is my using of MS.

My point, which you clearly missed, was that they weren't giving consumers what they ''wanted'' because what they wanted to give people wasn't what the people wanted. This meaning BOTH were then forced to change to make money....

4057d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment


''how DARE they listen to consumers and give the people what they wan''

What MS wanted was to force you to be connected by implementing a 24hr check-in policy and limit your ability to buy and trade used games....when MS didn't get what they wanted and saw they would lose money they were forced to change these policies.

MS didn't choose to do these things because they listened to gamers, they were forced to d...

4057d ago 3 agree2 disagreeView comment


Whether there is a lot of time to make changes or not there shouldn't be the need to so close to release if MS had done it properly the first time. The reason nobody cares about the PS4's features is because with Sony's track record there isn't anything to worry about, don't you really think if Sony had made the same mistakes as MS that it wouldn't be blasted over the internet and on forums?.....of course it would.


4057d ago 6 agree0 disagreeView comment

''its trying to give the people what they want'' As i recall many people didn't want the Xbox One in the beginning which is why there was such a backlash and MS had changed so much in order to try and get people to want the Xbox One.

It's only annoying if you let it be annoying, yes there are people dedicated to one console but don't whine about it. It's an online comment section, if you really think there won't be trolls or people looking ...

4059d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Firstly take a deep breath and relax.....everything will be just fine.

Why you felt the need for that rant i'll never know but if it really gets to you that much why bother to read the comments or comment yourself?

As much as i agree with you in a sense that MS have pushed for innovation regarding the Kinect Sony aren't pushing to have every idea MS have....in fact MS have been changing things to be more like the PS4 because they see that the preorde...

4059d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment


If you read the article i think it's more to do with people putting their consoles in places without sufficient ventilation or on surfaces that could act as insulation thus raising the temperature of the console.

It's a good addition but not one that should really be needed, the majority of people know where to place gaming consoles so that overheating is prevented but i still give the feature a thumbs up.

4059d ago 9 agree0 disagreeView comment

Removing DRM and mandatory Kinect isn't bad, what's bad is the fact that MS have pretty much lied to gamers and consumers alike into thinking one thing and then contradicting themselves.

Technically the Kinect is still somewhat mandatory...it's mandatory that you pay for it even if you don't need it for the console to work, if this was the case all along they've basically lied to get your money....all while telling you it's needed when it's not. <...

4060d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Did we even see Major Nelson actually pull batteries out of the box when he did that unboxing video recently?

Did they forget to include them in his box or was this a recent decision by MS to include them?

4060d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

The point is XboxFun none of those games (i believe) are made by first party studios owned by MS...therefore they aren't spending the money to develop for 360 and thus not supporting their own console.

If all those outside publishers stopped using 360 as a platform to release games for then where would the new games for the system come from? MS is currently only thinking of the Xbox one which is why they ported games supposed to be on the 360 to the One rather than spend ...

4064d ago 12 agree1 disagreeView comment


If you dislike consoles and console gamers then why are you even here? You state all console gamers have no clue but then go on to say you have a PS3....which is a console last i checked making you a console gamer yourself.

''Why do console players always argue that the tech from 2006 can play the last of us or battlefield 3'' It's not an argument, it's a fact. I have a better question, Why do PC gamers continually have to point...

4065d ago 35 agree4 disagreeView comment


Well you can say Sony sacrificed the PS Eye but considering i can buy the PS4 + PS Eye and it'll still be cheaper than the Xbox One bundled with the Kinect 2.0 tells me 2 things, either Sony dropped the Eye to make the price more appealing and maybe MS bundled the Kinect 2.0 so they could bump the price up and use Kinect to justify it.

Also if anyone needs to prove it has new games it's MS, Sony proved they have continual development of or...

4067d ago 49 agree2 disagreeView comment

You do have to sit and wait, if you are looking for a match to play a game then whatever else you do you are still waiting for that match to become available. I could start a search for a S&D match on COD, turn to my laptop to check my emails but ultimately i'm waiting to start the game.

And even you said at the bottom ''(seems like if your watching a movie, that's a pretty long wait)'', it is a pretty long wait if you actually have time to watch T...

4071d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

I'm not trying to cause anything here, but this quote from the site is somewhat contradictory.

''The key here is that you no longer have to sit and wait for a game to match you with other players. With Smart Match on Xbox One, I can put in my match request, then switch over and catch up on the posts on Xbox One or watch TV or a movie.''

So from my point of view what this is saying is if you want to play a game using ''Smart Match&#...

4071d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

Don't be silly, there is so much wrong with having a phone as a games console that i shouldn't even need to all the reasons why.

I'll give you one for curiosity;

1)How will a phone deal with hours of gaming from an internal battery supply or being left plugged into the socket for hours?

4075d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I must admit the ''It looks like COD w/ mechs and no fish A.I.'' made me chuckle.

I actually think Titanfall will turn out to be somewhat of a decent game, the mechs however seem a bit too gimmicky in my opinion as without them it would be referred to as another COD with free-running and jet packs so they are almost using them to distance themselves from COD.

I think it does have some potential to be a good multiplayer game but without hands-o...

4079d ago 1 agree3 disagreeView comment

And what have PC gamers done for gaming? All this behavior is ridiculous but consoles and console gamers have done more for the gaming community that PC ever could, consoles made the gaming industry the viable source for investment it is today so as much as i find ''fanboys'' somewhat annoying they do have their uses.

This isn't a bash at PC gamers but your comment sounds like one from the mind of a PC gamer. Just remember that ''piece of plastic&#...

4092d ago 0 agree3 disagreeView comment


Exactly, like i said they have no brand loyalty, they are only doing this to make money because they see Sony about to make a boat load of it. They don't care about gamers and developers, they want to choose the way we play and live without giving us an option.

What the numbers showed was that what gamers and consumers as a whole want is choice, this mainly refers to the 24 hour check in they had before now. Why they will no longer allow disc...

4113d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment


It wasn't us that changed the policy, it was MS. They saw that it was going to cause them to lose out on sales because even 360 gamers were not interested in it. Nothing was stopping MS from delivering what they originally said they would except greed, this will cause more sales for the XboxOne and so they don't care if they upset a minority.

This is why i won't be buying the XboxOne, a company that defends something (DRM restrictions)...

4114d ago 11 agree5 disagreeView comment


My friend the only sheep are MS in this situation, they have gone on and on about how their DRM restrictions are a step forward and that it's in some way a good thing to now following Sony's policy.

MS are trying everything to claw back some of their consumers because they know they've screwed up and no amount of nonsense they spout will win them back, they've basically admitted defeat and will no doubt start a huge ad campaign st...

4114d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Simple, because the American market doesn't equate to the overall worldwide sales. Sony proved you could outsell the competitor without needing the majority of US gamers, and now with many US gamers looking at PS4 rather and the XboxOne it's almost a foregone conclusion that the PS4 will be the highest selling console for the whole of the coming generation of games consoles.

That's not to say it can't happen, but with both consoles releasing at the same time (...

4115d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment