
CRank: 5Score: 32060


Seriously? You're ''proud'' of it? I never thought i'd hear the word proud used when buying something haha, i personally feel proud when i achieve something meaningful that i've been working hard for....not for buying a games console.

There's nothing wrong with being happy to buy something you like but in my opinion there are more meaningful things in life to be ''proud'' of....well for me there is a...

4025d ago 4 agree3 disagreeView comment


Yea, let's all buy an XboxOne, not because it has good/more games or is more powerful but because it has lots and lots of servers lol.

Surely you could have used a better example that the amount of servers to make the XboxOne sound appealing. As you said Xbox was more powerful that PS2, 360 had more games to begin with that PS3.....but with the lack of power and games...XboxOne has more servers SMH

Oh and ''Xbox has ...

4025d ago 10 agree2 disagreeView comment


Clearly you took that a little too literal as it was to be taken with a pinch of salt...wouldn't surprise me if you were the only ''idiot'' to not get it but i'm sorry if what i wrote in some way upset you lol

I'll reiterate what i stated at the end.
''I play on consoles because i want to play games....if i wanted to play specifications i wouldn't call myself a gamer.'' To clarify for you i do...

4034d ago 3 agree3 disagreeView comment

tl:dr but i'm assuming blah blah blah PC is better blah blah.

Truth is i'd happily keep buying consoles just to annoy people like you, do yourself a favor and be happy that console gaming has raised the bar, not graphically, not technologically but commercially which in turn boosts revenue to the industry and allows everyone to enjoy a great form on entertainment that's grow to the level it has (because of consoles).

So for all the talk of '&...

4034d ago 8 agree8 disagreeView comment

It's not just the license that lets Pes down, the license was never an issue when the core gameplay was superior (Pes 5&6). Pes does seem to be creeping back into contention but Fifa surpassed Pes in recent years and seem to go from strength to strength, i'm intrigued to see the new changes Fifa have made, especially regarding the ''real ball physics'' as i feel shooting is one area in which Pes has always been better that Fifa.

Either way i can...

4071d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Nobody ever said consoles were superior to PC's, but why must those people who own a console and not a gaming PC be poor? I for one don't own a gaming rig yet i'm very satisfied with what my bank account tells me.

Fact is if i want to look at realistic and pretty things i'd go outside or go on holiday, i play games to have fun which doesn't require me to spend anything over the price of a console.....so i'll happily play on one even if you don't li...

4084d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

It's a sad thing to happen but i would have probably done the same if my parents named me Nehemiah lol.

But seriously it seems like video games are the medium of choice for anybody trying to divert the attention from themselves and the crime that they committed. What didn't seem to be elaborated was why his family let him play games rated for adults when he is only 15, somebody must have brought them for him....but of course that's the fault of the games industry ...

4162d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Rated M for Money because that's what these crafty buggers are getting from me lol.

Can't wait!

4167d ago 13 agree1 disagreeView comment

Well for your information i haven't brought a Madden game since Backbreaker because i thought it was better.

Yes it adds to the appeal but in no way does it restrict Konami from making a better game.

4350d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

@ NYC_Gamer

Konami COULD make a better game yes, but they haven't made a better game (IMO) since the PS2 days. Having the real names of clubs in a game doesn't make the game better but it does add to the appeal, but the way you put it makes it sound like it's EA's fault Konami can't make a good game......which is BS.

4350d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

If he's an online dork that found love....i guess that just makes you an online dork.

Don't be mad that they are happy and you're alone

4352d ago 58 agree3 disagreeView comment

Did it ever cross your mind that the reason the DLC hasn't been released is due to the fact that they have been more concerned with fixing the numerous bugs and glitches that were causing many gamers problems?

Just because Bethesda stated there would be DLC for Skyrim doesn't mean they have to ship it out within a certain time frame just to make you or other impatient gamers happy.

I wonder how many people would have been willing to pay for DLC before...

4478d ago 12 agree4 disagreeView comment


Cornerbacks are no different than a wing back (or any other defender) in football, they run backwards and change thier running position to adapt to the oncoming winger or the player they are marking.

Line men do the same as sumo wrestlers, use thier lower body to keep them steady as they look to keep their opponent off balance, but nobody decided to call sumo foot push did they?

Foot work is very important in american football but in a ...

4674d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I would have to disagree as the the foot work in football is more important that the foot work in american football.

Try running at full speed holding a ball and then try running at full speed keeping a ball under control at your feet and tell me which requires more foot work.

Football has also been around a lot longer than american football and if i read correctly american football was an adaptation of an early version of rugby, so really it's american r...

4674d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

I was quite disappointed with the demo, imo the keepers are appauling, players feel too stiff and robotic, animations look clumsy and at times unnatural.

I look forward to trying the second demo coming out which will give us a better feel for how the game will play in the final build, if they can't sort these issues out i will be sticking with FIFA like i have since PES 6.

4675d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

Even though i don't like companies using certain aspects like DLC or yearly installments to make a quick buck, i just can't stop loving the assassins creed franchise.

Every time a new version has come out it has outdone the last and continued to keep the gameplay fresh and interesting, i say bring on the next and as long as the improvements continue i will continue to buy them day 1.

4791d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Hackers will hack no matter what, using the excuse 'sony removed otherOS' doesn't justify their actions. I quote ''It suggests that they used GeoHot as a scapegoat to remove OtherOS from the ‘phat’ PS3s simply because it no longer fit their business model'', if this is true then they should blame GeoHot for making himself a scapegoat in the first place.

4916d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I agree belal however we all said this before patch 1.04 and look where it got us. True that it's nice to see treyarch taking an intrest and trying to adress the issuses but lets face it if the next patch turns out like this one then it'll feel like another huge kick in the balls to ps3 users. We all pay the same price yet we get an inferior/neglected product which is then made unplayable by a 'fix' , it's like going to a resturant and having your meal served on half a pla...

4930d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

It's not like ninja gaiden sigma, it's a 1V1 beat-em-up with "support characters" however you had an open village to explore between battles.Your best bet would be to look on youtube for NARUTO: ULTIMATE NINJA STORM and see the gameplay for yourself. Being a fan i loved the first one apart from a few minor details ( online multiplayer ) and am really looking forward to this installment.

5138d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

"I just find it odd how resolution now matters". It's like saying "my dog shit looks better because it's in a higher resolution than your dog shit", Fact is it would still be dog shit.
I'm not saying it's a bad looking game but if it was then resolution would have no bearing whatsoever, fact is i'll be loving every minute of it on my PS3 tomorrow when it's released here in the UK.

5141d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment