
CRank: 5Score: 32060

I think it's funny to see a lot of the issues people have with Fifa are caused by the people themselves, yet it's always Fifa's fault for allowing it.

Take for example the constant over the top through ball which is a given during the majority of online matches, this has nothing to do with the game but the person pressing the buttons. Sure it was a bit overpowered but it seems to have been toned down from what i see in the demo.

Also with scoring ...

3572d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment


Before condemning somebody for not knowing English you should ensure you know it properly yourself...which from reading your comment you don't.

If you don't like it i suggest you learn Japanese, there is no ''official language'' that the world must cater towards. Do the world a favour and grow up and realise the world doesn't revolve around you and your language of choice.

OT - I tried playing P.T.....neve...

3599d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment


I liked Microsofts straightforward approach and the way they presented the games they had but throughout their presentation the games that caught my interest i'll be playing on my PS4, not all of course and i must admit the vibrant Sunset Overdrive looks fun and Scalebound looks interesting too. Maybe that is my taste but of course this is my opinion so i can't speak for others when i say they were the games that interested me.

I can't se...

3664d ago 5 agree9 disagreeView comment

If the design trends of microsoft follow what we've seen so far their VR headset will be the equivalent of putting something the size of a cardboard box over your head, if not i'm sure it would need a power brick hanging from it to prevent overheating.

No doubt if there is money to be made then microsoft will dabble in VR headsets but i would feel safer using a sony headset as opposed to a microsoft headset.

3748d ago 10 agree3 disagreeView comment

Well played, +bubble for giving me a laugh

3787d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Why is there always that one guy that has to bring up pc in a topic about a console game?

If you really don't care about the graphics maybe it would be wise to stay away from topics only showing screens of the graphics and wait for a topic that talks about the gameplay.

OT - The screens look awesome, the style and lighting are superb.

3788d ago 15 agree2 disagreeView comment

Have to agree, Brotherhood is my favourite too but as it stands AC4 is a close second.

My biggest gripe with AC4 is Edwards inexplicable ability to walk, climb, run, jump, assassinate and fight like an assassin without actually being trained as one....now i understand he'd be capable of these things but i don't like how it's so much like an assassin without even being taught.

The story wasn't the best in the seri...

3790d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

Oh look, within about 10 seconds of watching the Ignition video i already saw that it's a rehash of Scrapyard from MW2......i did actually like Scrapyard but calling it a ''new map'' is a blatant lie, it'a an old map that was given a makeover.

Just read the article and they did mean it to be but i'm really disappointed they have to resort to rehashing old maps rather than being creative and making everything from the ground up, if they wanted to b...

3798d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Please read my comment again and relax, not at any point did i say there weren't games coming out for the 360, i was quoting the guy you have on ignore and providing a statement for you to understand his possible way of thinking.

Games will of course continue to come out because there is still a high user base on 360 and to think otherwise would be ridiculous, the point is are those new 1st party games going to be worth keeping a 360 for? I guess this question will come d...

3821d ago 7 agree0 disagreeView comment

He said

''If those games aren't from Microsoft, then it does not''

I think what he means is MS aren't supporting it's own console, the ones that are supporting it are 3rd party. Would you still be saying ''that = support'' if those appealing 3rd party games weren't available on 360?

You should open your mind and accept others views rather than ignoring people, the more you ignore the less you le...

3821d ago 13 agree0 disagreeView comment

Killzoner99 you need to relax, calm down for one second and realise the information in the article is a solution to potential errors you may encounter.

I really hope your comment wasn't serious and that in some weird way you are mocking the recent rise in articles that do try to blow things out of proportion.

I for one have bookmarked the page for future reference in case i run into any error codes when my PS4 arrives Monday. Hopefully these solutions a...

3821d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment


What you mean is there's no sensible argument to refute the fact that it can't be sold out if it's still being sold....

The Xbox One sold very well, but for MS to say it's sold out across the world when there is evidence it's not is once again more BS. Whether or not MS produced more or less units than Sony is irrelevant for those people bringing thus up, it's irrelevant because they chose the words ''sold out'...

3853d ago 28 agree3 disagreeView comment

Calm down ssj27, it's not like person is posing next to the tent with a sign saying ''look at me, i'm camping for the PS4''. Sure it's somewhat ridiculous to see someone camping outside a store this early for something but it's their choice.

I say good luck to them, it would have been easier to pre order and have it delivered to you but maybe that wasn't an option for this person at the time and now they feel their only option to have it on...

3876d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment


''Are you mad because certain number of people don't what to get fooled again by a bogus company ,who out right rips them off and usually make faulty ass hardware?''

You just described MS and xbox360 to a tee, many people won't be fooled again by a company who rips them off and makes faulty hardware....which is why they are getting a PS4.

3922d ago 17 agree3 disagreeView comment

I hate to burst your bubble but even though mine has been dispatched i'm still not expecting it before Tuesday. Of course i'd love to receive it Monday but the likelihood that it was sent to the sorting office on a Saturday and sorted for the postman to deliver on the Monday is somewhat unrealistic to me.

I expect it will be sorted Monday to arrive on Tuesday, fingers crossed it comes Monday but i won't be disappointed or surprised if it didn't......If however...

3933d ago 8 agree0 disagreeView comment

I ask that you read your comment again and then read your name....oh the irony haha

I think the biggest thing i've seen this gen between PS3 and 360 from R* was that the 360 version of RDR had more foliage. This doesn't mean that it ran better, just means there was a little lost in translation when porting it to PS3.

I'm sure both versions will run fine and if there are any issues they will be addressed by R* asap, of course seeing this is somewha...

3933d ago 9 agree8 disagreeView comment

Can't understand why you're getting disagrees when you're just expressing your opinion.

What i found from playing the demo were that the frame rate was really bad and hopefully fixed for the retail version, passing was sluggish and receiving the ball didn't feel fluid, dribbling felt somewhat scripted as i found when using Ronaldo i was able to skip through the defense too easily and like in previous PES games the keepers are not great either.


3934d ago 3 agree2 disagreeView comment

@u got owned

Here's your definition of quality haha


MS have been playing catch up and seemingly rushing their console to match the PS4, even though i don't believe there will be another RROD i still feel it's not helping to provide that sense of security for anyone interested in possibly buying and XboxO...

3934d ago 1 agree4 disagreeView comment

What you really meant to say was....

3d 16h 34m till you hold your copy in your hands and wait for the bus back home.

3d 16h 35m till you're starting to suspect people might know what you've got in your hands.

3d 16h 40m till paranoia sets in and you start wondering if you're going to be mugged.

3d 16h 45m by now you're on the bus but you're still suspicious so you're deliberately not looking at the ga...

3935d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Site wasn't working for me so here's another link


3935d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment