
CRank: 7Score: 154540

"No games, devices or experiences are being cancelled and no studios are being closed as part of these adjustments today."

9d ago 4 agree2 disagreeView comment

conflating both concepts and reply links - impressive...

9d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

If the PS5 Pro is anywhere close to the performance of a PC with a Nvidia RTX 3070 or up, the card alone is like $500, so you're looking at a $1K machine at least.

I've got a 3080 with an i7 and I'm curious on how the Pro will stack up. And how PSSR will compare to DLSS.
Looking forward to all the analysis.

9d ago 6 agree2 disagreeView comment

I agree. Regarding cost of games, EGS over the years has given out so many free games (some really good ones) without having to pay a dime.
I would say that if you're into buying games when they first come out, a console w/ a disk drive has a great cost advantage if you're willing to play it and eBay it when you're finished. I end up playing new games for about $20 that way, but not many are as cheap as I am I'm guessing lol

9d ago 3 agree4 disagreeView comment

I agree choices are great, and there's something for everyone.
I would think most of us nuts that are so into gaming to be chatting about it would have a gaming PC if they can afford it.
I also think there's a greater percentage of the population that wouldn't benefit from a PC because its too complicated for them and they want the ease of use of a console.

9d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

Do you forgive them this grievance knowing when they sell consoles at the beginning of the gen it's at a loss?
Big picture, PS has relatively low profit margins as a company and compared to the industry - just around 6-8%. Is it evil for them to have a high profit margin on this piece of plastic to offset a loss on another?

9d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

I think we came dangerously close to MS being unhealthy competition. If they would have continued Phil's plan to use MS' cash to buy up a large part of the industry (got pretty far there) and put PS out of business by shutting them completely out by making everything exclusive, we'd be in a much worse place. There will be books written about this period for sure - the ending of this story kinda took a twist...

9d ago 5 agree3 disagreeView comment

Amen. Sony isn't acting like a monopoly - yet. I do think we need healthy competition in the console space, but Microsoft wasn't up for the task. Hoping Steam will jump in over the next several years.

9d ago 4 agree9 disagreeView comment

"I can't wait for it!"
[proceeds to wait for it]

9d ago 13 agree2 disagreeView comment

Feels like the honeymoon period where we would get significant third party AAA games once in awhile is over

10d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

Your excellent point is falling on a few deaf ears.
MS is up to it's ears in competition and still couldn't manage to make the crap box cheaper.

10d ago 2 agree6 disagreeView comment

So they found 14% of respondents are going to buy it. There are like 50M PS5s out there. If 14% decided to upgrade that would be 7M.
PS4 Pro only moved around 6M units per year the first few years.
I guess my point is that 14% for a high end "Pro" product may be fine/expected.

10d ago 10 agree3 disagreeView comment

Holy crap those VATs are in the 25% range for most countries. On a purchase of 700 that's 175. That's wild that a) it's so high and b) the EU gets away with trying to hide them from consumers. Man I hope that never happens in the US, but I wouldn't be surprised at this point

10d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

Doesn't the VAT vary by county? If the VAT needs to be embedded/hidden in the price of the advertised product, wouldn't Sony have to publish the worst case price if trying to generalize across the entire EU? Trying to make sense of it...

10d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

That bigger price difference is an interesting mystery. I would think something will happen over time to align that more logically. Perhaps a price increase on base PS5 unfortunately.
If you figure it out please post...

10d ago 1 agree4 disagreeView comment

You're assuming they've got some unnaturally big profit margin on this, with no evidence of how much this costed them to make.
If they're just trying to maintain normal profit margins, then failure on the Pro just means they won't offer more niche higher performance consoles anymore, and stick to what the masses can afford.
Something tells me they'll do fine though

10d ago 15 agree15 disagreeView comment

Coulda woulda shoulda

10d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

I agree with @hot - it's simpler and cheaper to ship the hardware to consumers vs. racking it up in data centers across the country and performing technical marvels to try to reduce latency. And it will be more expensive for us to rent vs. buy.

Bandwidth and latency has been improving but our expectations on how much data we need keeps growing too. 10 years from now we won't just need a 2-d 4k/60 image. We'll be asking for more (hopefully VR) and that will again...

10d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

I'm sure they aren't thrilled that outlets like CNET/MSN/Wired are getting these first looks vs. them.
Whether or not you believe there's bias at DF, it sure doesn't seem like Sony is thrilled with them. Cerny himself had to reply to some of their misleading statements in the past.

10d ago 9 agree16 disagreeView comment

@neutral - companies selling things to consumers that are willing to pay for them... Goes beyond gaming even

11d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment