
CRank: 5Score: 20550

I hope you are right. Now if we could just find a way to get rid of motion controlled gaming, everything would be right in the gaming world.

4417d ago 0 agree3 disagreeView comment

It's hard to say. It would take a 3rd party with some jack. But couldnt MS just build their own cloud service anyway? Same could be said about Apple.

4417d ago 2 agree3 disagreeView comment

I think Achievements were a brilliant idea. In early days it used to be "save the princess" was the achievement. And even before that games didnt have endings, you played for a high score. Point being having a clear goal in a game made the game better. You felt like you "beat the game". With achievements you have all these smaller goals(some alot harder than others)that you can feel like you have accomplished something when you get them.

I dont understand...

4417d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Party chat is where its at. Cuts out all the negativity and just makes Live shine. I wouldnt be surprised if MS has a patent on it. I know they have a patent on how they do the custom soundtracks.

This was a pretty funny article.Some of it was a little offensive but still worth a couple yucks.

When you mute somebody on Live they are muted permanetely from every game.

Live has more than just party chat over PS...

4417d ago 17 agree30 disagreeView comment

I totally agree with him. Japanese developers dont get called out for their emo homo erotic stories, convoluted stories, or just plain dumb stories. But if a western dev pulls that shit its considered low quality. To this day I dont see what all the fuss is about Kojima. He has penned some of the strangest most ridiculious stories in the industry, but people worship him like he is something other than a weird no talent writer. Is it because the east holds some kind of mystique to some people ...

4418d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Hell no!!! I have yet to play a F2P game that was worth the time.

4418d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Nintendo really need to get on the ball with the Wii U. I dont understand why they are waiting so long to get the hype going. Im ready to see a flood of videos and new IPs, have been for several monthes now.

4418d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Halo actually takes skill to be good at it online as well. Thats one thing that sets Halo apart from the majority of online fps out there..

4418d ago 17 agree6 disagreeView comment

Definately alot of idiocy to sift through. Alot of controversy gets stirred up by writers trying to get web hits. I would just classify gaming journalism as low quality.

4418d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I think Im going to buy three copies. One for me, one for my son, and one for my brother.

4418d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

What a steaming pile of fanboy shit this article is. Sony is supposedly sprinting towards the finish line by releasing family friendly games this year? I guess he didn't notice that MS is releasing Halo 4 this year. Now lets see how many xbox fans cgoodno flags for trolling while letting the ps3 fans get away with all the trolling they want.Somebody needs to go over your head big boy. Should be fun and interesting. More interesting than this fanboy drivel article.


4419d ago 12 agree56 disagreeView comment

@ cgoodno
You have wet through this story flagging Xbox fans as trolling, but no sony fans. This guy Zombiekiller is trolling! Are you so blinded by your own bias that you cant see that? I'm going to start calling you out, because you let the sony fanatics run the roost. What are we xbox fans supposed to think about you?

4419d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

This poor sap just blackballed himself from the entire triple A community. He will catch hell trying to find a job now.

4419d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

If next gen consoles dont allow used games I might not partake in the next gen. Like it said in the article a game is only produced and on the market around a year. Whats so bad about buying a game used when the game isnt even being produced anymore? I buy plenty of used games.

These online passes are bullshit too. Supposedly making sure a person is paying for their place on the server. Well shouldn't that place have already been paid for by the person that bought it new...

4419d ago 5 agree1 disagreeView comment

Who knows if this guy is right or wrong? F**king Nintendo wont release the specs.One side you have a guy that hasnt touched the Wii U being critical of it. On the other hand you have devs that have their hands on a Wii U talking it up. Which one do you believe? One is talking out of his ass, and the other has it in their best financial interest to not slam the Wii U.

Its past time for Nintendo to step up and start getting people excited about the Wii U. They havent released ...

4419d ago 4 agree9 disagreeView comment

Pretty good list except for the headphones. I would have recommended wireless headphones instead of wired.

4419d ago 2 agree11 disagreeView comment

Another PS3 fanboy whining because MS has timed exclusivity with COD. All console makers do it, but MS gets the flak. Don't like it, buy a 360, either way stfu already.

4419d ago 9 agree29 disagreeView comment

I agree with most of what youve said. Why is Nintendo holding the Wii u's specs so close to their chest? They should be releasing videos and such by now. The excitement level is low. Maybe they will show something at TGS. I dont know but their tablet controller doesnt excite me in the least. However I could get excited with some Mario or Zelda footage. They just arent doing anything to get people excited.

4419d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

We will have to wait and see I guess. They have done it once, could do it again I suppose. I wouldnt trust Shane Bettenhausen though. He's about a lying sony douche.

4419d ago 1 agree4 disagreeView comment

That was Midship on Halo: Reach.

4420d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment