
CRank: 5Score: 20550

I hope it's as good as the Vegas series.

4418d ago 21 agree2 disagreeView comment

PS3 will never outsell the 360 in NA. Get that little delusion sorted out now.

Exclusives are over rated. Name 5 big blockbuster exclusives that Sony has, that has managed to bring in 8 million in sales. You cant do it. Because most sony exclusives fail. I find plenty of games to play on my 360, and couldn't care less about generic exclusive number 100 on the PS3.

Services, Xbox Live is the best online gaming service in the world. Why do you think so many...

4419d ago 4 agree2 disagreeView comment

He didn't play Condemned or Condemned 2, so this list is woefully incomplete.

4421d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

With the trouble Sony's in financially they might not be able to afford to do much with the Vita. The price of admission just isn't worth it. Once you buy everthing you need including a game, you have spent out the ass for the damn thing. They need to cut the price and bundle it with a memory card. Like I said though Sony might not be able to afford to do that quiet yet. One area I don't see a problem though is the marketing. I can't turn on the tv without seeing that MLB The ...

4422d ago 6 agree22 disagreeView comment

I for one found the more mature GTAIV to be better. I can play Saints Row and Crackdown if I want silliness. Also TBOGT had all that parachuting and other less than realistic gameplay.

4422d ago 22 agree10 disagreeView comment

I personally don't care about a browser on a console. It's just not practical, Sony has proven this with the PS3. No need for a browser if you have a PC.

4422d ago 8 agree18 disagreeView comment

Halo 4 will be the star of the show, wait and see.

4433d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

I don't think people are worried about whether it will be fun or not. Or whether alot of games get cloned. It's mostly people thinking that this is such a blatant clone. Same thing happened to GTA and Saints Row. But Saints Row was so good it could stand on its own two feet. But it's certainly a blatant GTA clone. This game will most likely do the same as Saints Row did. It's mainly a fan service title. There aint nothing wrong with a little fan service.

4435d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I dont think the Japanese do western styled rpgs better. So I disagree with this article.

4435d ago 4 agree4 disagreeView comment

Looks like an XBLA, PSN game. Probably a shameful $60 release. The controller is a complete gimmick. I'm not impressed by the Wii U so far.

4436d ago 7 agree24 disagreeView comment

They were smart up until 2012. North America is still the most important. Thats were most games are designed to attract sales.

I find it funny that sony was so arrogant they thought they would just blow away the compitition worldwide. "The next generation doesn't start til we say so" and so on. But they are just now 7 years later getting ahead in europe, and no chance of ever getting ahead in NA. Still 5 million behind WW. Maybe this gen will humble them some. ...

4436d ago 5 agree25 disagreeView comment

This won't change anyone's mind. Max Payne 3 on 360 will lead all platforms in sales.

Two discs isn't a game changer when you offer the best controller with the best online service in Xbox Live. Not to mention the better quality version which always seems to be the case when comparing 360 and PS3 multiplats.

4439d ago 0 agree5 disagreeView comment

No I'm sorry but Live is still better than PSN. You only got agrees because the majority of N4G is sony fanboys. PS3 can't even do cross game chat, beacons, custom music, channels, and free demo's. I can watch a movie and still be talking to whoever I want regardless of what they are doing, and thats up to 8 people. Not to mention video chat, and the ability to report gamers that are cheating, cursing, or being impolite to hurt their online reputation.

4440d ago 6 agree28 disagreeView comment

They should make a pink PS3. Im sure it would be popular.

4444d ago 4 agree7 disagreeView comment

Who are you agreeing with? All I see are sony fanatics pouncing on a rumor. But I agree Live is worth $60 a year, much better than shitty PSN.

4444d ago 4 agree11 disagreeView comment

This loss was a long time coming. If sony hadn't bought out all those movie studios to go exclusively blu-ray, things would have been alot worse.

4453d ago 11 agree30 disagreeView comment

You're right superlupe bubbles to you for speaking the truth. Just don't expect to win any popularity contest on this sony cess pool website.

4454d ago 13 agree6 disagreeView comment

This doesn't suprise me. It's Sony.

4461d ago 6 agree39 disagreeView comment

I have to disagree. I find Kojimas writing to be convoluted and just plain ridiculious. He is way over hyped in the story telling department.

4466d ago 1 agree4 disagreeView comment

I'm American and I prefer an American console. Kind of like Japanese prefer Japanese consoles. The 360 has kept me thoroughly entertained this entire generation. There isn't even anything on the PS3 that I give two shits about playing. Blame the media, blame us Americans, blame whatever but the 360 is a great piece of gaming hardware. Like it or not it's captured North America. The largest gaming market in the world. I think you other countries need to get in line.

4468d ago 0 agree10 disagreeView comment