
CRank: 5Score: 20550

I agree fermcr. Sony fans are biggest crybabies of all the fanboys of any system. Take smashcrashbash, hes a sony fanboy. Look how quick he was to defend sony fanboys. Truth is sony fanboys are the biggest babies in the industry, and this dev knows it. If its not death threats, its a petition, if its not a petition its being blackballed on every forum on the internet. N4G is overrun with sony fanboys, including some of the mods. Somehow fanboys like tentonsoftube, hammadtheone, hatsune miku a...

4377d ago 4 agree11 disagreeView comment

Actually sony has only had the elegid most powerful console one time in the playstation brands life. So no sony doesnt always "go hard".You do know they are in last place with the PS3, and they lost half the install base they built with the ps2 to the 360. I expect sony to release a more cost effective console next-gen.

4377d ago 16 agree3 disagreeView comment

Whats up Petar222, you multiple accounts spamming son of a bitch.

4377d ago 3 agree4 disagreeView comment

Dont even act like you own a 360 you lying sack of shit.

4377d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Maybe people are sick of your constant sony worshipping. How you have 4 bubbles shows how screwed up N4G is.

4379d ago 18 agree39 disagreeView comment

You are wrong on your first comment and you are definately wrong about BL2 on your second comment.

I noticed BL2 didnt use an online pass for starters.

I highly doubt BL2 will have any more campaign content past the Season Pass. There are 4 DLCs coming with the Season Pass. They haven't even started on the fourth DLC yet, while the other 3 are in various stages of development. As far as old characters I flat doubt it because the old ...

4381d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

I dont think MS needs to look at sony or nintendo for ideas. Live is great, games are great, they are doing just fine. If you are a sony loyalist please disagree. If you are a stealth sony troll please respond and act all innocent.

4381d ago 25 agree46 disagreeView comment

To my understanding the weapons scale to level. I havent used my key yet, gonna go to 50 before I do.

4383d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

No Miku-Hatsune is a sony fanboy. Just look at how many bubbles he has. Hes also first to comment on any sony related or xbox related articles.

4383d ago 8 agree2 disagreeView comment

As long as sony doesnt take the Kutaragi approach and get on stage and tell a bunch of lies, then they will be doing a better job. Look at N4G, sony has a hundred or more PR personel working for free here. Somebody hurry and tell tentonsoftube that sony has some openings.

4384d ago 12 agree15 disagreeView comment

Just added a laser sight to my turret. I dont agree with the reviewers view of the Commando.

4384d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I dont think MS bans enough people myself. Run into cheaters occasionaly and I wouldnt give them any quarter if I had the power to ban them. Same with hate speech, inappropriate photos, griefing etc.

4384d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

And so it begins. PS3 just cant catch a break on multiplats.

4384d ago 9 agree24 disagreeView comment

PS4 in 2014 confirmed

4385d ago 3 agree5 disagreeView comment

Prime example why console gaming is better than PC gaming.

4386d ago 6 agree21 disagreeView comment

No, I dont think anything but new hardware could raise the fatigue I feel with this generation. I will continue to buy the heavy hitters like Borderlands 2, but I am ready for the next-gen of consoles. The Unreal Engine 4 demoes and Star Wars 1313 have already excited me for next-gen.

4386d ago 2 agree7 disagreeView comment

DD for all games is a pipe dream. Think of the mindshare a console maker would lose by not having there games and consoles plastered all over retailers walls. How would console makers get into "little Jimmys" view? Not to mention if anyone wanted to buy "little Jimmy" a game would have to know how to get online. Not every granny in the world knows how to do that. DD only isnt going to be done by any of the console makers. Because the one not to go brick and mortar would dr...

4386d ago 5 agree1 disagreeView comment

If sony launches a new PS3 model, then I wouldnt expect a PS4 til 2014.

4386d ago 1 agree10 disagreeView comment

I'll wait for Lens of Truth to do a comparison. Many a dev has been known to talk up the PS3 version only to be proven wrong later.

4386d ago 33 agree22 disagreeView comment

Two of those are mine. Cant wait.

4386d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment