
CRank: 5Score: 20550

There are examples of a couple of the things he mentions already in this generation.

Oblivion and Skyrim both have scaleable difficulty. Notice how there is no "level grinding" to get past more difficult enemies in Oblivion and Skyrim? Thats because you only face enemies that are in your level range. From easy to hard.

And the morality in video games has been explored in the Fable I.P.. It's Lionheads take on morality and it's up to the game...

4315d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

Looks next-gen for in engine shots. Not exactly photo realistic though. Still looks great though. Would like to see these shots in motion.

4315d ago 7 agree2 disagreeView comment

Tomb Raider was a top quality game long before Uncharted was even thought of.

4315d ago 10 agree10 disagreeView comment

Youre kidding right? Kojima is the most over rated writer in the game industry. His story are convulted and ridiculious. Yet western devs arent known for their stories like Kojima is. Seriously, if someone thinks his stories are of high quality, then they wouldnt know a good story if it smacked them in the face.

Saving Private Ryan
Reservoir Dogs
are a few examples of good stories, what Kojima writes is pure gibberish compare...

4315d ago 2 agree11 disagreeView comment

I cant believe Dead Rising 1/2 didnt get a vote.

4315d ago 2 agree3 disagreeView comment

lol I got a kick out of the RDR one. I cant imagine explaining why full frontal nudity was just shown on the screen to my suprised family. Had to be a little embarassing.

4315d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

The developer obviously wants people to rent his game instead of buy it, is how it sounds to me.

4315d ago 3 agree2 disagreeView comment

Well thats reassuring.

4318d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Of the two BC1 was more alot open in the campaign. I wish they would return to BC1 formula. They would present you with this huge map and mark an objective. You could freely roam around the map and attack the objective how you pleased. BC2 was alot more linear. It was setpiece to setpiece hopping in BC2. If you haven't tried out BC1 singleplayer I highly recommend it. You could probably get it for like $5 used.

4318d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

Interesting interview. good read.

4318d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I couldnt get past the respawning enemies at the many checkpoints of Far Cry 2. It just broke the immersion for me.

4319d ago 6 agree2 disagreeView comment

The PS3 version looks washed out as usual.

4319d ago 28 agree12 disagreeView comment

I say bs to the 4k rumor. You barely have a few games tha can do 720p games on PS3. I don't see next gen games doing more than 1080p. And why not? 4k is rarely utilized and overly expensive for a small jump in picture quality. 1080p is affordable now and looks great.

Then you have the financial trouble sony is in. I just don't expect them to go too far in debt this time around. They don't have to pay for blu-ray and Cell R&D this go around, so they should be a...

4319d ago 52 agree26 disagreeView comment

I thought Wipeout was mediocre. More of a niche title. I did really like Destruction Derby though. Someone needs to make a new Destruction Derby game. I guess you could call it a niche title too.But I found DD to be more fun than Wipeout.

4319d ago 2 agree12 disagreeView comment

What defunct franchises has sony made sequels to? I can't think of any. Troll harder.

4320d ago 11 agree22 disagreeView comment

I think Kameo and Chromehounds should have been mentioned. Both didnt sell very well, but were good games.

4323d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

They need to make a PS3 and Vita bundle and sell it for $350.

4323d ago 58 agree17 disagreeView comment

Sounds like this person had a good time. The Gamestop in my town has midnight releases on big titles. My best memory was the Xbox 360 midnight launch at my local wal-mart. My sister and I showed up at 3pm to an already long line. We had food delivered to us, and the folks at walmart brought out 50 chairs for some people to sit in. They only got a shipment of 50 360's in. Luckily me and my sister were like number 30 and 31. A guy offered us a 100 bucks for our place in line and everything,...

4324d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

Looking at other scores from other sites makes this score look like a fluke.

4324d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Wow that pretty much disproves the PS3 being the place for exclusives. Timeline and everything,all there in black and white. Nice work gamingcapacity.

@ps analog
Its criminal what goes on on this site sometimes. I'm bookmarking this for future refference.

4324d ago 1 agree4 disagreeView comment