
CRank: 5Score: 20550

Sony has only had the most pwerful console one time in the Playstation brands life. And they are in last place. With Sony in the financial trouble they are in, I wouldnt hold my breath on them having the most powerful console next gen. Even though the rumor is that the PS3 has theoritaclly got more power than the 360, you wouldnt believe it the way the 360 outperforms the PS3 on multiplats on a monthly basis.

4388d ago 14 agree10 disagreeView comment

Halo is a blockbuster, Resistance is generic. Sony wanted an answer for Halo, and they are still looking.

4392d ago 17 agree20 disagreeView comment

The 360 outperforms the PS3 in the vast majority of multiplats. The 360 isnt holding the PS3 back. Thats a dumb assumption. PS3 is 6 year old tech, games arent going to magically start performing better for the PS3. The PS3 as well as the 360 are tapped out of more power. Thats why we need a new gen of consoles.

4393d ago 5 agree11 disagreeView comment

I disagree about Japan. More consoles are sold in one holiday month in the North America than what is sold in Japan all year long. I think MS should keep supporting western and european devs the most, the japanese devs will make games for the western audience just like they have this gen. Japanese devs would go bankrupt if they relied only on Japan.

Microsoft needs better graphics(i.e. powerful hardware), competitive price, and most importantly games and they will do fine nex...

4397d ago 2 agree4 disagreeView comment

They forgot Star Wars: 1313. It certainly looks like a next-gen title.

4399d ago 4 agree1 disagreeView comment

From my experiences online. It seems like girls get pissed at other girls because of attention. Each girls wants to be the attention whore. Every girl gamer I know also has a group of male gamers that follow them around like lost puppies. So when you get two of these attention whores together, it always ends in a cat fight.

4399d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

Raven that is an idiotic comment. I have 120 games for 360, but somehow Im not a real gamer because I dont want a PS3? You need to come back to reality fanboy.

4404d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Where do you get that console gamers dont care about graphics? Im a console gamer and I care about graphics. What I dont care about is the hassle it takes to be a PC gamer. But I like good graphics just like anyone else. It doesnt take a console as much to have good quality graphics as it does a PC. So the console makers shouldnt have any trouble producing next-gen graphics. You should go watch the Unreal Engine 4 demo, and the newest Star Wars 1313 videos, they look freakin ...

4405d ago 8 agree4 disagreeView comment

Doesnt sound free to me.

4405d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I watched the Unreal Engine 4 demo, and watched the newest Star Wars 1313 video. Both get me very excited for next-gen. Wish we didnt have to wait a year.

4405d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

They bombard you with microtransactions is how they make money on F2P. Havent you ever seen how F2P is handled on facebook? You cam play free but if you want to speed up your progress in the game you have to pay.

4405d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

No the PS3 just wasnt built for gaming, it was built to push blu-ray. Thats why it has an imaging decoder as its processor. If you want to blame anyone for the ps3's overly difficult development process blame sony. It's been 7 years and developers are still having trouble with the ps3. There is a point that the developers are no longer at fault. And its past that point with the ps3. It has gotten very old hearing sony fans blame devs. These devs have done the best that can be done wit...

4405d ago 2 agree12 disagreeView comment

Anyone with facebook knows F2P are nothing but a scam for microtransactions. MS can try it, and Ill try the games out, but Im not getting my hopes up for anything spectacular.

4406d ago 1 agree6 disagreeView comment

360 wins these 95% of the time.

4406d ago 5 agree15 disagreeView comment

All MGS suck

4407d ago 1 agree6 disagreeView comment

GTAIv was a great game, I don't know why all the haters come out everytime there is a mention of GTAV. I dont want silliness or unrealistic stupidity. If you want that BS go play Saints Row. Maybe Im an old fogey, but I dont get off on all these ridiculious activities. Make GTA 5 a thick adult story. Keep the satire of the radio. Keep the cover system. Then give us a good variety of side missions as well as make more missions like the 3 Leaf Clover mission of GTAIV. Get dedicated servers ...

4407d ago 5 agree4 disagreeView comment

The problem with mobile gaming isnt so much how powerful these products are, its the input device that sucks. We will probably see phones start to be hybrids, with control pads right on the phone, in the future. Even then there isnt a mobile game that can hold my attention longer than 15 minutes.

4408d ago 6 agree2 disagreeView comment

Halo takes alot more skill than COD. Not only because it doesnt have Killstreaks, but because 90% of the kills accrued in Halo last longer than a simple squirt from a machine gun. You have to actually have a little skill to get kills in Halo.

4408d ago 7 agree9 disagreeView comment

I just cant bring myself to like Kinect. My brother has it and admittedly the voice control is pretty neat. I just dont care for motion controlled gaming in general. Hate to see MS waste resources on Kinect, but hell its been a small success. Although I am sure they are able track peoples usage of Kinect via Live. Maybe they will see gamers actual time with the product v/s time playing non-kinect titles and adjust their plans accordingly. Then of course there are the actual software sales to ...

4408d ago 17 agree7 disagreeView comment

Ban all cheaters everywhere!!!Scum.

4408d ago 4 agree1 disagreeView comment