CRank: 5Score: 12240

the cell?

4945d ago 1 agree6 disagreeView comment

old school will be!!!

4945d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

and i do on my 3d 50'' in a nice sofa.

and dont even try, good look getting a gf having you pc set on your living room tv lol

i gues i will have to wait couple of years for better hd but like it metters, since no eye can read over 30fps oh wait nerd eyes have magical ''powers lol''

4945d ago 2 agree8 disagreeView comment

wow pc fanboys get blind, i guess i will to if i have to spend 1000+ a year just to keep up with the latest tech and eat up the laziness of ''great lol'' devs on not making their game run well on current powerful hi-end pc.

BATTLEFIELD 3 looks better then KILLZONE 2/3 but so far is the only game i saee that does, 1080p 120fps does help but a monkey in a suit is still a monkey and i will de blind if i say that ICO/SOTC HD(1080p 60fps) looks better than KILLZO...

4945d ago 2 agree9 disagreeView comment

you are wrong and right
search HARP learn about it dont be fooled.

4945d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

respawn is for training
get into a clan and play respawn its priceless.

ps, busco reclutas para mi clan de SOCOM 4 pm here o en psn '' arakouftaian ''

4945d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

its very clear that its a meter of test, some may get bored after few hr of oblivion but the same person could play D SOULS 5 times and never get bored.

casuals love COD kids and teens love it but some others know that is crap and get bored really fast.

SOTC is amazing and my ex told me it look boring its a meter of test.

4946d ago 3 agree3 disagreeView comment

Mine was offencive but this one is ok?

people wake up and take looks of informations on youtube and people that have important information educare yourselt .
I was a inside Job just look at the Battle of LA movie they have it tease in it in the first few min of the movie .

Please dont hate on me just research and learn. Know you aré made to ignore this but wake up and learn.

4947d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment
4948d ago Show

its because they do, they increase the xp points that end each mach in G/Warfare MODE

4948d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

you have to level up to unlock that ability
once you do you can select it fron the player menu that come out after you die on top of the respawn map option.

4948d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

funny true history, i went to pick up a n4g/psn friend from the airport he was from NY we were trying to make it for the e3 ps blog meeting in DTLA and when we were near the place my gps start lagging my car was showing sideways in random streets and my friends was making fun of me because i get crazy when a game lags, it was very funny.

in the end we made it on time went to the ps sony e3 conference and show.

4949d ago 2 agree7 disagreeView comment

whats wrong with you fanboy, dont hate on me because we have different values.

btw, KZ2/3 , U2/3, inF2, ICO colection, SOCOM 4 and many more.

4950d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

In-game class system, NO

Customizable Weapons, NO (it will hurt the details of the guns and they will not look impressive like they do)

Weapon Unlocks, NO (im tired of unlocking every gun from every game im not a kid that get exited by silly stuff, im tired of it )

Squad Chat, YES and its comming in a pach for KZ3 loser

Enhanced Kill Streaks, F NO wtf is wrong with you, how dare you kid.

Faster refresh rates ...

4950d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

It looks fun
i hope i can find it for $40 or less soon

4950d ago 0 agree4 disagreeView comment

you guys forgot to add the new GG IP i mean KZ3 is already out and GG has said few times that they are working on a new IP using a more advanced KZ engine.

4950d ago 11 agree0 disagreeView comment

its 2011 you should have one
not just because of this game but all of the one in 2011 and 2012 and you can get great deals on old great games from 2008,2009,2010 like KZ2, Demom Souls, U2, H rain and much more.

it looks fun nut sure i will miss the big FOM maps
its true that the small maps were fun to play but so were the big ones.

4950d ago 0 agree3 disagreeView comment

in Venezuela a brand new games for it first few weeks cost more then the console, im not going to give you 100 more examples.
try going out from your pretty life and you may understand that life is not only what you know or the hollywood movies tells you.

you enjoy your game and let them njoy the games have fun and let others have fun, games sale well and the workers get paid, nobody gets hurt or have got hurt, yeah maybe SONY is mad that pirates dont need to buy a...

4953d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

you are clearly blind bs talker.
have you seen the video gameplay? it looks to a u2 level but much more photorealistic, u2 looks to cartooned for my test but sharp and clean and so does S4 but with a more photorealistic art.
screenshots do not do justice to a nextgen game with a lot of details and particles and special effects doing trick that make the game looks good in motion.

btw the 45 girl looks photorealistic and the facial animations are amazing.

4953d ago 4 agree10 disagreeView comment

its only good if you already spend a lot on the psn.

but it has hurt non + like me, know i have to wait longer for demos and its a frustration to find ways to get in a beta of a game that you actually care.

4953d ago 3 agree8 disagreeView comment