CRank: 5Score: 12240

im glad that not everyone is a everyday sheep like you.

people wake up, read or wach some malcolm x history and few others like the yippies and etc
stop been a sheep.

on topic its very clear that anything is hack-able and im just glad that poor people are going to enjoy good games and have a better day.

4953d ago 1 agree3 disagreeView comment

i will love a SILENT HILL inspired by HR in terms of gameplay, maybe a little more open but pretty much like it.

4954d ago 7 agree2 disagreeView comment

congratulations QD and David C and thank PS for risking it
its a great game and my 2010 GOTY.
day one on your next ip

4954d ago 38 agree4 disagreeView comment

funny that epic and gg were one tean back in the days clifb and GG have work together before making the first unreal engine and more.
but you think that they all hate eachother

4954d ago 3 agree2 disagreeView comment

im a huge KILLZONE fan and its very clear to me that B3 looks better and its use better tech in most part.
if you mean it looks better then this leak chip video yes since you cant see the real quality or if you mean you like more the art in KILLZONE thats up to you. '' i like more the art in KILLZONE too''

but its very clear that DICE are inspired by GG immersive gameplay of KILLZONE and are bringing that level of immertion on a multiplat game.

4954d ago 4 agree1 disagreeView comment

"I don't think we'll be creating a brand new engine for this generation. We're pretty close to what you can achieve in this particular direction, although there's always room for improvement," muses Michiel van der Leeuw.
"That doesn't say we can't do anything really fresh. We're going to be doing more than just Killzone in future and new ideas lead to new techniques and fresh experiences."

Next game will be using the ...

4954d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

here is it,

4955d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

did you guys saw the leak video?

4955d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

do people think that "zombies" are actually real?

im not saying this because of the critics but the kids and people who really think that they are part of the humanity like calling a animal example
look there is a animal, look there is a zombie.


4956d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

but there is one thing that does not change spoilers are very immature or retarded persons, they should hit them self the face once or few time...

4956d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

only %72?
is not like you can die in it and i have to try again
i guess maybe the rest of them lost the ps3 or the game or their ps3 got yold (my syster ps3 did and she never finish the game so she so the end on youtube, it was to intence for her to play it againg)
this is my fav game of 2010.

4957d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

i guess im going to be crying a lot while playing this game
after looking at the video i almost cry the full game will make me cry like a little girl

4957d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

The Last Guardian is the Game of the Year 2011
you must be a hater to think other wise this game is not just a game its the game.
this is the game to buy a PS3 for.

4957d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

i could have make it 22 or 24 player but i guess if 16 players is what they think is the best
it will be the best but i don't know :/ 16 sound to much like cod i hope its well pace gameplay.

4957d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

like in FOM nice!!!

the only thing i dont like so far is the faster shooting ability i meant what is IG thinking?

i understand faster reloading but not faster shooting makes no sense :/ but it looks great everything else.

4957d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

true KILLZONE 2/3 have more detail and better gun model but B3 looks better and its more constant and sharp and the other game is just a hi texture game with old gen in it.


Lets hope B3 looks this good on my ps3.

4957d ago 8 agree1 disagreeView comment

the animation and effects are amazing to
this is the first game besides KILLZONE 2/3 that it have this amount of detail and this one looks better then KILLZONE 2/3 and i guess KILLZONE 3 will be the best fps untill this comes out and lets hope it looks this good on consoles or it goes to a KILLZONE 3 level and i will be a happy camper.

4957d ago 4 agree11 disagreeView comment

who was thinking that?
it remind me of KILLZONE 2 people still think after all the gameplay videos that it was not gameplay.

im glad that this game looks this good, lets hope and see that in the ps3 play and looks aroudn this good or to a KILLZONE 3 level i will be a happy camper.

if you don't hope for this quality on consoles, then you are a PC fanboy, in case of a disagree

4957d ago 0 agree9 disagreeView comment

32 players mp, strongly recommended to get into a clan for it.
im looking for players that speak spanish
or if you dont, its a must that you are ok with us speaking spanish most of the time.
pm on ny psn arakouftaian
also for KILLZONE 3.

5 players coop on 6 diferent level wich objectives are dynamics and random enemy positions to keep it allways fresh.

campaign of 14 levels that each last around 45min.

4958d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

i will not play a cod again for a good while or never again. i play cod4 fore few months and mw2 for few days and will avoid the rest.

but why to blame the player when the game is broke?
he did not glich, the guy was taking advantage of the poor quality gameplay of a broken franchise of a game...

4958d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment