CRank: 5Score: 12240

i still remember myself getting owned at e3 two years ago and still having fun of the gameplay

TM X the way it was called in the demo by the way Santa Monica studios are also helping on this game that what i read when they start the demo at the e3 booth and yes they had too since they where having problems with the power supply and had to restart the whole booth few times each day!
and it was a different kind of game the controls and everything where different but fun! ...

4665d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

you make no point any used game in gamestop comes with a free online pass...
this is actually helping gamestop to sale more used games since their used games come with a free online pass but any smart guy will buy it used from a friend or random people and buy it used from gamestop just to get the free online pass and return it!

4665d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

the problem is not that the game is the same or not!
the fans want more of the same! with small changes..
but COD teach is outdated cheap and comes out every year with not technical improvements.
it still has the old cheap sound teach, old cheap animations, old cheap special effects, old cheap graphics, old cheap colors, old cheap connections that cod4 had.

i mean just think how well they could made the next cod using a lot more money (they have a ...

4668d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

yes they have done 3 players co op in U2-U3
U3 also have split screen co op witch i think sony will push since they want to sale their new 3d tv.

and that means that the levels may be like Dark/Demons Souls, they lineal level but you chose and have time to search in each level witch is fair and smart to do!
also kind of like Silent hill/Batman:AA but more restricted more linear, so they keep you into the history but with no...

4669d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

real next gen graphics, this is what i want and what the ps4 will offer not less..



4669d ago 2 agree11 disagreeView comment

The Last Of Us?
if you don't have a ps3 you have time to save for one or find a friend with one...

ps/ have you play Siren jet? play that oen too its good!!!

4670d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

nice! i see why the music in the trailer of tlou is so deep know.. a good music can make a game from good to epic!
best example SILENT HILL

others are ico, sotc, zelda, heavy rain..

4672d ago 6 agree0 disagreeView comment

so the new studio has this guy from KILLZONE 2?
and i bet it has more guys from KILLZONE 2 team plus part of U2 team = the best ps3 game lol...

UNCHARTED 2 & KILLZONE 2 are one of the most polished games ever... so far!

and who say they don't have any kind of MP in this? or CO OP? i mean why the f this gu from KZ2 is in this project?

some kind of side mission's co op will be nice, with other characters, juts for the fun o...

4672d ago 17 agree4 disagreeView comment

I just saw this and i also was thinking why nobody is looking at the clues the trailer?

Things i saw.

* the arm from the the dead body in the bed has some kind of tattoo ( it could mean that they are gangs "organize bad guys")

*you don't get infected, so some humans must have some kind of immune system to the fongus and some other's do not, or the way some are infected by it is has to do with something more then just having ...

4672d ago 17 agree1 disagreeView comment

well enslave(a good game you guys should play it, specially now) is = ico + uncharted big set pieces + infamous boss battle's

I hope The LAST OF US game play controls are similar to SIREN in some way. it also remind me to SIREN the way the enemy moves and attacks in the TLOU trailer.

4673d ago 0 agree11 disagreeView comment

"Although everything is better with a friend (or three)"
touch your penis with a male friend or three male friends and tell me if is better! lol

it always depends in the situation or case!
and most of us agree that in this case its not better.

4673d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

well i just start come in back to n4g, i was off for a while just check some headlines sometimes.. was enjoy time!

and i can say i enjoy uncharted 3 just like i did U2 and with the plus factor of 3d.

few of my friends did not and i guess is because those read comments and fail to enjoy the game for what its...

my point is... enjoy the games stop hating because others hate or because its in 3d and you don't have 3dtv or because its in the...

4673d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Not even funny to see how easy is to brainwash big cuantities of people, i guess when you control the tv, movies, music, entretainment in generaland food, school and anythings like that its easy to shape people to think and belive w/e they want to.

Please people stop been so ignorant...

4673d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

People that have sense knows that " Zombies" do not exist or Vampires or neather wolfmens lol...
Why you people talk like they actualy do? Wtf os wrong with you people?

The real zombies are us that aré brainwash and controles by the media! And it has more painful nickname sheeps "zombies"

This game looks great.
It will sale a lot for sure... More then Uncharted series...
If the co op is done ri...

4673d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I knew it!
i was just thinking about it! the last part where they show the outdoors it remind me to Endslave : The last O.

btw a great game i just play it few weeks ago, you guys should, its like "ICO" but with more action and more modern settings and it has many Uncharted like set pieces a good game.. and good boss battle.

4674d ago 7 agree2 disagreeView comment

yes i remember that part in 3d looks amazing..
in some of the scenes the sand look like cartoon and not this good.
and the plane scene in 3d was breath taking when your falling from it is WowwwwwW

i can understand why people hate 3d, because they don't own a 3d tv... just like the ones that hate hd. one day you haters will understand...

4674d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

so the xbox get this and the PS3 gets the amazing "Last Of us"


4674d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

And i do..
I mean the game looks great and it catch my attention
(not many do this days)
but PS4 will be more epic
now i guess we will not see it soon.
maybe by the end of 2013 if we are lucky or 2014. witch is already way to long of a wait..
but if something i have learn been a gamer is that i need to wait and wait and wait.. lol

4674d ago 2 agree3 disagreeView comment

Nice research but i hope they are not huge ants attacking.
in that audio i can hear someone trying to make a quiet call with a old school home phone and the caller been attack by something or someone, maybe a human infected by the fongus? or someone breaking in the house since there will be riot’s.
well i hope this is a PS4 game! and Sony to already start showing what they can do for next gen..
it could be since VGA already show a next gen game before witch is INsane “...

4675d ago 0 agree7 disagreeView comment

ohhh i saw a monkey(gorilla) face right on top of the "eye"
above of "made in america"
i guess if i find anything else i can't say since i only got one miserable bubble.. lol

edit, i also see eyes (a face) on the white sticker that is covering the "Obama" picture! but that may be normal, it may have been a sticker of a face and when you take it out it leave the marks of that sticker on.

4677d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment