CRank: 5Score: 12240

"England latest to declare Martial Law"
this is not even funny wtf the iluminaties are making fun of us and once again showing us what they will be doing next in the near future. USA has already Martial Law and thats one big evil bad thing,,, people don't let manipulate yourself and beware..

You guys know that USA will be in chaos soon.. and i;m talking about real life.

also Venezuela is next country to be attacked by the Army, they alre...

4575d ago 2 agree13 disagreeView comment

i wanna see if you guys are real games...
what if Half Life 3 is a temporary PS3 exclusive will you fanboys hate it?
most of you will, but if your a real gamer and fan of it! you will be happy and glad that your getting Half Life 3 this soon..

4576d ago 2 agree10 disagreeView comment

good to see xbox360 trying to get on par to the sony playstation award winning perfection set up...
i guess maybe some day on the 4.000 update on the xbox3219 they will give up and make it like sony ps3 and start to tray to catch up to the ps12

4578d ago 1 agree16 disagreeView comment

easy! a tip! buy ir used from gamestop and they will give you a free code that expired in 7 days witch you can use for free and return the game in before the 7 days.. problem solve thanks to gamestop for the first time not been worthless..

4579d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

actually here in cali they did not have my copy collectors in BESTBUY and the guy told me that gamestop did not got them eater soo is something bigger and not amazons fault not defending them.
i guess if amazong is sending them tomorrow bestbuy will have my copy for tomorrow!!!

4639d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I guess is not to hard to understand this well not for me i'm not a blind fanboy this is a way of them saying "our game still fells and is last gen quality and we need someone with actually skills to make our next cod fell next gen!!"

4639d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

the way you talk you cant fool me you are a FIFA fanboy


4641d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I have been in over 20 betas since this gen start and a beta that is set for less then a month before the games ships may still be a beta but the game will ship with all this errors some will be fix and new ones will come out! the engine is just bad for consoles i dont know how its for PC and it may get fixed with updates over and over with time maybe in 6 months will be a better experience...

a real beta is when you actually test the games 6 months before or even a year bef...

4641d ago 3 agree4 disagreeView comment

why the guy is trolling?
U3 will have a amazing campaign
MP is juts a plus! "fun" but w/e just like most MP...

4643d ago 4 agree1 disagreeView comment


4643d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment


4643d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

socal is L.A i meant Los Angeles!

4644d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

yeap its on sale here in LA in a store i know but i got no money for it soo i will wait for it to get cheaper...
also darksoul but i will wait for a 2x1 deal...

4644d ago 3 agree3 disagreeView comment

lol at the nerds that cant see crysis looking better even on the xbox over pc lol

1080p and 60fps is juts a nice plus but that does not change the fact that it does look better on the xbox or ps3...

by your logic ico a 1080p game that runs at 60fps looks better then kz2 lol nerds...

4644d ago 2 agree4 disagreeView comment

funny to see the PC fanboys crying about this...

i remember when they say Crysis can't run on PS3 lol even the Xbox of Crysis looks better then the PC
and does not only look its just a psn tittle...

i cant belive some blind fanboys argue with me that this game looks better then KZ2 back then lol maybe today with the super hiend pcs and the mods the game may look better but the true is that if KZ2 also had soem mods will make crysis 1 look like a old g...

4645d ago 1 agree14 disagreeView comment

i don't even think you have the game FIFA fanboy to much?
its actually the best soccer game ever...
golkeepers sucks in real time and they are only few that stand out fromt he rest just liek this game... its not perfect but is the perfect one so far ever...

4645d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

KZ2 beta was less then 400mb and it look 400 times better then this... it had 3 different maps and 5 game modes...

excuses are for losers...

4645d ago 5 agree0 disagreeView comment

Than first Colossus was a amazing and shocking way to start a game...

also RE4 chainsaw like Stuart5756 said will always make me run away from them like a fat 200pound girl from a tiny spider and smash it with my best arsenal before it kill me lol

4645d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

it remind me of Silent Hill...
but with it own flavor in it!!!

I do also hope is something special and different from most games...

4645d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

i dont knwo bad company 2 and medal of honor also looks great better then KILLZONE 2,3 in the first videos but once the game came out they just look kay but KILLZONE 2,3 far better still and i'm talking about the pc gameplays that i have seen in youtube maxing out those games...

i guess DICE and EA know how to trick and over hype their games but do not live to their hype...

4645d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment