CRank: 5Score: 12240

well not everybody was born in the US or english is juts a extra leanguage i have to know.
my main one is Spanish and its normal to get attack by ignorance people like by by a stupid argument i mean you play CODBO lol don't need to explain nothing to a sheep like you

4653d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

what!! are you crazy ? i try to keep going on the campaign of BO and i just could not i had to stop its crap and only a kid or a blind fanboy will things its good...

And the online was better but short in features and game modes and COD have more options but yeah the controls and gamepace was better in MOH.

And liek most non blind fanboys are saying B3 is a let down it just fells liek BC2 but with better animation and cool recoil but the rest is w/e...

4653d ago 2 agree3 disagreeView comment

calm down lol you make me lol a lot!!!! with the way to answer the poor disgusting kid... hahahahahahahaha

4659d ago 0 agree4 disagreeView comment

fair enough i was still getting PES 8,9,10 when even i knew they were crap but i'm a fan of it and pes11 was okay w/e but PES12 is amazing!! and im going to have fun like never in a soccer game!

4660d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

the full game fell cheap!
PES12 in other words in in another superior level

4660d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

oh is very clear that PES12 this time is far superior in gameplay, graphics, animations, flow of the game, physics, fun factor, addictive factor.
online we will have to wait and see and pes12 also got new game modes like owners mode and manager modes that look good to kill time.

ps, whoever thinks other ways is a plane fanboy and know zero about futbol.

4660d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

oh is very clear that PES12 this time is far superior in gameplay, graphics, animations, flow of the game, physics, fun factor, addictive factor.
online we will have to wait and see and pes12 also got new game modes like owners mode and manager modes that look good to kill time.

4660d ago 2 agree4 disagreeView comment

ohh noo!!! kids will be grabbing her boobs
that looks more like PS4 tech...

4661d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

oh i got the pass!!!
i'm just saying for those like me, who got the game day one but sold it... can go to a gamestop re-buy the game used and get into the beta early.
And return it few days after.

why do i have to even explaing such a easy logical thing?
most here are nerd you should know this already..

4667d ago 4 agree3 disagreeView comment

good thing i can buy it used and return it before the the end of the week, i guess gamestop is not always worthless or a bad thing to have near me..

4667d ago 2 agree8 disagreeView comment

How will i a hardcore gamer will enjoy a casual game?
Example, KILLZONE 2 very hardcore gameplay and KILLZONE 3 have casual controls gameplay. very similar games but one is hardcore and the other one casual so more people could enjoy it since there the casuals are more in numbers.

First gen games were more direct and Basic because of time but more hardcore since only hardcore gamers will have spend $600 or $400 and know the games are more casual since more casuals hav...

4672d ago 1 agree4 disagreeView comment

the only way i forgive them taking so long is if they update it and have it ready for the PS4 launch.
this is thd only game that will be really amazing the rest are just more of the same and this gen got old already and maybe the ps3 can't handle it...
it does looks beautiful!!! and i'm ready for it..

4673d ago 3 agree3 disagreeView comment

can i beg you for bubbles ? lol... good review

4673d ago 1 agree18 disagreeView comment

and who say the ps4 games will look like BF3 on a today hi-end pc?
last time i chek in mgs4 was far superior to any pc games on its time and in 2006 the ps3 teach was 2 year superior t any hi end pc.

ps4 games will look much better then BF3 on a hiend pc, dont worry about it, even if it launch in 2012/13 it will be ahead it times.

4677d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

gamers love options, variations and a lot of features that why COD get the cash..

casuals dont care about the best tech..

the corp need to start making full games and stop tring to get extra cash in dlc and once they got the sales start taking adventage and making dlc

4680d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

because of blind people like you we keep getting f#$% over and over again...
if a used copy is been on sale its because that copy did already its goal of been sold if someone else buy it or trade it, means notting since that copy was already sold like a new game.

dlc should be free i'm tired of paying for dlc and nobody plays them after the first few days...

even free dlc maps in socom 4 have nobody playing them since its only free for the first own...

4686d ago 1 agree3 disagreeView comment

no we will not...
you will have this game running at 120fps at a 1400p soo you will be way faster and have a better view, special with elite players like you that will be using 3 30'' monitor and will be able to see me evem from your a...

nooooo what i'm going to do.. i will get my ass kick by super players like you...

4687d ago 7 agree4 disagreeView comment

good!! i'm sure i'm not the only one that thinks that the history was much better then the MP..
and i want too see what they can do with the MP...
DICE did a ok job on it but soo simple, repetitive and the sniper fest did not help...
danger close will have done a much better job and please dont copy cod this time like dice did...

4688d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

greats thanks...
soo ps4 will use 32x bluray al 1terabyte memory woW it wkll be fast very fast...

i think your comment should be on top..

n4g should update their comment section and give value to smart ones like yours

4689d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

ok lets be smart and think.

PS4 will bring new teach and it will help to sale tv's
we already know that next gen tv's will go over 2000p and 4000p
know i wan't anyone that knows about teach to tell me what spec will be needed to reach that level of graphics and details.
16gb/32gb ram? we know that Sony always go with this is enough and maybe only few games will actually reach true 4000p soo don't over react on the specs...

4690d ago 0 agree3 disagreeView comment