
CRank: 5Score: 48170

I play smash often on wii u, the micro is pretty good when playing people from my country, no idea about outside my country, but i noticed a very commun mistake people do, more often than not they leave the sound on the gamepad or have the tv way to loud and it ends up passing trough the mic on the gamepad, but with proper distance and no sound on the gamepad its really ok.

3448d ago 4 agree1 disagreeView comment

Has a european player i can honestly say i am used to live without online chat, may be all fun on the US side, but,on the EU side they honestly dont give a damn about english most of times, and you end up with a mix of english, french, german, italian, spanish, wich most of the time ends being more annoying than fun.

3448d ago 11 agree7 disagreeView comment

Why on earth does people think that nintendo is the only company working on a new console? You really think sony and microsoft are just crossing their arms and waiting for you guys to enjoy the most of your ps4 and xbox one for a longer time? I guess its safe to say, that we all know, that all 3 companys are working on a new console alredy, Nintendo was just the 1 one to say it, dont expect the ps4-xbox one to outlive the wii u for more than 1 year.

3451d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

You may be right about picking the wii u to dust of on exclusives, wich have been quiet often honestly, with super smash, mario kart, bayoneta, and so on, but i also own a ps4, and apart of Last of us and gta 5 my ps4 sees no use, at all, sometimes because the games releasing on it are simply mediocre, other times because the games i really want like evolve and dying light costed me half the price for Pc for the same experience.

My ps4 is dusting over, while my Wii U is fresh...

3451d ago 6 agree1 disagreeView comment

Only on Wii U :D

3451d ago 15 agree0 disagreeView comment

Am I the only one bothered that the bikinis on every single girl use the same model?

3451d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Well in that case i guess i can agree with you, but arent playtroughs normally plagued by the people playing them commenting the game, and giving their own opinions and talking during the whole time? Is it really that fun to watch the game that way? Isnt it kinda like going to a cinema and having someone chat to you during the whole movie?

If the lets play videos arent like that, then i guess it can be watchable if theres really no other option.

3452d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I love dragon ball, for years and years, but with so many good games releasing recently, its just hard to dish so much money on this one, mostly after so many disapointments on dragon ball.

3452d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Me and my crappy 23inchs Lcd are happy to be able to play the game on 60 fps :D

3452d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

I will never understand why in hell would people waste hours seing a lets play video, instead of actually playing the game,

I understand watching people who make comedy over games, like pewdiepie or vanossgaming, i also understand watching reviews of games or previews to get info on games you dont have the possibility to play yet, but watching someone play the whole game, instead of playing it yourself I simply dont understand.

Plus i dont understand what all...

3452d ago 2 agree5 disagreeView comment

I guess the real question people have to make is, would you prefer a game with 49 characters for 60$ without any dlc ( because we all know dlc cost is expensive to make) or would you rather have a super smash with future updates in wich some of them you have to dish some $?

I for one, am really happy they are going with Dlc, i love super smash, i think the price is alright, what i am really happy about this is that, by giving us future dlc, they keep constantly looking at the...

3453d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

This is the way its supossed to be, i guess having other companys related characters can be a whole new level of problems

3456d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

2 things i hated on this game, the constant repetition on screams when hitting a zombie with any physical weapon, because yes, the character has like 3-4 different sounds while hitting on melee, and that gets boring fast, and 2 i hated that there wasnt more lootable places, or more meaningfull types of loot, other than that it was a cool game.

3478d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

I am fine with it, as long has it helps to improve the final product.

3480d ago 5 agree1 disagreeView comment

Also, we have to say, that in todays market, coming up with a whole brand new idea for fps modes its really not easy, I mean, one way or another the best ideas have been used for the last 20 years, so coming with an idea for a mode thats 100% inovative, and at the same time really fun, its something really really tricky to do, so its nothing surprising that they went and took inspiration from other games to make their own game better.

3481d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

All i want is online content, i beat the game in single on the ps3, will buy on pc only for the multiplayer.

3486d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

This could even be true, but the writting on this article is atrocious.

3496d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

People keep pushing for bigger games, better graphics, this costs money =p

3506d ago 13 agree3 disagreeView comment

You have over 2000£ of dlc in league of legends, doesnt mean you have to buy it all does it now?

3507d ago 4 agree4 disagreeView comment


Whats bothering my conscience is that i payed for a game i am enjoying, and everyone keeps shoving in my face how i should not play it , should not buy their DLC, because de developers are the devil, Its my money, i like the devs, I like their DLC model AND i Specially like their game, so i will use it the way i feel like using it, I am not forcing anyone into buying the game to play it, so no one has the right to keep trying to shove up my a** that i am an idiot ...

3508d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment