
CRank: 5Score: 48170

Actually, if you take a look in metacritic ( You will see its not only nintendo websites giving it 9s.

Also the main general complaint is lack of characters development during storyline making you feel anything special for your party, which if you check gameexplain review ( which is extremly indepth, the review has 27m) you...

3215d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

"The remarkable technical work carried out here should be noted. The game is rock solid and a technological masterpiece, using a thousand tricks to offer impossible alien landscapes and an astonishing draw distance, while maintaining a solid frame-rate of 30 fps which we never once noticed dropping. And what's more, not a single bug across many, many hours of gameplay!"

This :))) Not easy nowadays to know your actually getting a polished game!

3216d ago 4 agree1 disagreeView comment

Gf did same thing, i had to beg for her to let me play it earlyer XD we reached a deal, I can play it on the 14 (time we come back from our vacation together), because i told her XD

"If i only get it on christmas, i am gona spend christmas night playing :D"

3217d ago 5 agree1 disagreeView comment

When the original xenoblade came out, i had a Wii and my friend had a ps3, we were both massive jrpgs fans, he was playing final fantasy xiii around that time i think? When he looked at me playing xenoblade he goes and says : "Man, the graphics suck, i dont know how you can play that game."

Now a fair question to everyone out there, who played both these games, who had the most fun and epic experience? Me with the jagged graphics, or him with the beautifull ffxiii g...

3220d ago 9 agree0 disagreeView comment

There will come a day, half the people on criticizing the Wii U for hardware will feel compelled to join one of the newers nintendo consoles, and in all honesty i hope that doesnt happen, Nintendo community is alot better off without that crew.

3220d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

Talk about a pc infront of someone who doesnt own one for gaming = Get downvoted

And superchiller its a fact, most of the games out in ps4 or xbox one are also coming to pc, if i dont mind the exclusives on these consoles ( and i dont, i was never a halo, or just cause fan), then i am really not missing a thing with this generation of consoles, same cannot be said about the Wii U tough, because its exclusives interest me, so i feel the need to have one.

My fr...

3221d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Why do people insist in bashing the Wii U ?

I think ps4-xbox one owners look at Wii U console owners the same way Gaming PC owners look at Ps4-Xbox one Owners, its a console that has alot less strengh power wise compared to what they own, therefore theres absolutly no reason to validate it is a good console on its own.

Since I only own a gaming pc, and a Wii U i kinda get both points, I would never buy a ps4 or xbox for the third partys since they are way bet...

3221d ago 1 agree3 disagreeView comment

PC gamer here, me and all my friends were planning to buy battlefront, until we saw an incomplete game with pretty graphics and sounds, 11 guns for a full game is ridiculous, I am simply guessing other pc gamers thought the same, this is a mediocre game for pc standards, because there is so many similar, doing a way better job, that's why it didn't sell on pc, if ps4 users are happy with an incomplete game in which you gona have to pay extra 60 bucks to actually make it a goo...

3225d ago 9 agree9 disagreeView comment

I am a man, and they call me a bitch all the time online o.O

3228d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

My gf insisted to buy me the game for christmas so i am screwed, she says i can only play on the christmas night, so I told her, shes about to spend christmas alone :D

3231d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Amazing story! Congrats for the Beautiful union !!

3241d ago 6 agree0 disagreeView comment

_-EDMIX-_, whats wrong with you people nowadays, everything has to be decided trough reviews.

I am sorry but on your comment all you seem is to be buthurt that you dont own a wii U to play it, and as such its automaticly not good enough to be a rpg of the year to you, I played the whole witcher 3, dragon age, i am planning to buy fallout has soon as it hits, also played metal gear solid v that can kinda be considered a open world rpg, and while i troughly enjoyed them all, i ...

3243d ago 9 agree2 disagreeView comment

Journalism: The line between good articles and clickbait articles.

3247d ago 15 agree0 disagreeView comment

I sware I never seen -Foxtrot say a single nice thing in n4g.

3296d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

Technicly the SMB2 you knew never existed, Long story short,
americans thought the original smb2 released in japan was to similiar to the 1 one, so they replaced the game in america with a game called Yume Kōjō: Doki Doki PaniC and renamed it to Super Mario Bros 2.

So for a japanese, wouldnt make much sense for SMB2 that you know to be within mario maker.

3296d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

This is good news for console owners =) Glad for them!

3308d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

This actually looks like a fun game, But there seem to be alot of "experts" in framerates here but not one bothered to mention "Hey, this aint even in beta yet, maybe they will fix the framerate issues"

3310d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

Peasants will be peasants.

3321d ago 17 agree18 disagreeView comment

Actually no, if the witcher 3 was a ps2 game, those were actually quiet nice graphics for a game with such a huge world.

Compare it with Summoner for exemple.

3378d ago 9 agree3 disagreeView comment

At least its better than what Sony is doing to VITA, that yes, its a pure disgrace, i am fine if nintendo only supports Wii u for this year, and next year, i had my share of wii u fun, and still have alot of fun to be had with xenoblade, mario maker, devils third etc, now the way sony is faking that Vita doesnt even exist, this is exactly the type of thing i hate when a company does, they have a good product, and just because didnt go has they expected they jump of the boat and let everyone ...

3383d ago 1 agree6 disagreeView comment