
CRank: 5Score: 48170

Jesus whats up with this click bait articles, EVERY console at launch as its fair share of problems even the now considered amazing ps4 came out with a shitload of problems, actually 1% of the initial userbase of the ps4 at launch had problems with their consoles ( FACT FROM SONY REPRESENTATIVE

And I only menti...

2751d ago 1 agree4 disagreeView comment

Good news for me tough, that way i can pick it up on a bargain sooner, and get it for a couple friends to

2753d ago 6 agree0 disagreeView comment

I am always amazed by the n4g community, Its nearly impossible to go trough the comments without seing rampaging fanboyism, instant criticism and downvotes to people who share a different opinion , amazin blindsided view to ignore facts, hell I see people getting downvoted to oblivion just for stating they prefer 1 over the other.

Its just sad really, guess the best solution is really stop reading the comments, and begin enjoying all these fantastic games coming out this ge...

2753d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I was initially gona go with Horizon, but after reading all the info out about Zelda, I think I will get Horizon in a while when I have some free time.

also @Kribwalker take my upvote poor man, just because your a multiplat guy you are being downvoted, but seriously, playing multiplat isnt as good as you make it seem, I know because I have a Wii U, a Ps4 and a PC, and I cant find time to play all the games I have :D Currently burning trough digimon next order, kingdom heart...

2758d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

@CP_Company A quote from Metro:

"Having just completed it, we couldn’t help but think of Horizon Zero Dawn while playing Breath Of The Wild, and how simplistic it now seems compared to Zelda. You also have a bow in Breath Of The Wild, but you have to account for how arrows arc through the air, rather than it just acting like a low-tech sniper rifle. Boomerangs have to be caught manually on their return and the best way to defeat the skeletons that appear at night is to...

2758d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

@madmonkey01 @CP_Company Actually nintendo are held against all other consoles, giving it a much higher bar to achiev since nintendo consoles are weaker than their counterparts , pay in mind this game is being released and constantly compared to Horizon Zero Dawn, which is aparently a great game, and still feels lacking next to zelda, This is nothing short of an amazing feat when you compare what both consoles can do, I know I have them both.

2758d ago 2 agree5 disagreeView comment

I went check the youtube comparison, its already out, and its great, the WII U version is identical to the switch with the main diference being the slight longer loads + 720p instead the 900p, still way better than I was expecting on fps, both versions have slight decrease of Fps on grassy areas but nothing game breaking but dont take my word for it, go peak yourself for the comparison and relieve your mind like I did mine.

2758d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

This is one of those moments I am happy to have a Wii U

2758d ago 28 agree3 disagreeView comment

Hmm I dont know how to feel about your comment, because I kinda feel that 14 million people isnt exactly "Hardly anyone"

2759d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Might be, but if we are thinking like that, the same is said about souls games, the only similarities are the amerita system, and the temples that work as fireplaces and the coop mode, because the combat, the enemies, the mission styles,the loot system, the upgrade system, storylike etc are nothing like soulgames.

So its really has unfair comparing this game to onimusha as it is to darksouls.

2760d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Am I the only one who thinks Nioh is actually more similar with Onimusha than it is with dark souls? It feels like an Onimusha game, with ramped up difficulty

2761d ago 28 agree4 disagreeView comment

This is far from surprising ever since square has started porting games to mobile and pc they saw a raise in their profits, so its only natural they are starting to bring more of their games into the pc.

2764d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

They might not win on the home console race, but this is probably about to become the best handheld in the market

2766d ago 5 agree3 disagreeView comment

This articles are honestly pretty misleading, for 1 very good reason, alot of people play games with less resolution not because their pcs cant handle it, but because their screen cant handle it, My younger brother plays on a gtx titan on a screen that can only handle 1600 resolution. Why ? Well, when you play on a pc, the screen is normally smaller than your living room TV, so you notice alot less the resolution specially by being so close to the screen.

2773d ago 7 agree25 disagreeView comment

I agree with your comment, but I gota say, the amount of money I wasted on PS plus + new games are 50-60 euros each I could have built me the best pc ever.

While being truth that the hardware on consoles is cheaper, the software price on pc is alot damn better than on consoles

2773d ago 12 agree20 disagreeView comment

As a guy who owns a pc and a ps4, I gota tell you, I NEVER wasted so much money in my life has I have in my ps4, seriously, brand new games for 50-60 euros each its insane, I get brand new launch games on pc for 30 euros, let me give you some recent exemples:

I bought recently on ps4, Kingdom hearts 2.8 for 50 euros, Nioh for 52€, Final fantasy XV for 55€

I bought on pc on release day, Titanfall 2 30€, Battlefield 1 for 35€, Dragonball xenoverse 2 for 30...

2775d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I am not saying Its bad at any percentage of pc players to make a petition, I am saying its ridiculous people are complaining about PC players making a petition, if this petition doesnt interest them, or they arent even interested in pc gaming, why the heck do they even open this article and comment?

In the end, ps4, pcs, xboxs, we are all gamers, Why do people feel a constant need to reafirm they have the "best platform" ? Even if 100% of pc players were asking f...

2775d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

The Comments in this article are a joke, "Buy A PS4!!!", "I tought they were pc master race!! AHAHA".

This comes from a guy who plays both pc and ps4, and Yes I got NIOH, if you even bothered to open the petition you will see by the time I wrote this, the petition has less than 10k signatures, this is like 0,01% of pc population and yes I am taking this numbers out of my ass, but basicly this is a drop of water in an Ocean, most pc players dont give 2 s...

2776d ago 1 agree3 disagreeView comment

What a ridiculous article, followed by a ridiculous ammount of comments.

2785d ago 4 agree2 disagreeView comment

Well, seing has for honor doesnt work on 1 gen titan cards ( No it doesnt work at all) they should really get their crap together before even work on DLC.

2786d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment