
CRank: 5Score: 48170

Got mine already, download is only about 7.5gb

Edit ( 7.5gbs on the pc, Oh yea i forgot to say, i am not an EA insider, so i am guessing anyone who registered for it does have a chance)

2846d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Wait, i am confused, I was always a PC-nintendo console gamer, till today I always heard the same argument over and over from console games from both ps4/xbox "We dont want to buy a pc to play games because its to expensive" and now that the PC is getting xbox games, their all complaining they have a pc? What happened to "I play consoles because i like the easy, get home, put the disc and play without the stuggle with hardware/software and bugs on pc?"


2901d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

I am the proud owner of a 3ds XL, did I get a little upset when they announced the NEW 3ds, with exclusive games that wouldnt work on the normal one? Sure a little bit, but the thing is, it also felt like a necessity for the 3ds Longevity, and in the end I ended up not losing much at all, so I am confused about why ps4 owners are so upset about this change, if rumours are true, all this is is an upgrade to the existing version, allowing better graphics and probably better fps, but this shoul...

2976d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

People seem to hate my opinion when I say for me the best combo is pc + wii U, go figure.

3014d ago 17 agree10 disagreeView comment

Dont forget wifes/girlfriends, they eat the other half of gaming time that job doesnt :(

3043d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

This for some reason is the only game, i gladly dished more money in DLC than i did on the retail game, and still found it 110% worth while.

3057d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

I am confused, if I am using an xbox or playstation controller on the pc, why does it "play" better on consoles? Is it because the 30fps with the "cinematic" feeling? You lost me with that comment please do explain.

3059d ago 19 agree4 disagreeView comment

My Wii U has been pretty much kicking it, with splatoon, xenoblade x, mario maker and smash bros, duno why people insist its a dead console, when the existing community is pretty vibrant.

3098d ago 15 agree2 disagreeView comment

"Nintendo is incapable of having a console with a widely diverse range of games"

Wait what? So what is the 3ds? Because if we take a look at it, the 3ds is the console thats winning this generation with 56 million sales.

Or are you going to say the 3ds isnt a console?

3099d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

I was pretty much the same, just while i explored i killed way more stuff than i should have =P leveled up quiet nicely, i have around 30% unlocked in primordia, the swampy area and oblivia. Wanted to unlock alot of probes, to facilitate life later on.

3102d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I am confused =P I am level 22, i just finished chapter 4, and i only have 21 hours into the game yet =P how are you only level 23 with 40h ?

3102d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Thymasterdebater -

"nor do I want to upgrade my parts every 3 years just to say I can push 1080p 60 fps when my PS4 does 1080p 30."
- This is inaccurate, if your pc runs everything now at 60fps/1080p in 3 years from now, it will most likely still run most games at 60fps/1080p ( lets not forget graphics in pc are adjustable, and most ps4/xbox games are never at max settings, making it that you can normally play in low / medium and still have the same graphic...

3105d ago 3 agree2 disagreeView comment

Since no one has said it, here it goes!

Hurray for Wii U !

3106d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Wow dude, so much spite for the game, seems your really jelly

3113d ago 4 agree2 disagreeView comment

At least when the Wii was beheaded it had a huge library of games to pick.

3115d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

sure rdgneoz3, but lets not forget how easy has sony abandoned psp vita fans

3116d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I sure hope that Rearden, unlike sony who finishes a console right away as soon as they see its making low profit.

3116d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

Wow Dario_DC, you just described what most pc gamers think that its wrong with console gaming =P.

3119d ago 8 agree1 disagreeView comment

Your pretty much correct, I dont have a ps4 or xbox one, but i never buy multiplataform games for the Wii U because, my computer does it alot better, but then again, my computer is also the reason i dont want a ps4 or xbox one, because again, my computer does it alot better.

So for someone who has a WII u but also owns one of the other consoles, it truly makes no sense to buy multiplats when they know its better on ps4 or xbox one.

3119d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

Nickienick, your just one of those ah ?

3119d ago 10 agree2 disagreeView comment