
CRank: 5Score: 48170

Also, this is my opinion, but one of the reasons why i think Nintendo had such a weak E3 is that, unlike the other companys, they have actually been trowing all their aces on the table in the first part of the year, so its not like they didnt have anything good, its just, they already announced most of it.

3289d ago 1 agree7 disagreeView comment

Honestly they could have salvaged it for me with alot less, if they had some dlc for mario party or nintendo land, and 1 or 2 games ready for this summer that be nice, also, i was expecting news about what are they planning to replace the nintendo Club, got pretty disapointed that they didnt say a thing.

3290d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Well nintendo did pretty bad at this E3, i am not all that disapointed, since theres still alot of games i really want for the Wii U like devils third, mario maker, xenoblade and so on, but i really really wish they had surprised us with something new.

3290d ago 5 agree0 disagreeView comment

Sega is only a shell of what it once was, unfortunatly like many other bisness in the world, sega has been taken by greedy corporatives that understand 0 about producing games, all they care is about shoving popular IPS down on peoples troaths, and hope that uninformed parents will hopefully buy their games.

3290d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

This comes to show, that the big companys, just dont know how to use old IPS properly, this game is a gold mine, and no one wanted to touch it for years.

3290d ago 9 agree1 disagreeView comment

This has been an extreme E3 full of great announcements, i really really wish that Nintendo will surprise us all with some great games and step up to all other companys, I would specially love, if nintendo had something ready for this summer, seing that specially the Wii U is coming short on games during this summer.

3290d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

I agree, Mario kart, had some of the best, cheapest DLC ever released, i mean, it was 50% of the whole game released in dlc. for 12 euros.

While super smash is pushing it a little bit, i am still okai with it, because i really love the game, and i am really happy that thanks to DLC they continue to work on the game and also balance it.

Also something people seem to have left on the side, is that, they actually offered some free content with the update ( Only ...

3291d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

I love Super Smash, i did think the DLC was a little overpriced, then again, if we look at any other fighting game, any dlc character is pretty much around the same prices, and i have to say, between paying overpriced DLC for supersmash, or not having dlc for supersmash, i prefer the 1 one. The only thing i felt nintendo did wrong, was not promote the "package" of all the dlc content for cheaper than buying single dlc.

3291d ago 4 agree4 disagreeView comment

This simply cannot be, steam should simply forbid this type of groups, i tought groups on steam were supposed to be used to join people who like the same games, or want to meet new people to play, not to join a huge ammount of people in them and try to benefit 1 or 2 members by getting them free keys in trade of treaths, not only should the Leader of the group be banned from steam, as steam also should apply future measures to stop guys like this from appearing again.

3295d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Nothing to do like turok, the closest exemple i can give you is RUST with dinosaurs, very similiar to rust actually,

if we had to compare it with an old game, what i would say would be trespasser, a big open world, with alot to explore, and dinosaurs trying to kill you, while you try to eat them!

3300d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I have the game atm, the game is really fun, but its one of the most unoptimized games i have ever played, if you dont have a strong pc, and want to get it i would advise to wait at least 1 month, since they promised the optimization will be the most important step during the 1 month.

3300d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

It wont take long until someone comes in here and says "X game has better graphics", or the usual " To bad the characters look horrible", people seem to have forgotten that a good gameplay, a good storyline and a deep sense of imersion make a game, if we went by todays kids standarts gaming would have never reached to the point it is today, just because "pong" was simply to bland and uncolourfull

3329d ago 9 agree7 disagreeView comment

Dunno whats all the noise about, European gamers usually pay 10-20€ more in every single game we buy than americans, and I you arent seing Europeans crying over price, plus, american people have a higher paycheck than most european countrys, for exemple my country has a minimal paycheck of 500€ per month.

3329d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

In my opinion all they should do is place some kinda of anti cheater, i am more than fine with people modding single player, not so much the online, and people using mods on the online should be banned.

3336d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Oh god... My gf will be pissed when this game comes out

3339d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

i sold mine for 4DOLLARS, i am just to nice =p

3351d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

kinda like Xenoblade X ?

3353d ago 5 agree0 disagreeView comment

Duno man, i am playing the game with proper 60fps without any dips on high-medium on a gtx 660, gta is also influenced by your cpu and ram not only gpu.

3353d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

After playing this game on my pc, all i have to say is....

This is ultimate Gta 5 Plantaform.

3353d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

It really depends, if its a pretty complet game that you really love, and you just keep wishing for more and more content i see nothing wrong with DLC has long has it mantains quality and its not a pure cash grab.

3354d ago 7 agree1 disagreeView comment