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Drive Club Officially Delayed To Early 2014

Playstation Blog: "SCE Worldwide Studios and the team at Evolution Studios have made the difficult decision to delay the release of DRIVECLUB and DRIVECLUB PlayStation Plus Edition until early 2014. DRIVECLUB will be a truly innovative, socially connected racing game, but the team requires more time in order to deliver on their vision — and I’m fully confident the game will surpass your expectations."

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allformats3900d ago (Edited 3900d ago )

I think it was the right decision. If the game needs work, I see no reason to rush it out at launch and get bad reviews that could possibly kill the brand new franchise.

Tough, but good call.

GarrusVakarian3900d ago ShowReplies(49)
pogayoga13900d ago

They were "targeting" 60 fps when getting this game ready for launch. Now that it's been delayed to early 2014, a constant 60fps looks more realistic. It's a blow to the launch lineup, but I doubt anyone was clamoring over a racing game like this.

_FantasmA_3900d ago

What do you mean we weren't clamoring for this? Other than Killzone I was looking forward to playing this almost everyday. I had preordered the Watchdogs bundle and was maybe going to get the full edition of Driveclub, but thats 2 games I wanted to buy that are now delayed.

I know Killzone will be amazing but I wanted something else to play. I may have to just cancel my preorder now because I really needed a racer. I only owned one racing game this generation and now my dreams have been crashed :(. Killzone+Driveclub would have kept me busy for a few months, but now I don't know how long we will have to wait for The Order.

This sucks big time. I know you hardcore fanboys will vote me down, even though I hate Xbox and will never buy another M$ product, I may have to cancel my preorder because I'll only have one big game to play.

SniperControl3900d ago


Dude, dont fret.
Look, i know it is 5h1tty news, i was really looking forward to DC as well, but if it means getting a polished game in 6 months then so be it.

Do you own a PS3? If you do just get Gran Turismo 6, that will keep you busy till DC is out.

NewMonday3900d ago


Need for Speed is launching with the PS4 and is more fun, so you get your racing fix

Deathdeliverer3900d ago

Personally I'm glad. It lightened the blow on my wallet for the month of November. Getting both the PS4 and the XB1 made money tight because of the game purchases that I wanted day 1. The systems have been paid off for months but I procrastinated on games. This and watch dog delays were perfect. I was going to get the boxed version of Drive Club. Now it's BF4, KZ:SF, Knack, (debating AC4) for PS4 and KI and Dead R 3 for One on day one respectively. Plus I can still eat regularly.

yanikins1113900d ago

Im with Fantasma. I was looking forward to 3 games, 2 of which are now delayed. $700+ for a console with one major game and some indy titles isn't only not appealing to me, it sounds down right insane.

thorstein3900d ago

Yani... hold the phone. We are getting Contrast and Resogun at Launch with the console (yeah, you need to Dload and yes, I am already a Plus member) but I don't recall other systems doing that.

Honestly, I don't know how much Dclub I was going to be doing anyway. But you still get the PS Plus version when it is available...

badz1493900d ago

GAAHH...god DAMN IT! was really looking forward to play it at launch! let's just hope these delays don't trend!

Philoctetes3900d ago

I was actually really looking forward to this as a launch title, especially since it was going to be on PS+. Hopefully the delay results in a better game, but this still weakens Sony's launch lineup quite a bit for me. (Still getting a PS4 on day one though).

OCEANGROWNKUSH3900d ago (Edited 3900d ago )

Actually i was really looking forward to every ps4 player having this game on day one to play online... This was one of my most anticipated titles for the holiday season, just because you may not care for a racing title does not mean other people feel the same, this is a huge letdown.

guitarded773899d ago

@ _FantasmA_

I agree that it sucks. Some will sugar coat it, but my pre-order is stacked with shooters now. At least we have Gran Turismo 6 coming to the PS3. Watch Dogs and Drive Club being delayed in the same week (or so) is crappy. There's still enough to keep me confident with my pre-order, but having those two games delayed was a kick in the nuts.

+ Show (8) more repliesLast reply 3899d ago
majiebeast3900d ago (Edited 3900d ago )

Not good :(

Im looking at it from a positive side though, 60FPS Driveclub.

Bundi3900d ago

You wanna maybe take back what you said about TSC after they broke the iital rumour?

DoctorJones3900d ago

Bundi does have a point majiebeast.

majiebeast + 1d 21h ago
No name site that hasnt had a story above 100 heat, makes up bogus rumour about PS4 launch game.

vigilante_man3900d ago

What Next?

As a day one PS4 buyer this week is a bad one. Granted there have been many great ones this year for Sony. But a bad week is a bad week.

Driveclub has been pushed so much by Sony and a big selling point for continuing PS+. Watch Dogs was sponsored heavily by Sony. Sony must be wandering what the heck is going on with these developers when Sony have bent over backwards to accommodate them.

Games are always delayed. We all know that. But launch titles should be ready at launch. It is a wee bit embarrassing. Lets all be honest here!

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 3900d ago
JoGam3900d ago

Another Delayed game? OK WHO'S NEXT? I understand the games need to be polished but this a mess. That's two games already. These companies better stop acting like the are ready when deep down they know its not. Getting everyone exited for these games.

ProA0073900d ago

like I said above, they're rushing. And Sony probably more so than Microsoft.

rambi803900d ago

Game teases..gonna give me blue controller

TheEvilWithin3900d ago

Three games were delayed. Ubisofts The Crew and Watch Dogs both got pushed to some time next year and now Drive Club.

Brix903900d ago


Are blind even Penello acknowledged that there were more games on Ps4 that were running at 1080p 60fps then X1. Not too mention Crytek had to rewrite code on the X1 to run properly. Both consoles will be ready but judging by a lot of other games we can see PS4 is ready. Not too mention what does a game being delayed have anything to do with the Ps4 not being ready the games just isn't ready thats it. Dice sad BF4 was almost delayed on both consoles so I guess X1 would be rushed too then.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 3900d ago
nukeitall3900d ago

I knew this was going to happen.

Called it back when dev said 40% at E3!

My eyes just about popped out of their socket.

And get this, they were aiming to achieve 60fps at 1080p. Sony knew back then it couldn't have been released in time for launch, but Sony just strung you along!

HugoDrax3900d ago (Edited 3900d ago )

"but Sony just strung you along!"

I'll say one thing, I'm no fanboy...but during E3 presentations, whatever comes out of Sony/Nintendo/Microsofts mouth I take with a grain of salt until the product is sitting on store shelves for me to purchase. All 3 companies are guilty of stringing us gamers along, and right when they have your pre order (Money) they release news months later and say

"Oh yeah gamers, that game we mentioned months ago, that you pre ordered our console and the game for, yeah that game is delayed. Thanks for your capital though muuuhahahaha <- EVIL LAUGH

The 3 scenarios that come to mind on how I was bamboozled by all 3 companies who sold me a lie.

1) SONY: KILLZONE E3 presentation for PS3, Last Guardian, Final Fantasy Versus.....
2) Microsoft: Project MILO
3) Nintendo: ZELDA HD Wii U, instead they release a remake of a Zelda game I played on my GameCube, yet the year before the Wii U released you showcased an HD version of Zelda only to turn around and not mention it anymore.

Yet it never matters in the end. A gamer will wait to play the game he/she is interested in, regardless how long it is delayed :-)

DigitalRaptor3900d ago (Edited 3900d ago )

This is bad news for PS4 gamers, but good news for the game.

However, what is not unclear is that you are a MS troll, looking to attempt to push any bad news for Sony, and treat it like it can match the torrent of negative news MS has had over the past 8 months or so.

I remember when the whole, "forced bundles being mandated by Sony" rumour came about and you were on predator mode trying to ensure that Sony were tagged as being in the wrong, going as far as saying "It is a bait and switch scam and Sony is behind it!" - even though it turned out to be a pack or horseshit that of course you clung onto

And now it's "Sony strung you along", when they were trying to get Evolution to have a game ready for launch, and things didn't go to plan. Of course they did. In your eyes.

torchic3900d ago Show
T23900d ago

How is Sony stringing you along when a developer runs into delays? pretty much every comment you make is trolling, no idea how you have any bubbles.

Also anyone who said ps4 was rushed, in no way related to the console is the developer running driveclub... dumbest comments yet.

imt5583900d ago

Stop bullshiting, man!

Sony knew that Driveclub will be delayed? Well, why Sony didn't knew that Watch Dogs will be delayed to. Watch Dogs had a heavy promotion on PS4 and one of the biggest games on PS4 and so many bundles are preordered. C'mon, dude.

Btw. Driveclub release date are early 2014. So, roughly january or february. And these months are basically the launch months of PS4. So, Driveclub is still a launch game.

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Animal Mutha 763900d ago (Edited 3900d ago )

F**ckin hell. This will hit 1000deg in no time.

So the rumours were correct. I'm surprised because the game wasn't in bad shape when I played it although it was on a dev kit and had a few minor bugs.

Some rumours I've seen suggest that devs are having some driver/optimisation troubles with PS4 but we will see on that I guess.

Shame for PS4 and that's coming from an mainly Xbox player. I do think it's poor that they build something up for months then delay it late on after most PS4 preorders have been made.


I couldn't possibly elaborate but let's just say the site in question is not highly regarded here and the source is from a claimed multi plat developer. Anyway it's just a rumour no facts to back it up as yet. The suggestion is also that devs got access to final hardware quite late into their programmes and that final optimisation tweaks are required in many cases.

Kayant3900d ago

"Some rumours I've seen suggest that devs are having some driver/optimisation troubles with PS4 but we will see on that I guess."

What rumours???

Ezz20133900d ago

"" Some rumours I've seen suggest that devs are having some driver/optimisation troubles with PS4 but we will see on that I guess. ""

what rumors ?! any link ?!
this is not true at all

NewMonday3900d ago

@Animal Mutha 76

"Some rumours I've seen.."

please tell use more we are very interested, can you give use the links?

Blaze9293900d ago (Edited 3900d ago )

PS4 is supposed to be 50% faster and stronger as well as super easy to developer for though right? What happened to that to where a simple free-to-play racing game can't even be completed in time? Oh i do wonder...

mkis0073900d ago

@Kayant @Ezz2013 -He just started it.

majiebeast3900d ago (Edited 3900d ago )


Driveclub is a full fledged game that has a PS+ edition, unlike Killer Instinct with its pathetic 6 character roster maybe they should delay that game but nope Microsoft is gonna ship that with a embarassingly small roster.

Get the facts before you start making an ass out of yourself.

Kayant3900d ago

If it's from a multi-plat dev why would the source not be regarded here??


Hmmmm... I don't see anything..... No links, no nothing.

DigitalRaptor3900d ago (Edited 3900d ago )

@ blaze

It's kinda cute to see you try and downplay the PS4 after its first misstep this entire year. The desperation is taking you over man. I guess that's what happens after the company you're loyal to is subjected to valid criticism and negative news for 8 months straight. You can't help but seek "retribution".

DriveClub is a retail game with a ton of content and a number of dynamic systems, but of course you would look at ONE way it is being delivered to gamers and pretend that is somehow a bad thing and spells the quality of the game. Might as well call the entire AAA PS+ catalogue free-to-play if you're going to take that approach.

So, if Killzone: Shadow Fall is the best looking next generation game and is ready for launch with no hitches, how is the console being "50% faster and stronger as well as being super easy to developer for" in question?

As we can see, we hear a lot of you guys complaining about Sony fanboys, but you are one of the most hypocritical fanbases out there, with your trollish behaviour and your friend Animal Mutha 76 up there making up rumours about PS4 driver problems.

GTgamer3900d ago

@Digital don't be too hard on blaze he just got his panty wet when he heard the bad news he knew he wanted to say some dumb stuff like he did earlier, any who DC will live to see another day now it was evolutions fault for being ambition but in the end they will make a complete product that should be great but we all know we were gonna get the free version so this hardly effects Sony fans still very much looking forward to the game.

black0o3900d ago

let it all out .. u'll feel better after

I wonder does the rumors about xbone being incapable of 1080p true as well

cell9893900d ago

"Some rumours I've seen suggest that devs are having some driver/optimisation troubles"

Nah nah you got a little confused there, that rumor is attached to the xbone, when devs complained Microsoft was way behind on driver optimization

PimpDaddy3900d ago

Damn!!! Sony Defense Force is all over this article trying to spin, deny, and downplay anything negative about DriveClub and the PS4. Weren't most of you attacking the credibility of DriveClub being delayed over the past few days???

Sony fanboys are the biggest Hippocrates on the Internet!!!

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Shakengandulf3900d ago

Agree completely, tough call but i beleive its the right one.
This might even sway me to pick up knack and try something different.

come_bom3900d ago (Edited 3900d ago )

For me it won't make a much of a difference, I'm only purchasing the console in Q1 or Q2 2014. Too bad about the gamers that purchase the console at launch, and want to play a racing game.

I find the console launch exclusives for the PS4 quite lacking, and it's getting worse day by day with delays. I honestly don't understand why people are rushing to buy the console at launch simply to play a pretty brainless FPS that's Killzone, Knack or a couple of indies.

mkis0073900d ago

Killzone is just as brainless as any other FPS out there. It actually has some sort of feeling that makes it feel good that I can not explain.

black0o3900d ago

EA sure are happy know .. more sells for NFS

TheEvilWithin3900d ago

That's why I'm waiting... Nothing I want at launch. Getting my PS4 in Feb cause it will be closer to Infamous second son and other great games but for now I'm content with my Wii U and PS3.

WarThunder3900d ago (Edited 3900d ago )

Finally the official source.

This is good news. More time to polish the game to run at 1080p 60fps with all the Global illumination, Dynamic lighting and Day and night cycles for all tracks.
We don't need crunching and rushed games.

Not a big deal for me because im still buying the PS4 next year.

EvilDragonX3900d ago

This doesn't bother me since i don't play racing games. But i noticed no one has mentioned Yoshida-san saying they were going to give PS+ members another game, and still get driveclub when it comes out.

"For the PS4 launch, in addition to Resogun, I’m pleased to announce that Contrast, the highly anticipated game from Compulsion Games will also be available to PlayStation Plus members for free as part of Instant Game Collection."

Magicite3900d ago

If they will make it 1080/60 and better looking/played than Forza 5, then sure, take your time.

CRAIG6673900d ago

The right decision decision would have been to never promote it as a launch game...

G20WLY3900d ago

Newsflash: plans change sometimes. :O

BallsEye3900d ago

somewhere in the far future...

Fantangoooo3900d ago

well they best get it done properly before release than release a half done game. I dont see any issue with that... So i guess one lunch game down for ps4 now..

MiHX23900d ago

How much delays for today?Um,lets see.Watch dogs,The crew,Driveclub.Right up:Ryse,Forza 5,Assassin's creed IV,Killzone:SF,Xbox One,PS4,Call of Duty Ghosts,Below,PINGAS,The Amazing Spider-Man 2,etc.

DiRtY3900d ago ShowReplies(3)
Aceman183900d ago (Edited 3900d ago )

I'm a little saddened, but I'll live its not like I won't have plenty of games to play on the system Lol.

If it makes for a better product I really don't see the issue. Hell I wasn't even mad when Watchdogs got delayed.

B_Real3900d ago

Why wait a month before it is supposed to come out to cancel it? I'm all for quality but this could have been announced 3 months ago. It seems very suspicious that they would announce it now: possibly to try and up PS4 pre-order numbers? Seems like a bad move on Sony's part.

BallsEye3900d ago Show
hqgamez3900d ago

BS I lost watch dogs, driveclub, could of lost battlefield 4. I believe that since these developers are willing to make hard choices. I won't be surprised if more come to follow.

DonFreezer3900d ago Show
Jaqen_Hghar3900d ago

A man actually is more interested in Contrast and we still get Driveclub free too when it launches! A man will be too busy with Resogun, Contrast, KZ Shadowfall, and the free to plays at launch and then Battlefield 4 and Knack at Christmas.

Mystogan3900d ago Show
UnHoly_One3900d ago

Let's be honest here, nobody was buying a PS4 for Drive Club.

Not saying it won't be good, or that people aren't excited about it, I'm just saying it isn't going to be a big deal in the long run because it wasn't a 'system seller' like a Killzone or inFAMOUS.

Pogmathoin3900d ago

Hehehe, I do not think its bad.... Look at GTA 5.... Turned out more awesome than I could imagine.... As someone getting both, this sucks as it was free, Watch dogs too... Damn, but however, means I might get something great I might have overlooked.... KZ for PS, but now watch dogs delayed, do not know what to get for X1.... Swaying towards Dead Rising....

xtremeimport3900d ago

polyphony digital has a sigh of relief thinking "we're not the only ones now."

cant wait to give this game a try.

Divine3900d ago

plleeeeeasssseeee make it open world pleaseee!!!!

showtimefolks3900d ago

people will over react but its nothing new, a game needed more time and sony is giving it also another game or 2 needed more time and UBI gave it too

i rather play a game 4 months later but by than hopefully it will be a better overall product, also stop complaining whenever t launches PSN_Plus edition will still be there for free

i don't see MS giving away free games for xbox one at launch?

and to all the haters saying ps4 has no game, yeh if we are only counting numbers than ps4 has 2 times the amount of games than xbox one, but now AAA argument is being made when for last few years xbox fanboys have touted how indie is the real deal. make up your mind, so when ms isn't supporting indie now its not important

free to play games at launch don't require psn-plus, so when you buy a ps4 there are games you can enjoy for free, free nothing to pay just free

some of those same games require xblive gold account on xbox one, so yeh sony is doing everything wrong

give me a damn break, some of sony's biggest studios have yet to reveal anything so if you are jealous and a hater now than you will become even a bigger hater in few months when ND announce its next game along with sony santa monica and MM among many others

take your time evolution studios, and kudos to sony for allowing more time

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DarkLordMalik3900d ago

"A delayed game is eventually good, but a rushed game is forever bad. - Shigeru Miyamoto

GarrusVakarian3900d ago

Perfect comment right there, so true.

3900d ago
sobotz3900d ago

When Ubisoft is doing it, it suck ass, Ubisoft is suck, they're just afraid of GTA

But when Sony is doing it, it's a perfect choice, it's right to delayed it to next year

You guys are funny sometimes

Delayed game is eventually good? lol at Aliens Colonial Marines and Duke Nukem or Diablo 3 PC

Baka-akaB3900d ago (Edited 3900d ago )

Uh there were people like myself actually cool with the Watchdogs delay . It was a pain having to deal with that many high profile titles even if multi generation and platforms , right at launch . The biggest issues are for those who pre-ordered bundles with WD (or driveclub now for that matter) .

Besides two sides can play this game . According to many xbox fanboys , Driveclub was crap and irrelevant ... and now that's its delayed suddenly it's a major game from Sony's lineup that is gone ? Yeah right .

Anyway i saw nothing yet that made me want to purchase the game , barely a month from release and still no footage that looked like a complete game . So it's not that surprising , yet still dissapointing i guess for those looking forward to it .

Imo they should just have released a free prologue of sort

Ezz20133900d ago (Edited 3900d ago )

well said,
i never buy console for launch titles

i look at the bigger pic here
the 1st/2nd party support
free games on ps+
Most powerful console which will give the console more life than the rivals

ProA0073900d ago

"Most powerful console which will give the console more life than the rivals"

what does that have to do with games though lol? PS4 could have 20 years more life than its rivals, not really seeing your point if those same rivals will have similar multi platform games and only a few number of exclusives will shine every year....

extermin8or3900d ago (Edited 3900d ago )

Personaly I buy sony's consoles primairily for the exclusives which typically in the middle years of a consoles life they will have many top quality titles more so than their competitors and they have new IP's periodically throughout the consoles life. This gem with the PC architecture I think having more power will show.... the yeild devs get from the hardware should be hgher to start with and increase at a faster rate as they are so used to wokring with the tech.
Although MS crtainly have their launch line up stronger history says sony will within a year-2 years have far more games releasing exclusively like clockwork through the years.

Ezz20133900d ago (Edited 3900d ago )


my point is pretty clear
i want a console that will offer the best version of multiplats/exclusives on consoles along with my gaming pc
and a console that is more future proof that will keep getting support even after ps5 come out

launch tites means little to me

pretty much
but keep in mind since ps4 is pretty easy to work with and the more powerful console
it will also be the best choice for multiplat games on consoles
so it really a win/win here for me

SniperControl3900d ago


Dont forget the biggest turkey of them all....

Duke Nukem!

Blaze9293900d ago ShowReplies(7)
pyramidshead3900d ago (Edited 3900d ago )

Well there you have it folks, the first official mistep from Sony coming up to next gen but expected it because sony insiders on gaf were saying it was more than likely 90% true. Was hoping for a clean run but that was hoping for a miracle. I'm disappointed but it doesn't affect my future purchase in the slightest, surprisingly.

Bad news for Sony fans all round though.

edit: On the bright side there's still decent exclusives you've probably not played still coming out or have been out on PS3(providing you've not sold it for a PS4)so technically there's still a lot of games to keep you busy. Not really the same deal for the 360.

Jazz41083900d ago ShowReplies(1)
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60FPS on PS5: Unofficial PS5 'FPS Boost' mods are radically improving PS4 back compat

Digital Foundry : Whether it's via FPS Boost or bespoke software upgrades, backwards compatibility on the current-gen consoles delivered an unexpected delight - the ability to liberate older console games from their 30fps limits, running them at 60 frames per second or even higher. FPS Boost did the business for Xbox Series consoles on an impressive range of titles, but there was always the sense that PS5 could do more. It's a hunch that checks out as a range of frame-rate unlocks are available for PS5, covering many must-have games - the major caveat being that only exploitable consoles running on older firmwares are invited to the party.

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darthv72162d ago

you love to see new life being breathed into older titles but damn the process to get there. It should be automatic that these work for everyone... not just those who exploit their systems. Really wish Sony and MS would keep this program going officially.

Psychonaut85162d ago

Damn this sucks. I want this shit so bad, but I’m not jailbreaking my console. And frankly I shouldn’t have to. I’m not a tech person, but is it really that hard for developers to unlock the framerate? Or would that have to be a large patch?

dveio162d ago (Edited 162d ago )

"but is it really that hard for developers to unlock the framerate?"

I guess it's not.

But it has become a profitable business if you do so.

So no one would pay for only the framerate patched to being unlocked. So studios need to offer more than that.

But this would take more time, polishing and would cost more money. So they shy away, but won't unlock the framerate, either.

That's just my personal assumption. But from what I can comprehend technically, it shouldn't be difficult to unlock framerates via a patch for older games.

... if it hadn't became a business.

RaidenBlack162d ago (Edited 162d ago )

frame-rate unlock should be free ...
We've seen many devs offer free patches and updates to pretty old PC titles, even bonuses ... so why can't devs offer the frame unlock patch for free (in consultation with the platform-producers) for a title from just a generation earlier?

Einhander1972162d ago


"frame-rate unlock should be free ..."

Obviously the result of that thinking is that developers aren't even going to do it.

If they had been allowed to charge $5-10 you would see incentivized developers doing it way more often.

People just always want everything for free, but it's not free to make the patch, people have to code it then other people have to test it, and there will always be other costs involved.

If people want dollar store gaming then expect to get what you pay for.

shinoff2183161d ago (Edited 161d ago )

Raiden I might be wrong but last I thought it cost money to put patches out on consoles.

As far as me paying for it, I'm not all that interested tbh. Not enough to pay for it with older games, and newer games have been pretty decent about it for the most part.

dumahim162d ago

Sounds like the modder has to go in to make changes to unlock it on a game by game basis. "Simple" enough to do it unofficially, but to have it done officially, they need someone to go in a make that change, put out a patch and put it through certification, which I believe is not necessarily a cheap thing to do. It's questionable if going through this would then give them enough sales to make it worthwhile.

Inverno162d ago

Many games still have physics tied to framerate, i think it's cause they wouldn't want to go in and do anything extra. Then there's the 10 dollar upgrades they rather charge. The problem is that there's no compromise, cause if I could mod my PS4 and all I'd lose is online play then id jailbreak it immediately. Mods have done so much for PC games and they could do the same for consoles, but manufacturers hafto be willing to compromise.

shinoff2183161d ago

It's not to hard to do and there's youtube videos that break it down really well. ANyway most of us here arent able to break are console anyway due to being up to date on firmware from playing

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 161d ago
Chocoburger162d ago

Yep, this sucks having to require a jailbreak for something that should be standard in our industry by now. I learned my lesson when PS4 was jailbroken and I didn't keep a console on low firmware for years, but now I'm holding onto two low firmware PS5s specifically because there are features I'll be able to do that you can't do on official firmware, so this will pay off for me soon enough.

Jin_Sakai162d ago

It should be a sin to let these games sit and be stuck at 30fps.

EazyC162d ago

RDR 2 not getting a 60FPS patch for PS5 was a crime.


Driveclub - Brutal Backlog

Driveclub was a headline game at the start of the PS4’s life. A fabulous game – eventually - but what now, with the servers turned off? Is it worth your time? JDR starts its engines in today’s Brutal Backlog.

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Abear21844d ago

Bikes expansion might be one of the most underrated games of last gen. Incredible driver and bike animations + DC weather is craze.


20 Best PS4 Racing Games You Should Play

Cultured Vultures: We won't stop until everyone appreciates how brilliant Driveclub is/was.

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Terry_B1263d ago

Are there even more than 20?

purple1011262d ago

i went to the article and theres only a couple racing games, cant find the button to move page on through all the adverts.

purple1011262d ago

ah its changed to a video now, strange, but il take it

Dfooster1261d ago

Dirt rally doesn't even make the list? Errm OK then.

Driveclub is over rated as well, with middle of the road handling and the 30fps killed it upon arrival for me.