
Top 30 PS4 Exclusive Games of All Time

GB: "Join us as we try and rank the PS4’s abundance of memorable exclusives."

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Sonic-and-Crash1451d ago

ohh at last someone gives Bloodborne the throne it deserves -->the throne of the best exclusive game on PS4 and i would add the best game/new IP of this gen

Also at last one article that includes The Last Guardian in top exclusives list .....i would change its position though and i would rank it higher ...TLoUS 2 and FF VII Remake dont desreve to be in the top 5 list (at least FF7 that imo is an incomplete game)

umair_s511451d ago

Gaming bolt with their 30 pages for 30 exclusives. Can someone please do everyone a service and list all the titles. Much appreciated.

Army_of_Darkness1450d ago

The last of us, uncharted 2, horizon zero dawn, god of war 3, metal gear solid 4 and Ni no Kuni are my all time favorites.

Seraphim1450d ago

definitely not clicking on that one. I refuse to visit any site or scroll through page after page on any site that pulls that BS.

side note: how the F can you do only a top 30!!?? That doesn't even leave room for Rise of Honor [PS2], Genji [PS2], Folklore [PS3] and some, rather, many other dam solid exclusives that are deserving to be called out in a Top of list. And those two of those are possibly highly debatable, perhaps obscure titles but I loved them... Crap, I can rattle off what could be considered 30 top PS exclusives from the top of me head. Then again, how many people are actually going to click through 50-100 pages to see an entire list. My point has been argued and mute. but seriously...

anonymousfan1450d ago

I am terrible at hard games like Bloodborne but I am hoping that the zero loading screen on PS5 will make my billion noob deaths more bearable and I might stick to it 😆

toxic-inferno1450d ago

The loading times in Bloodborne aren't actually that bad!

anonymousfan1450d ago

@toxic-inferno I believe you 😆 but any loading combined with the death animations is too much when you die as much as I do lmao.

garos821450d ago

Im guessing you didnt play it at launch. The patched the loading times much later on to improve them but i remember them being horrible

DeBroglio1450d ago

Tlou 2 most certainly deserves to be in the top 5. Ff vii remake was incredible and universally acclaimed too, so i have absolute no qualms about those games being in someone's top 5, because those games deserve the recognition. You can say what you want about TLOU 2, doesnt change the fact that it is a technical masterpiece, if anything, and the gameplay is top notch as well.

Dragonscale1450d ago

Agreed sonic, still the best even now. Tbh tlou2 doesn't deserve to be on the list full stop.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 1450d ago
LOGICWINS1451d ago

That’s a lot of exclusive titles....

FlavorLav011451d ago

However you look at it, that’s an unforgettable generation of titles to have put out. Sony’s has EARNED our trust, my money will be there day 1 to see and support the future of games they have in store. Super grateful, still working on my platinum of GhostsOT.

CaptainHenry9161451d ago (Edited 1451d ago )

Ghost of tuishima is the real deal and fantastic 👏 👌 🙌

Abnor_Mal1450d ago

Aw man, I just started act3, this game is pressing all the right buttons and hitting me in the feels.

Bathyj1450d ago (Edited 1450d ago )

There's a new patch live right now. Not sure what it does. New game plus or resetting camps fingers crossed.
Edit. Apparently travelers attire gets visual and audio clues for pick ups not just Rumble. And bug fixes. That's it.

anonymousfan1450d ago

My only regret this gen is not having enough time to play... So many of those gems I barely touched.

I'm starting next gen fresh though I dont want to work on my backlog when I get a PS5... Unless there is a drought at first then I'll get around to completing GoW :)

shuvam091450d ago

Can someone list it? Not interested in going through 30 slides :/

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60FPS on PS5: Unofficial PS5 'FPS Boost' mods are radically improving PS4 back compat

Digital Foundry : Whether it's via FPS Boost or bespoke software upgrades, backwards compatibility on the current-gen consoles delivered an unexpected delight - the ability to liberate older console games from their 30fps limits, running them at 60 frames per second or even higher. FPS Boost did the business for Xbox Series consoles on an impressive range of titles, but there was always the sense that PS5 could do more. It's a hunch that checks out as a range of frame-rate unlocks are available for PS5, covering many must-have games - the major caveat being that only exploitable consoles running on older firmwares are invited to the party.

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darthv72196d ago

you love to see new life being breathed into older titles but damn the process to get there. It should be automatic that these work for everyone... not just those who exploit their systems. Really wish Sony and MS would keep this program going officially.

Psychonaut85196d ago

Damn this sucks. I want this shit so bad, but I’m not jailbreaking my console. And frankly I shouldn’t have to. I’m not a tech person, but is it really that hard for developers to unlock the framerate? Or would that have to be a large patch?

dveio196d ago (Edited 196d ago )

"but is it really that hard for developers to unlock the framerate?"

I guess it's not.

But it has become a profitable business if you do so.

So no one would pay for only the framerate patched to being unlocked. So studios need to offer more than that.

But this would take more time, polishing and would cost more money. So they shy away, but won't unlock the framerate, either.

That's just my personal assumption. But from what I can comprehend technically, it shouldn't be difficult to unlock framerates via a patch for older games.

... if it hadn't became a business.

RaidenBlack196d ago (Edited 196d ago )

frame-rate unlock should be free ...
We've seen many devs offer free patches and updates to pretty old PC titles, even bonuses ... so why can't devs offer the frame unlock patch for free (in consultation with the platform-producers) for a title from just a generation earlier?

Einhander1972196d ago


"frame-rate unlock should be free ..."

Obviously the result of that thinking is that developers aren't even going to do it.

If they had been allowed to charge $5-10 you would see incentivized developers doing it way more often.

People just always want everything for free, but it's not free to make the patch, people have to code it then other people have to test it, and there will always be other costs involved.

If people want dollar store gaming then expect to get what you pay for.

shinoff2183195d ago (Edited 195d ago )

Raiden I might be wrong but last I thought it cost money to put patches out on consoles.

As far as me paying for it, I'm not all that interested tbh. Not enough to pay for it with older games, and newer games have been pretty decent about it for the most part.

dumahim196d ago

Sounds like the modder has to go in to make changes to unlock it on a game by game basis. "Simple" enough to do it unofficially, but to have it done officially, they need someone to go in a make that change, put out a patch and put it through certification, which I believe is not necessarily a cheap thing to do. It's questionable if going through this would then give them enough sales to make it worthwhile.

Inverno196d ago

Many games still have physics tied to framerate, i think it's cause they wouldn't want to go in and do anything extra. Then there's the 10 dollar upgrades they rather charge. The problem is that there's no compromise, cause if I could mod my PS4 and all I'd lose is online play then id jailbreak it immediately. Mods have done so much for PC games and they could do the same for consoles, but manufacturers hafto be willing to compromise.

shinoff2183195d ago

It's not to hard to do and there's youtube videos that break it down really well. ANyway most of us here arent able to break are console anyway due to being up to date on firmware from playing

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 195d ago
Chocoburger196d ago

Yep, this sucks having to require a jailbreak for something that should be standard in our industry by now. I learned my lesson when PS4 was jailbroken and I didn't keep a console on low firmware for years, but now I'm holding onto two low firmware PS5s specifically because there are features I'll be able to do that you can't do on official firmware, so this will pay off for me soon enough.

Jin_Sakai196d ago

It should be a sin to let these games sit and be stuck at 30fps.

EazyC196d ago

RDR 2 not getting a 60FPS patch for PS5 was a crime.


Killzone After a Decade in Hibernation

It's been 10 years since Killzone: Shadow Fall arrived for PlayStation 4 early adopters, and there's no sign of another sequel.

Obscure_Observer254d ago

Sadly it was dumped by Guerrilla to focus on Horizon games only. Mainline, VR and Multiplayer.

Vengeance1138254d ago

lmao sadly? Are you pretending to have actually played the series lol Sorry bud, no Killzone on Xbox.

Cacabunga253d ago

With the downfall of COD and BF, Killzone def. has a chance to make a groundbreaking comeback

253d ago
Notellin253d ago (Edited 253d ago )

What a low-functioning reply here typical of the fanboy N4G community.

Rimeskeem254d ago


I think it’s called moving on.

Barlos253d ago (Edited 253d ago )

They brought out 4 main games and 2 spin offs: one on PSP and one on Vita. That's a decent run for any series. I also understand that Shadow Fall wasn't a success commercially despite it coming out at PS4 launch, and as a big Killzone fan even I couldn't get into it, so I think Sony/Guerrilla could see it was time to move on.

Don't get me wrong, I'd love another Killzone game in the vein of KZ2 but it's just not happening. Hell, I'd even take a remake or remaster of the first 3 games.

I'd hardly say it was "dumped" though, it spanned 3 console generations and 2 handheld generations.

1Victor253d ago

@obscured:”Sadly it was dumped by Guerrilla to focus on Horizon games only. Mainline, VR and Multiplayer”

Happily it was dumped by Guerrilla to focus on Horizon games only. Mainline, VR and Multiplayer( edited to reflect the writer true feelings and allegiance)
Kill zone was a FPS far ahead of its glitched competitors with nauseating bad camera angles, 10 years old screaming curses like a drunk sailor and bot aiming assist.

ChasterMies253d ago


The Horizon games were among the best games of all time. Killzone Shadowfail wasn’t.

Shane Kim253d ago

True, but damn the memories of KZ2 multiplayer. Still no MP as fun as that to this date.

Mr_cheese253d ago

Dumped and shelved are two different things

Tacoboto253d ago

And Sony as a whole dumped the FPS genre so they wouldn't have products competing with COD and (until purchase) Destiny.

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 253d ago
GoodGuy09254d ago

I loved the KZ2+3 campaigns and MP in 2. There could be so much more done with the franchise. Horizon although good, I wish they'd go back to this wonderful IP. Take a break from Horizon please.

Flawlessmic253d ago

Agreed dude, I would absolutely love a reboot of the series, one can only hope that either resistance or killzone makes a return.

Have nothing but great memories, especially of the first 3 games, but all 4 were show stoppers graphically.

blackbeld253d ago

To making it a successful reboot they have to change that buttons layout! Make it playable like the cod button layout. Otherwise I’ll skipping it again.

Rynxie253d ago

And that's the reason why many fps games failed. Instead of being original and catering to it's fans, they tried to make it like cod. No, kz doesn't need cod button layout. It needs to be like it was on kz2 or balanced liked kz3.

Lightning77254d ago

I think Kill Zone would do great in Sony's LS push. As well as MAG reboot and bring back Resistance into LS.

Sharky231253d ago


I think WarHawk would have been a great Live service game.

thorstein254d ago

Killzone games were so polished. The gameplay was just simple joy. MP was one of the best experiences.

I remember KZ3, just staring at how awesome they animated the water and then getting wasted because of it.

P_Bomb254d ago

It’s been a decade? Now I’m sad.

LiViNgLeGaCY253d ago

I hear ya bud. We're due for a revival.

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20 Years of Guerrilla: The Story of a PlayStation Studio

The Amsterdam-based studio reflects on its humble beginnings, beloved franchises, and growth through the years.

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SullysCigar444d ago

Up there with the top tier in the industry. Love Guerrilla Games - Horizon Burning Shores is simply STUNNING.

1Victor444d ago

Can’t wait for their next franchise

SullysCigar444d ago

Same. They nailed it with Horizon. The trouble is I also want a new Killzone! Can't I just have it all?!

jznrpg444d ago

I’m with you I want Horizon 3 , Killzone and new IPs

badz149443d ago

I have yet to play Burning Shores as I just started Forbidden West (bought at launch, just unwrapped last weekend LOL) and playing on PS5.

man...I still can't believe the graphics especially now I'm playing it on my LG OLED. that graphics and with stable performance backing it up, GG really is the master of their craft!

Vengeance1138444d ago

32.7M sales in the Horizon franchise! With 8.4M coming from Forbidden West alone! Truly a hugely successful game and franchise as a whole. Looking forward to Horizon III

Shane Kim444d ago

That's kind of a huge drop though. It's only been two games.

VersusDMC444d ago

One year after realease HZD sold 7.6 million.


So not a drop off.

Unless you're saying a HFW should have sold as much now as HZD sold in 5 years?

Vengeance1138444d ago

It's been 3 games, this includes Call of the Mountain. Also no, its a great improvement over HZD.

solideagle444d ago

lol you are comparing:

HZD: 28 February 2017 - May 2023 (6 years+)

HFW: 18 February 2022 - May 2023 (1 year+)

We will see if it surpass original number.

Phoenix76444d ago

@shane, 2 full main games, 2 DLC add ons, 1 VR spin off game, oh and a an official LEGO set.
Not too bad for an ip that's only been on market for 6 years

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 444d ago
REDGUM444d ago

Wow, very impressive. I didn't know the numbers were so high for Forbidden West. Still playing through it myself

thesoftware730444d ago (Edited 444d ago )

Yooo, when I first saw that Killzone 1 footage at E3, my friends my brothers and I were like, Holy shit! When it came out, it didn't look exactly like it, but we sunk so many hours into 1 & 2.

I even liked Killzone: SF, it was a spectacle to look at, and even today it looks good. I hope they make a new one. Can you imagine how that will look, and they can get some modern FPS pointers from Bungie.

blacktiger444d ago

thank you fps lover, I'm with you

talocaca444d ago

Such a wonderful studio. They deserve all their success.

The Decima Engine is absolute 🔥 I'm just mad they have abandoned Killzone.

OzzY-waZZy444d ago (Edited 444d ago )

Kinda wish they move on from Horizon tbh.

potatoseal444d ago

They are probably working on mutiple projects. One of them is Horizon 3, but another is a multiplaer game and probably somehting else.

Imalwaysright444d ago

There were rumours that they were working on a Socom reboot.

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