
Kingdom Hearts 3 First Look (Prima Games)

Bryan Dawson (Prima Games): One of the most highly anticipated games of all time sent fans into a frenzy at E3 2013 when Square Enix announced Kingdom Hearts 3. It's well over a year later and we still don't know much about the upcoming collaboration between Square Enix and Disney Interactive Studios. However, we know enough to whet your appetite, so let's take a look at what Square Enix is cooking up for the next installment in the Kingdom Hearts series.

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98xpresent3492d ago

Lol my heart was beating so fast

Magicite3491d ago

Yep, I was happy back then..

NotAFanboyJustReal3492d ago (Edited 3492d ago )

I'm pretty sure this series is for 15 year old teeny boppers who wear anime shirts everyday, are covered in pimples, and die their hair black trying to fit in.

TheLyonKing3492d ago (Edited 3492d ago )

I smell a troll haha
It's a fantastic game, complex story, great characters, a bit of nostalgia, fantastic battle system.

I am 22 I was 11 when the first game came out. I have been waiting for the end of the series for so long.

I was at home living with my parents and starting secondary school (In Scotland)

Now I have a long term girlfriend, a house and a job.

Time flies when you wait.

mikeslemonade3492d ago

The visuals are too sub-par. You gotta be kidding with me. It looks like they just "remade" the game. No excuse for how inferior the graphics are looking.

kingdomtriggers3492d ago

Be careful not to cut yourself with all that edge kid.

bouzebbal3492d ago (Edited 3492d ago )

KH fanbase is over 20-25 years old.
teens are playing angry birds, not kongdom hearts

the article is very deceiving.

lategamer3492d ago

And what are you? A grown man insulting people over the internet? Real mature.

Irishguy953492d ago (Edited 3492d ago )

Its for kids definitely yes. Adults can enjoy it too if they can stand the cringiness and childishness of it. Same thing as Ni no Kuni but more childish.

Yes I do, i've played KH series(besides 356/2 days or whatever) and NnK WoTWW. They are made for kids, 'childlike' is the term. You underestimate the ability of kids to play hard games. Weren't you playing hard games since you were a child? I thought most gamers have that weren't casuals as kids. Unfortunately for me I can't handle the cringes and cheesiness of those games anymore. It's my loss but I just can't do it, makes me too..."Oh come on for **** sake". Just seems to be a certain level of cheesiness I can't stand anymore.

TheLyonKing3492d ago

I don't think you realise how hard both ni no kuni and kh is.

Kids can play it but they will have a hard time following the story and progressing through certain things.

elninels3492d ago

Im a 21 yr old coach, instructor, basketball player, smoker, dropout. I effing love everything kingdom hearts.

Kumomeme3491d ago

some idiot trying to looks clever hahahaha

poor you
poor your life

Kumomeme3491d ago

haha this @mikeslemonade really doesnt know anything

before he said soul series had no soul,dry and whatever die to his incapabilites to play the game,
and he compare it with the last of us highest difficulty to defend himself which is bullshit comparison

now he talk about kingdom heart?sub-par?which is?HD remake?
org you mean those KH3 target render?

bhahahaha poor guy,doesnt know anything but trying to prented know it

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Patrick_pk443491d ago

I was expecting a new video or something. Nothing new here, don't even bother.

qwerty6763492d ago

i remember watching that video awhile ago, wasnt to impressed.

i tried to get into the series, beat the the first one and played through the second,

but the plot just got so ridiculous and silly it turned into a mess. everything now about the 13 darkness vs the 7 light i mean its all over the place its turned to nonsense

TheLyonKing3492d ago

I agree the story is a bit messy, if you play all the games and follow it closy it makes sense apart from Xeonort suddenly being able to go backwards in time and get all the xeonorts together that's a bit stupid and lazy writing.

Spore_7773492d ago

Why do people not interested in a game come and bash it in the comments?

Every KH fan (on average, not a teen) is super excited about this game. Cannot. Wait.

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Final Fantasy XVI Has Finally Given Donald Duck A Worthy Opponent

For a long time, it's been widely accepted amongst Final Fantasy/Kingdom Hearts fans that Donald Duck is the most powerful mage ever to exist, mainly due to his use of the stupidly powerful Zettaflare spell towards the end of Kingdom Hearts 3. This spell is one step up from Teraflare, a spell which was used in Final Fantasy XIV that was so powerful that it completely wiped out the base game, giving the developers a canonical reason to let them bin everything and start again from scratch.

Now you're armed with this information, you can see how it was pretty surprising for Donald Duck of all characters to bust out Zettaflare and establish himself as the most powerful character in Final Fantasy/Kingdom Hearts lore. However, now that Final Fantasy XVI has arrived and delivered a whole new cast of characters, a new challenger has arrived to provide Donald with some much needed competition.

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Final Fantasy's Strongest Canonical Magic User Is... Donald Duck?

Final Fantasy features many strong characters, but an unlikely character from Kingdom Hearts is able to cast ​the most powerful spell ever seen

gold_drake367d ago

that was pretty amazing, not gonna lie, i might have shed a tear or too, just cause of pure awesomeness.

he was already my favourite disney character and one of my favs from KH and then to see that amazing spell too. aah so good xD


Final Fantasy's strongest magic user is Donald Duck, who never appears in a final fantasy game.


This Kingdom Hearts Boss' Unpredictability Gave Me Sekiro Vibes

Kingdom Hearts is filled with otherworldly boss battles, but only one stands out like a phoenix dancing with ethereal grace across the night sky. Before we embark upon a discussion concerning Kingdom Hearts' exceptional boss battles, it may be prudent to first reflect on the evolution of the criteria for appraising video game bosses. This criterion has undergone a major metamorphosis over the past decade; one that owes much to the profound influence of From Software and its iconic Souls series.

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-Gespenst-379d ago

"Yozora is much more than a grueling secret encounter; he is a reflection of what Kingdom Hearts' bosses should be"

No thank you. If every boss in Kingdom Hearts was like Yozora, the series would be unplayable. That's not to say that they shouldn't include such challenges, but making them fundamental to the game would be too much. And don't say that this is what the From Software games are, because Yozora is absolutely harder than most of the bosses in those games. He is waaay faster, has a ludicrous number of abilities (and does them in random order AND can chain most of them together), and punishes you severely if you make a mistake. On top of that, you have to survive this onslaught for a really long time because of how much health he has. It's borderline too much - for me at least. Still, it's a stunning battle.

OMNlPOTENT378d ago

I agree, while I do really enjoy the Yozora fight, I think it's far too difficult to be anything more than an optional boss. However, I do believe that there should be more bosses that are in the same weight and size class as Sora, as the majority of those in KH3 were the best fights. The giant heartless bosses just aren't as enjoyable.