
PS4 Owners Not Happy With Latest Firmware Update, Demand More Features To Be Added

Sony have just released PlayStation 4's latest firmware update which only improves the stability of some applications and software.

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gaming2death3582d ago ShowReplies(2)
ArchangelMike3582d ago

Improved stability is always good. What's there to get worked up about? There will be more firmware updates down the line for others things, but yeah first let the console be as stable a a rock!

Eonjay3582d ago

I'm expecting the next big update in September. I'm sure it will be worth the wait.

Sayai jin3582d ago

The updates will come, people just need to be patient.

@Enojay - September? Sony has not released significant updates that quick for the PS4.

I hope Sony initiates a early preview team. That way certain PS4 gamers can get the updates earlier and test out the bugs and report them back. I think the updates will come quicker. MS does this now for the XB1. They have this feature on their website and on the console itself. Participants can report bugs, request changes (dashboard), request additions, etc. I see Sony doing the same thing.

Kribwalker3582d ago

Can we finally put TIdux to pasture here. 24 hours after he said the next update will bring media capabilities, they release a stability update. That guy is such an idiot sometimes, throw poo on the wall and see what sticks

extermin8or3582d ago (Edited 3582d ago )

@kribwalker ummm he's usually right about most stuff and as the eu ps blog guy said to exoect to hear about the new firmware in the next few weeks aswell and said there was good stuff coming in it CLEARLY they meant the next big update. I dont know what people are complaining about though. Sony always do smaller updates before and after bigger ones- clearly doing stuff in the background that arent in the changelog.. an announcement at gamescom and either immediate deployment or first week of september seems likely.

Kingthrash3603582d ago

Sony= hardware= better machine
MS= software= faster updates

Saigon3582d ago


Yes you are right; they always provide a patch update before a significant update. I expect to see another just before the next major update.

BitbyDeath3582d ago

Should be sooner than that. Eu blog said they'll be giving out info on it soon, that was in reply to someone asking about a big update. Go ahead and clarify with Fred but it looks obvious the stability patch is not what he was referring too.

ChrisGTR13581d ago

What's everyone opinion of home on ps3. I rarely play it but anyone think it'll show up on ps4 or did it pretty much fail.

UltraNova3581d ago

I for one feel relieved Sony is focusing on my system's stability (prolonging or avoiding a possible hardware failure)rather than giving me media functions I will never use...

UltraNova3581d ago

For those who disagree with my above statement, you clearly never had a system brick on you, maybe then you would appreciate what I'm actually talking about!

+ Show (6) more repliesLast reply 3581d ago
Genuine-User3582d ago (Edited 3582d ago )

I agree.
I'm sure we'll have a major update around gamescon.

amiga-man3582d ago

Demand? who's demanding, the PS4 is selling really well, if people were so unhappy surely they wouldn't be buying the thing.

incredibleMULK3582d ago

Does the firmware update fix insecurity?

amiga-man3582d ago (Edited 3582d ago )

Does the firmware update fix insecurity?

Probably not, but I'm sure if you go to the doctor he could prescribe something for you.

tgunzz3582d ago

@amigaman Is this article about issues with whats in the update, or sales of the ps4??

amiga-man3582d ago (Edited 3582d ago )


I think it's fair to say if the people have any major issues with the PS4 they would not buy one, so in answer to your question with the PS4 dominating sales most people don't seem to have a problem thus have no real issues with whats in the update..

although I will concede that some people will always be critical but thats life

Sarick3582d ago (Edited 3582d ago )

I haven't bought one yet. I'd like to see more features that already exist in ps3s and games that interest (me) first. That's just my take. I still have a few sealed PS3 games to try out.

Theyellowflash303582d ago

Sales have nothing to do with people wanting more features. LOL.

amiga-man3582d ago (Edited 3582d ago )


I didn't say it did, just pointing out that the dominant PS4 sales point to it not being an issue for most people or at least as big an issue as some would have us believe..

It's not like the PS4 will not be getting a lot more features and pretty soon according to Sony, talk about making a mountain out of a mole hill

Theyellowflash303582d ago

I didn't say it did, just pointing out that the dominant PS4 sales point to it not being an issue for most people or at least as big an issue as some would have us believe..

It's still a complete guess on your part, and that still doesn't mean its not a big issue.

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 3582d ago
truefan13582d ago (Edited 3582d ago )

I'm actually happy to see ps4 fans complaining, previously some fans would do anything to protect the image of the ps4 and sony.

Fans have a right to complain, sony hasn't done much with the ps4 since launch, but I don't think sony believes they need to. The fact that MSFT added 3d bluray support before the company that brought us blueray is laughable.

Ballsack3582d ago

What the hell have you ever criticize ms for? And trust me this gen there has been plenty of ammunition

You disappeared when the npd numbers came out after all your mystic meg predictions left you looking foolish... What was it? Oh that's it you predict ms will outsell sony from now until christmas due to the kinectless bundle...you even said and i quote 'come on ms im putting my pride on ythe line' lol...took you THREE DAYS TO GET OVER THE NPD numbers before anyone saw your dumb posts again...

As for criticism of sony its well deserved they are taking the piss..im no fanboy of sony or microsoft i say it how it is..sony need to take a leaf out of microsofts book when it comes to meaningful updates

And you truefan need to look in the mirror and ask yourself why did ms getting outsold hurt you soo much that you disappeared after all your stupid predictions...

uth113582d ago

Xbox One gets better updates.

It's about time they found something it was better at! :)

Prime1573582d ago

Oh truefan, your hypocrisy knows no bounds.

I'm starting to feel very bad for you...

remixx1163582d ago (Edited 3582d ago )

Dang truefan1, I just joined this site not to long ago and you are in every PS4 article bruh, do you ever get bored. Try going to your glorious xbox articles and criticize MS for its abandonment of the 360 3 years into its lifetime.

Also im still waiting for your reply when I gave you that list of games for the PS4 when you said xb1 has the best games now and in the future.

Shake_Zula3582d ago

I'm not surprised really. PSN went down for maintenance on Saturday, and there was just a huge beta (Destiny) that probably exposed a couple of glitches and bugs mutually. The thing that I like about Sony's "crappy" updates is that it shows that the manufacturer is willing to invest to fix a problem first even if we the consumer don't see it wide-scale. Anyone remember the X360's message about not being able to sign into messenger? Yeah... Or more recently, GM's *former* leadership. It's a good example of what Sony DOESN'T do.

GW2123582d ago

Oh look who decided to show their face again. Bahaha. Good stuff.

What's truly laughable is you using that word to describe anything other than yourself. You are just adorable with your nonsense.

combatcash3582d ago

What's really laughable is that people who don't own a ps4 or xbox one keep criticizing said consoles. The owners of these consoles for the most part seem satisfied with their purchase. I have some complaints about the ps4 but don't care what they do with the xbox one since I don't own one. On another note no one is demanding anything from Sony since IMO the ps4 is a solid gaming system.

DeadlyOreo3582d ago Show
3582d ago
DigitalRaptor3582d ago

The fact that Sony has 3 platforms simultaneously, and has still managed to release more first-party games for PS4 than Microsoft has for Xbone is actually a solid laughing point.

The fact that guys like you laughed at Blu-ray and said it was unnecessary for PS3, whilst it's the basis of your beloved new console and you're praising the features of said technology is even funnier.

We could go all day here, but at the end of the day, you're just a poor troll.

+ Show (7) more repliesLast reply 3582d ago
ramiuk13582d ago

the problem is since launch we have had sharfactory and that isnt enough,in 6 months they could of added a fair few imo.

3582d ago Replies(5)
Azzanation3582d ago

$400 is a lot of money to be waiting around. People have the right to ask for more updates. If there going to market there console like they do then they need to live up to the hype or they will have riots. Happens to everybody not just Sony.

S2Killinit3582d ago

its a bait article. How the hell do they know how people feel? I'm actually pretty happy about it. there. Now what mr author?

Anon19743582d ago

That's kinda what I was wondering. The update rolls out and within a couple of hours already we have an article claiming people are upset. Really? Really? You're able to gauge the mood of the PS4 owner base off a handful of forum comments?

"most users believe that Sony should consistently start releasing features that make sense?"

As opposed to what? Crazy updates? And tell us, oh well researched article, how many users are we talking here that you polled? Hundreds? Thousands? Two?

Downvote for this trash article.

whyisthehorsestaring3582d ago

I have a ps4 and couldn't care less about updates.

Jaelin3582d ago

I've been waiting for a major update for about 8 months :(

mcarsehat3582d ago

Gamers like getting worked up over nothing, it isn't a surprise to me anymore.

IcarusOne3582d ago

My menu music is different. Interesting...

GordonKnight3582d ago

Both PS4 & X1 were released unfinished, due to the Wii U being released early. We should've been getting the new systems from Sony & MS November of 2014, not 2013.

This way I wouldn't have hear everyone crying on N4G. Wait a minute that will never happen.

ZombieKiller3582d ago

Just like faceless trolls, always getting banned for something. Lol, you fail at even being a troll. Good job being first though! Did you wait long for people not to read your crap?

As for this article, I hate to admit but it's true. I use my PS3 for everything including media playback. I would love to use my PS4 for these features or just use my PS4 more than I do in general.
The part I "admit is true" is the idea that we have had this console now for the better half of a year and still no MP3 support? No youtube? No video support?
How long do these things take? They had music unlimited up there on day 1 so why not just MP3 support? I didn't buy the PS4 to play media so really no big loss (I still have my PS3 of course) BUT it would be nice to use my PS4 for more than what I do with it. Sony needs to step up their software game. The PS4 could REALLY use some apps.

GordonKnight3582d ago

Shouldn't the system have all of those functions right out of the box?

Looks like we're getting incomplete hardware to go along with incomplete games.

shaenoide3582d ago

maybe they are waiting for the blu ray 3D support

wsoutlaw873582d ago

I dont get why everyones so upset. I could understand if sony hyped this up like a week ago, but we didnt even know about this update. just because this update took place doesnt mean anything about the next one. The update for music and all that will happen and they are working on it, but just because this update happened doesnt change anything. Not sure why everyone wants to be so irrational all the time.

C-H-E-F3582d ago

"PS4 owners not happy...."
Wait what? where? lOl stop with the clickbate crap, also I'm pretty sure as long as our games work, online is stable the majority of us don't care because we know that the feature firmware will come. Shhhh I just played Thief this morning before heading into the office and my lord was I having fun didn't realize there was a firmware until it said that it was already downloaded along with other game updates before turning on my system.

If you are a PS4 owner complaining about featureless firmware updates then obviously you didn't own a ps3 and if you missed out on that generation of great games and hardship then why should I hear you whine about something that is actually nothing?

slasaru013581d ago

Didn't they post 1000 degree hot news on N4G saying that would be an amazing and breakthrough update, lol

SilentNegotiator3581d ago

The stability patch is ready now.

What do you guys want? For them to wait to release a stability patch for when more features are ready? That's like turning down Windows 8 security updates until Microsoft reintegrates the Start button.

Killzoner993581d ago Show
Abzki3581d ago

I don't want them down the line i want them now. I know that sounds ignorant and selfish but the share button is still broken to shit, I still can't listen to my own music, and I still cant play a game from where I left off just when I turn it on from standby just to name a few, meanwhile xbox is getting a big update every month. Don't get me wrong I love my ps4 but they really gotta get going on missing/broken features.

ncc-0173581d ago

An intelligent comment for once here on N4G, thanks Archangel.

+ Show (18) more repliesLast reply 3581d ago
THC CELL3582d ago

its a game console.. sold as seen. dont like it jog on

Ballsack3582d ago

Sold as seen.... This isn't megadrive or snes

Sony need to deliver on promises..shouldnt take nine months to implement mp3 playback etc

Kudos to ms with their updates though

hello123582d ago (Edited 3582d ago )

The fact Microsoft get updates out every month shows the xb1 isn't inferior at all.

Microsoft will likely be ahead of Sony PS4 with features by the end of next year.And will keep ahead.

Artista 3582d ago (Edited 3582d ago )

@Ballsack wait, the "powerful" PS4 can't play mp3 files yet? O_o

imt5583582d ago (Edited 3582d ago )


Quote :
The fact Microsoft get updates out every month shows the xb1 isn't inferior at all.

If you judge console power by monthly OS updates, well i'm truly impressed. :rolleyes:

And you want to sell story about CU's. Oh my...

ocelot073582d ago

@Artista The XB1 with all these amazing features does not have voice messages yet? O_o.

Both consoles are going to get plenty of features in the next couple years.

Ballsack3582d ago


Software updates is nothing to do with hardware... Microsoft will always have the weaker console this gen...

But good on ms for getting these updates out..really well done ms..makes you wonder just what the hell sony are doin...basking in console sales while letting the competiton give their users exactly what they want

Sony need to sort it out nine months is way to long to not implement simple media features.

Ace Killa 083582d ago

I get it that it lacks mp3 when a $50 dollar phone can do it....but seriously why do you want mp3 playback when a $50 dollar phone can do it.

You got your priorities and I got mine, but let's be serious just because it does not have mp3 playback does not mark Sony as avoiding their promises. There are bigger things than mp3 playback.

Ballsack3582d ago


Its more than that wheres the suspend and resume feature? The option to change the background themes...we are talking frigging basic features..

Sony are taking the piss...

Why o why3582d ago

. . . . .and folder's. Surely that can't be this laborious to implement.

@knws, Please. . How stupid that comment is. As b sack stated, the x1 will always have inferior hardware. Go troll elsewhere.

Collectively we're hoping sony speed up. . It's not even up to the ps3 level of features yet but I do believe we'll get there.

extermin8or3582d ago

Yoshida and others have already commented on this-they said that due to complaints last gen about constant updates trickling features through they were aiming at roughly a one major update with loads of features per quarter approach and smaller stability and bug fixes/baxkground prep inbetween as necessary. We got one big one back in late may/early june (I forget exact timing) next one likely wont be till around/shortly after gamescom.And then we likely wont see anything major till novemberish time. Its not rocket science as prior to this last update we hadnt seen any significant changes since the February update and mosr of those were background things.

DigitalRaptor3582d ago


Not games though. You know, the reason we all buy consoles are for games of all kinds: AAA, indie, free-to-play, MMO, RPG etc, etc.

Features are something reserved for those that watch movies more than they play games. Games are something Sony will always be ahead with, particularly this gen, when the focus is more on game content than features that every other device I own has.

The PS4 doesn't need to wait until next year, we'll keep asking for features, and then we'll get them when the time is right. As far as games are concerned, the console has always had more games and a more diverse lineup and that's NEVER changing.

It's nice to know that you judge the quality of a console on its NON-GAMING features, like your pal Edonus does, but that's never been the judgement factor of a gaming console… it's just nice to have something that does more I get that.

But, ultimately, I'd rather have more quality games than more quality features. As gamers, I think that's what defines our hobby.

aragon3582d ago (Edited 3582d ago )

just a thought for all fans since when as the most powerful hardware been the best based on sales? this gen? yep this gen, how about the weak wii? how about the ps2? fanboys need to stop because i believe that sony wants to implement the features but are afraid of silly fans, first off fans say games consoles are for playing games primarily which is true, which is what i see sony putting alot into is their games there should be no angry fans and im sure the media wants angry fans to get clicks but fanboys need to stop being so fanny and learn how to channel feedback to the console u support instead of going off about shaders and RAM and sales

also my problem last gen with ps3 was that there was lots of updates apparently for ps3 but mostly stability updates that didnt really add much new features

wsoutlaw873582d ago

ha i like all the comments that state a feature they want and that it shouldn't take so long for that to be added; just adding it to the list of all the other features that people want, that still shouldn't take too long. MP3, all the other formats, dlna, suspend resume, ui changes, a folder system, change backgrounds, messages when people sign on or off, share fixes and additions, and all the other features everyone is waiting for cant all just happen in a week. There is a lot of features different people want and adding a bunch of those features does take some time. As Extermin8or said they are planning to add multiple features in each update, not a ton of smaller updates. This method gets you more of the stuff faster overall since they arent taking the time prepairing and testing a bunch for release, but yes you do have to wait longer for something like mp3 playback than possibly otherwise.

GordonKnight3581d ago (Edited 3581d ago )

Sony has got us by the ballsack!!!

Their actions are proof of it, but I'm sure it's going to be a fun ride in the end though.

+ Show (10) more repliesLast reply 3581d ago
DeadRabbits3582d ago

If u want a high performance gaming console get a ps4, if u want a mid range entertainment unit get an xbone!

hello123582d ago

Really high performance gaming console.

Wolfenstein didn't show it, either did sniper elite, destiny or the crew all the same resolution and frame rate on xb1

I guess we'll see this high performance soon hey?

xHeavYx3582d ago

You either have short memory loss problems or you like to make yourself look silly

kennyg37393582d ago

It's funny how the mid range entertainment console has better games then the high performance gaming console.

Boody-Bandit3582d ago (Edited 3582d ago )


Better games is subjective.
Amount of games and performance of games isn't.
The PS4 has more games overall and most multiplat titles, which make up the bulk of these consoles libraries, look and perform better on the PS4 over the X1.

So anyone can say the X1 has better games but that is "factually" inaccurate. I have them all. I could care less what format I play my games on. I just want to be entertained (to coin a phrase from Gladiator).

So far my favorite and most enjoyable exclusive title this generation is Infamous but like most I spend the bulk of my time playing multiplat titles.

dantesparda3582d ago (Edited 3582d ago )


Yet all those games run better on the PS4. Wolfenstein drops to 960x1080 on the X1, whereas 1760x1080 on the PS4. And Sniper runs at a better frame rate and has no tearing, better AF and AO. And Destiny and The Crew just made 1080p, as in barely being able to do it. And i bet you once they are both compared we'll find even more inferior aspects on them.

But yes, Sony is seriously sleeping on this issue and needs to seriously step it up, they suck at it bad so far. It's taking way to long


Opinions are subjective and facts are facts. Your opinions aren't facts and way more people buying PS4 disagree with you. And that's a fact buddy.

DigitalRaptor3582d ago (Edited 3582d ago )


You are proving what is either severe short-term memory loss, or delusion entire.

Wolfenstein - Eurogamer proved it. It's also cross-gen, so nothing remarkable on the next-gen front. http://www.eurogamer.net/ar...

Sniper Elite III - You serious? http://www.joystiq.com/2014...

Destiny - It's already showing superiority in the fact it's been running in 1080p for months, and Xbone is still yet to hit it. PS4 version will look better on launch, but again it's cross-gen so any kind of remarkable next-gen presence it would have had, is lost on that.

The Crew - Not out yet.

"I guess we'll see this high performance soon hey?"

Well… yeah, obviously. As the developers become more accustomed, you're going to see PS4 pull ahead in terms of performance and graphical fidelity, just like you did with PS3 developers. The common sense of the Sony-cycle is really lost on you.


You're forever embarrassing yourself, so like i've done in the past, I'll give you advice to stop posting like you think you know what you're talking about… because you don't.

wsoutlaw873582d ago

@Brutallyhonest just fyi, to coin a phrase means to create one. You could say gladiator coined that phrase, but you cant coin a phrase from something else. Just figured id let you know. Although I guess its very common to use ironically so maybe thats what you meant.

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 3582d ago
Darkstares3582d ago

Sold as seen? It should be sold as advertised. There are many features still missing that were talked about over a year ago. Obviously the PS4 is a great machine now but let's not start talking like the PR people from Sony. We are consumers and as consumers we should expect our products to be the best they possibly can be, not apologize or make excuses on behalf of a company we don't work for.

Maybe it would have been better if Sony didn't mention any features and just surprised us when they got updated. That way we wouldn't have expectations and we wouldn't have consumers doing damage control on Sony's behalf.

wsoutlaw873582d ago

they had a faq and a bunch of interviews that said it didnt have everything it doesnt have and never had a time frame on any of them.

ZombieKiller3582d ago (Edited 3582d ago )

Sold as seen....dude this isn't 1999. Game consoles should have MP3 support out of the box.

Edit: Sony NGP you beat me to it. You're right though, in todays world this should be standard.

wsoutlaw873582d ago

his point is that you knew it didnt have it when you bought it.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 3581d ago
stuna13582d ago

Yeah sure people are expecting more features and all with each update, but I'm sure the majority would also want stability issues ironed out for the console to be able to do what it was made to do! And that's to play games first and foremost.

It's obvious that some don't realise, the PS4 is not the one with the identity crisis!!!

When the secondary features come, I have no doubt that they will be implemented thoroughly and correctly.

Mulando3582d ago

There would be nothing wrong in implementing really small features like cd-playback, .... those things the PS3 already did.
And stability updates should really not be needed for a gaming console. Maybe a few in lifetime of a console, but not almost every month.

Darkstares3582d ago

You can have both. Most products can be improved with new features as well as being stable. We are going on a year now, it's not like people are expecting miracles.

"When the secondary features come, I have no doubt that they will be implemented thoroughly and correctly."

You must be new to electronics. There are always bugs and Sony is far from immune to such bugs. It happened quite frequently on the PS3 and also happens on the PS4. It is still no excuse to be complacent and be this slow to implement new features.

Mr Marvel3582d ago


Seriously, people just need to chill the f*k out.
It's really not that big a deal. Life will go on.

I'm hoping they update the PS4 so I can play video files off my USB... but they haven't yet, so I'll just continue to do that on my PS3 as I always have.
No need to piss and moan like a whiney little brat over such things.

Deal with it people.

system223582d ago

as an owner of both consoles, the x1 is updating leaps and bounds over the ps4 with both functionality and stability. as someone who spent $400 on a ps4 and another $60 to actually be able to play with my friends for the year, i want to be able to do things like... play some mp3s or change the bg color in the near future... even small things.

i guess maybe instead of pissing and moaning we should have just not bought ps4's until they were actually finished. maybe we should not buy into the hype until maybe the ps4 can do things that the ps3... and even the $35 chromecast can do. what were we thinking, having some basic expectations?

dieger3582d ago

Waiting 9 months isn't patient? pfft well EXCUSE me! >_>

Ace Killa 083582d ago

Agreed also. I'm a PS4 owner and I AM NOT ANGRY with this update. Why should I, other updates will have more features and it's not like it's lacking a must needed feature.

system223582d ago

it is... no dlna, no mp3, no basic customization, no pinning.. i'd say its missing quite a few basic things.

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