
Does Sony care more about gamers than Microsoft?

Gamezone "I go on N4G daily. It's habit at this point. The top article I noticed today was from GameSkinny, title "And This is Why Sony Cares More About Gamers Than Microsoft." It's an opinion piece that actually does very little to point out why Sony cares more about gamers than their rival, Microsoft. There's no stats given to back up the claim, just one single piece of "proof" that is the entire basis of this opinion."

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NextLevel3599d ago (Edited 3599d ago )


Microsoft might have load of money but they have weaker hardware, less 1st party, less exclusives, but hey atleast they get COD DLC first.

PS4 exclusives

Xbox One exclusives

Getting better hardware at the same price and didn't have to backtrack on everything to try be relevant.

Sony cares more for gamers, which is why this will be the 3rd gen in a row Microsoft loses to a Playstation platform. It's not a coincidence.

nicksetzer13599d ago (Edited 3599d ago )

Sony also had almost a 10 year head start, I'd say MS's first party growth is perfectly consistent with sony. You don't build a castle in a day. That said, sony is probably a bit more pro gamer, but MS is definitely changing even that with it's new leadership and direction.

The_Hero3598d ago (Edited 3598d ago )

No and No. In console terms, it's more around 6 years head start.
It's not about the one who came in first.
2013 opened the eyes of a lot of people.

kratoz12093598d ago

Remember without Sony last year your xbone would of being about TV no trading games and always online

Prime1573598d ago (Edited 3598d ago )

This article is in response to the last (metrically successful by n4g standards) one... both were sad and this one is more opinionated...

No company cares except for money... money that they receive via shareholders mainly...

And, Nick, Microsoft did as well as they did because they charged for xbl and made BILLIONS more during the ps3 generation... like 32x more than ps plus...

And I'm sorry he got first post btw... hate that "FIRST!" mentality.

Edit: this article said, "There's no stats given to back up the claim, just one single piece of "proof" that is the entire basis of this opinion..." And the ironic part is that the lady article mentioned shuhei saying only 4 PlayStation games in ten are profitable...

Context, PLEASE!

choujij3598d ago

One company has consistently taken risks on funding games that are usually well received, but often are not profitable.

One company has consistently taken risks on using all the dirty tricks in the book to increase their user-base, some of which has backfired.

I don't need to name names.

nicksetzer13598d ago

The hero
Ps1 - December 3, 1994
Xbox OG - nov 23, 2011

Last time I checked 7 is almost 10...

Sheikh Yerbouti3598d ago (Edited 3598d ago )

I think it is the fact that Japanese do business different. They are a good deal more service-oriented; it is a pillar of their business culture.

Heard of Total Quality Management, big end of last century. Japanese had it first in the fifties, even if they got the idea from an American.

From www.venturejapan.com:

"When you enter a Japanese store or even a bar, you will be greeted by shouts of 'irrashaimase' (welcome) and when you leave there will be shouts of 'domo arigato gozaimashita' (thank you) and you will notice that everyone, even the chef will join in the 'chorus'! The difference you should notice is that they are all very service oriented and of course service is a pillar of Japanese business culture. In the US and Europe, personal service has become something that people must pay for with tips - in Japan there is no tipping, personal service is literally 'part of the service'."

Plus they're population is perhaps more heavily into games than most anywhere else, including the US. Vis-a-vis Microsoft, a monopolistic company used to ridiculously low margins because they primarily create and sell is code (not hardware...at least not well)...you get the picture.

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 3598d ago
Golden_Mud3599d ago

So , ur ready for the war ? wait the war had ended u only have one bubble and u put it on a stupid comment , amazingly interesting !!!

3598d ago
Agent-863598d ago (Edited 3598d ago )

"But the core of this opinion article's argument was taking risks on games. Taking losses on six out of 10 games doesn't mean that they're taking risks -- it just means they're losing money."

In his rebuttal article, this writer really doesn't know what he's talking about. Losing money is taking risks. Besides, the 40% that are making money are covering the the 60% that are not, so, in the long run, they are actually making money....not losing money. It's just like the movie business. Not every movie makes money for a studio, but the hits make enough to cover the ones that don't. Either that or the studio would be out of business. No studio or game publisher is going to have a 100% success rate. They just need enough hits to cover the flops.

Personally, I like the fact that Sony takes risks and invests in a lot of genres and new IP's. Not all of them are going to make money, but at least they are given the "light of day" and given a chance to succeed or fail on their own merits. We should applaud risk taking in this industry or we'll end up with just sequels, annualized series, and FPS's. I like a little more variety.

IndoAssassin3598d ago

Actually, Sony and MS are benefitting more from the 3rd party sales than their exclusive games. They would actually be in the red, if it weren't for 3rd party games paying their licensing fees.

OC_MurphysLaw3598d ago (Edited 3598d ago )

@Agent-86 I do want all the major publishers to take risks with IP both new and old. That said I do have to disagree with your comment on "losing" money equaling taking risk. Losing money is a sign of bad decision making and an example of taking bad risks. You can take risk and have success the two are not mutually exclusive.

Agent-863598d ago (Edited 3598d ago )

@Dlacy13g, losing money is not necessarily the result of bad decision making. Look at investing. You have to take risks in order to get a better return. The higher the risk, the greater your chance of a higher return. You can invest conservatively, but the return is less. Invest your money in high risk stocks and you have the chance of a greater return. You just need to have your winners outpace your losers. You will lose money on some of your investments with the greater risk taken. That is not bad decision making....it's the name of the game. That's all I was saying. You can have risk and have success, like you said. But the more risk you take, you're going to have some losers. That's the way investing goes and the same with game publishing or the movie business.

Take a look at MS. They risked a boatload of money on the Kinect 2.0 and I doubt very seriously that they got or ever will get their investment back let alone actually make a profit on it. Was that bad decision making or taking a risk? In hindsight or "Monday morning quarterbacking", it would be easy to say that it was a bad decision. However, I'd argue that they were taking a logical risk that just happened went bad. At the time when they were designing the Xbox One, the decision made sense to them since the 360 Kinect was successful for them; however, the market said otherwise. They then did the reasonable thing and dropped the Kinect from being required and are now selling a Kinect-less Xbox One. The gamble didn't pay off, but that's the nature of risk.

ThatOneRiggaNob3598d ago

It's funny how you bash MS for changing their policies but I bet you were one of the many people who was complaining about those same policies.

miyamoto3598d ago (Edited 3598d ago )


1) The title should not be "Does Sony care more about gamers than Microsoft?"

but should be

"Does Sony care more about the whole game industry than Microsoft?"

Then the answer is a huge YES!

PlayStation cares about the gamers, the developers, the publishers, the hardware manufacturers, the retailers, the non gamers.

This is why they have a balanced approach unlike Nintendo and M$.

Sony does not want to get too high or too low like the other two.

They also don't compete with 3rd party developers in terms of sales.

PlayStation's plan is to be the definitive 2nd and 3rd party platform unlike Nintendo.

Their primary objective is to show the power of their platform so 2nd and third parties appreciate the platform - a strategy M$ tried very hard to imitate no matter at what cost.

2) After years of rampant piracy on video games Sony showed the world that decent anti-game piracy can be done with the PS3 & PS Vita while the at company with more money can't do it for Windows PC and Xbox 360. Same with Nintendo with all their money they wont give developers hope of decent anti-piracy for decent revenue.

Because Sony care about the industry like their own rice field.

Kavorklestein3598d ago

Dude. Just FYI.
MOST of those exclusive PS4 games are NOT worth mentioning. And several of the xbox exclusives are not worth mentioning either.

But to be honest, that list is bad in general. It has games that aren't even listed as being released in North America, so unless we are supposed to care about something we'll never get the chance to play, that needs to go, and yes, Indies can be great, but MOST of those on that list are NOT worth mentioning or are not intriguing in the SLIGHTEST.

To be fair, I'm not interested in playing Shape up on Xbox one, or Dance Central, or Fighter within, so we can eliminate those too, (I'm not saying that others aren't interested in those games, but I AM NOT)

The AAA titles on Xbox one that are currently announced are WAY more appealing to me. Whether or not The Order or Bloodborne end up being good, I still don't see any reason to be all: "GO GET A PS4 OMG YOU GOTTA HAVE ONE ITz DA SHITT OMFG OMFG"

Not in the slightest.

Now others likely have a very different opinion than me, and I can accept that! In fact, I embrace their different tastes!

I just think the Sony camp, but MOSTLY the psychotically devoted types such as YOU... Are taking this whole "We're DA BEZT BECUZ OFMG KNACK, KILLZONEZ AND InFAMOUS TILL MID JULY we get da Remasterzzz YA'LL bettur hazs a PEE ESS FOURGH or else you'z izz dumb!"

Take a fucking chill pill.

We get it! you Like those games! Who else fucking cares?

Let people like whatever they like, that's pretty much ALL the xbox fans are saying by now, and if you disagree, then yeah, there's always oddballs (such as you) who are gonna inject Playsation One discs that have been melted down into toxic paste into your eyeballs, but the rest of the gaming community doesn't really give a fucking fuck at all.

We all play games, and we should all have fun.
We all have different tastes, and we all are justified to like whatever the hell we like.

Grow up, grow a pair, and remember that YOU aren't the Fuhrer of GamezTopia. We are all equal citizens.


Kavorklestein3598d ago (Edited 3598d ago )

@ Disagrees, disagree all you want. There is plenty of truth in my comment.

Different strokes for different folks is the MAIN focus of my Comment.

If you disagree with different strokes for different folks, then those who click disagree are not factoring in the notion that others may disagree with YOU, AND YOUR reason for disagreeing, and your taste in gaming, wine, women, cars, vacation locations etc, etc, etc, etc, until infinity.

There is no "Right" or "Wrong" answer, just preference, no matter WHAT the resolution, or framerate, or game, or console actually is.

TheFanboySlayer3598d ago

I respect your opinion but I disagree with it

PS4isKing_823598d ago

Next level = huge troll. Possibly the biggest one I've seen on here in quite some time.

daBUSHwhaka3598d ago

Got to agree with you there,the word parasite springs to mind.

3598d ago
VforVideogames3598d ago

Unbiased article unlike the one before it.

lelo3598d ago

Both companies don't give a crap about gamers, they care about money. It's just that one has a better PR department then the other.

BTW one thing I find funny now is that games like TLOU, Dead Nation, are considered PS4 exclusives in spite of already being released on the PS3.

jackdaniels3598d ago

Yeah... a big company cares about gamers...wake up

daBUSHwhaka3598d ago

You really must have more than one arsehole the amount of shit that comes from you.Xbox killed PS last gen.Far better online,exclusives,graphics need I go on.The first thing PS announces for PS4 is that they will be charging for a service that was free with PS3.Don't kid yourself they're not in this to be best buds,they want your money.I suppose at least you can be in a party chat now on PS4,it's just a shame that you have no friends to party up with and decide to spend most nights talking pssh on N4G

NewZealander3597d ago

359 comments in just 20 days? you set the standard for fanboy trolls far too high!

many people enjoy playing games, good games, regardless of platform, a pretty simple concept you clearly fail to grasp.

maybe you should stop judging everyone else's decisions, and unless you get paid to be a troll, maybe get a real job.

+ Show (11) more repliesLast reply 3597d ago
JBSleek3599d ago

They both likely care equally enough to try to make the most money.

Spotie3598d ago

And yet they both go about it in different ways, hence the argument that one cares- or presents the illusion of caring- more than the other.

Maybe Sony really doesn't care. But their way into our wallets makes us feel like they do. They act like they want to earn our patronage, like they want to present us with value for our dollar. Microsoft definitely does not do the same.

So while they both do want to make the most possible money, it's as plain as day that each goes about it in a different way; the general consensus in that the Sony way is more gamer friendly.

jackdaniels3598d ago

LOL - so both are after your cash, but sony (In your opinion) at least pretends to give a sh*t so that makes them care more...NO that makes them more manipulative. and you my friend, have fallen for the oldest trick in the book!

lifeisgamesok3599d ago

All I care about is having good games

And I'm satisfied with the Xbox One so far

randomass1713599d ago

Definitely. Sony is not in a position to fight for consumer trust the way Microsoft is.

2pacalypsenow3598d ago

MS tried and Got knocked out by the cosumers

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