BF4 on PS4 is a freaking mess... Fix the Game Already


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The Real Reason Behind Making The Last Of Us Remastered

It may seem crazy that we are now getting a remake from a company like Naughty Dog. Especially when there was article after article about how Naughty Dog is not interested in doing a re-release of their game with updated graphics. Makes sense right, why work on a port of an old game that has already done it’s numbers, anything now is just going to be so small it may not be worth even doing it. Not to mention your company is currently working on new games.

So what happened?

Well there is a better Question you may have forgot to ask yourself, and that is?
Who do you think the remake is for? Because it’s not for you? It’s not for the person who already bought the game on PS3.That is not the purpose of the remake.

Wait Whut? Yeah, all this time gamers keep looking at these studios as a money grab on us poor gamers. But the truth is, Sony is doing everything they can to keep the PS4 on fire, and their own data shows that a lot of the sales from the PS4 are from gamers who are first time gamers or who did not even own a PS3 before.

Now I think you're starting to see why these remakes are suddenly starting to happen. So sony has gone to it’s first party developers and has pressured them to please re-release these games with updated graphics for the PS4. Why? Because if this is your first time to the system, maybe a former Xbox gamer or a totally new gamer you will be playing The Last Of Us for the first time.

So let me say that again, because I don’t know if most gamers really get it, this Remastered edition is not intended for you, It’s for a completely different audience. The remake of the game is intended for new gamers, people who never played the first one.

So when Tomb Raider the Definitive Edition happened. Companies who were never even thinking about doing there game over, see the success of that remake, and it has opened the door for these remakes. That game sold really well for a remake. Because not just the intended audience bought it, but gamers who already bought it before went back and bought it again. Not to mention the new consumer.

It’s hard to believe but there are a lot of newcomers on the system, and they are now enjoying games they never had a chance to play before. I know hard to believe anyone would have passed or missed The Last Of Us with the insane reviews that just kept coming out, but life happens and for whatever reason a lot of people even PS3 owners never played it. Crazy I know.

But we are elite gamers, we go to sites like and we read up on reviews and check whatever info we can find on games, the average gamer does not do all that. And believe it or not but there are more of those gamers then there are of us gamers. They are harder to sell too and reach but they are out there. And they are a huge market. So please let’s stop saying this is a blatant cash grab.

It’s not and Naughty Dog is not that type of studio, in all the years I have been playing their games I have never felt like they are a studio that robs gamers. Naughty Dog is one of the top in the business and I just do see a game company like these ever coming out and doing gamers dirty just because they can. Some companies come to mind, but Naughty Dog sure as hell is not one of them.

--> But I guess in the end the real decision will be made by the consumers and their wallet. I just find it funny that people are mad about this - It's not intended for you. It was made for those who never played it and now have a PS4.

That's the target audience, if you want it again, that is on you... That's not naughty dogs fault. That you want the same game you already played again. (you might want to look yourself in the mirror and repeat after me -"Yes I have a problem, I am a game addict, and I'm so hooked on games I actually want a game I already played before and beat on PS3 because now it is now on PS4?" Really?

And your mad because they are making you buy it again for $60 dollars when you just want to pay $10 bucks, because you already bought it. Guess What??? It's not intended for you? LMAO -You don't have to buy this.

Crazyglues3678d ago (Edited 3678d ago )

1. So do we want to play it again?
Of course we do we are gamers, we love games and of course we want to go back and play it again with the new graphics and higher frame rate.

2. Was it made for us?
No it was not intended for us, but as a gamer I feel everyone’s pain because you would love to go back but not for the full price of $60 dollars, but for the person who never played it, what a treat it is going to be for you, your getting all the DLC and new graphics and new frame rate all for the same price as a normal game. Hell the season pass cost me $20 bucks extra.

3. Should they have just made a $10 dollar upgrade?
Sure that would have been nice but again, it was not the studios that did this, this was something Sony put in place for the transition of PS3 to PS4. Developers are not into losing money so this was just something they did for Sony, but that period is over. It was just intended for games coming out around the time of PS4’s launch.

4. Does it suck for us gamers who want to go back?
Yes, because I do want to play it again, but not for $60 bucks. But think about this, you did already get to play the game and enjoy it, so why are we really mad. It’s time for the gamers who missed it or are new to PS4 to enjoy it. No one is forcing us to buy this, No one is saying you can’t get Uncharted 4 if you don’t own PS4 Last of Us. It sucks a little but it was never intended for us. - and if you really have to go back it’s just $60 bucks for everything, would be worst if we had to re-buy the DLC

5. Will game saves carry over to the PS4 copy?
Most likely No, because again this was not made with those gamers in-mind, it really is intended for gamers who never played it, to get a chance to enjoy it on their PS4.

6. What about my perks and stuff and my rank in Multiplayer?
Again this will most likely not carry over because for PS4 it’s starting fresh, also it would kind of suck if you are rank 50 and you are playing with someone who just bought the game. So it looks like everyone will just start fresh, to keep it fair.

7. Is Sony desperate to just get some games out on PS4?
Of course, they are trying to make it a great experience for gamers and a lot of games that where suppose to come out at launch got pushed back, or delayed. So Sony is doing everything they can do to keep the PS4 on fire, and can you really blame them for that.

Just some things I think people might be thinking about...
-(ok now I'm really out, because I been up all night watching the Bradley vs Pacquiao fight, so I'm going to bed.)

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s45gr323677d ago

My biggest fear is Playstation Plus and the reason why is that it has a 99 percent chance of The Last of Us remastered edition becoming a free game for PS Plus members. Which it happened to Tomb Raider definite edition is currently free for PS Plus members. So why waste $60.00 for The Last of Us remastered edition if is going to end up free of charge for PS Plus members. Don't want to talk about Pacquiao vs Bradley that was the most faked match I ever seen it just felt like it was staged.

Kayant3677d ago (Edited 3677d ago )

Not happening anytime soon if even. It's has less than 5% of coming IMO . And the Tomb Raider definite edition was not free that was the regular Tomb Raider on PS3 that was free on PS+.

Edit -

Really how the hell did you come to this reasoning seriously? It makes zero sense. You think they would offer an enhanced version of such a critically acclaimed game for free when they are not even going to be offering DC completely free when it comes out. I mean they have not even announced an upgrade deal for this version yet you think they will now be giving it for free. Like seriously?

lex-10203678d ago

The real reason? Money. Simple enough/

randomass1713678d ago

I want to get the game at a cheaper price. Sadly it pretty much is a repackaging for a full price tag. But as I stated in DragonKnight's blog about this issue, Konami selling a glorified hour long demo for $30 is way worse than repackaging a GOTY edition of TLOU with a better resolution and framerate and calling it Remastered.

Crazyglues3678d ago

@ randomass171

yeah I agree with that... The MGSV -ground Zero- is a complete rip, that thing was a demo and ridiculous that Konami would charge 30 bucks for that... I agree 100 percent...

But with TLOU I really don't see a problem, no one is forcing us to buy it again. To me Gamers are upset because they can't double dip at a lower price, but it was never intended for us, it's for those who missed it.

But I feel gamers pain because I will be buying it again to play with my PS4 friends. But I don't think we should be hating.. I mean should we be telling companies you can't re-release your game to reach a wider audience? Of course not.

I honestly think it's fine, it will bring a lot of new gamers to part 2 whenever that comes out.

randomass1713678d ago

There's no real problem per se. It's just kind of a shame to see Naughty Dog wasting time and resources on it when they could probably outsource it to another developer and get just as good a result. Sly collection was outsourced and then the fourth game was made by those developers. Also, $60 is a bit pricey. I would have appreciated some sort of announced discount for people who already own the PS3 version.

KonsoruMasuta3677d ago

The fact there are worse things out there doesn't make this any better.

It would be foolish to dismiss a bad practice because there are worse ones out there.

dedicatedtogamers3678d ago

Yep. It's mostly for the sake of 360 gamers (or rather, non-PS3 gamers) who moved over to PS4 and wanted to play one of the highest-awarded games of all time. No biggie.

The same thing happens each gen: people get upset at ports on their new systems. Guess what? It has been that way since the beginning. Atari 2600's top-selling game was a port of the arcade Pong. Big deal. Most of the NES's biggest games were arcade ports. Ports and conversions have been around since the start.

But the difference this time around is that we actually get BETTER ports (like HD Remakes) instead of cut-down versions of arcade games (like it was back in the day).

randomass1713677d ago

that's a pretty interesting way of looking at it. That's a very true point given many ports were very dumbed down in those days. Wii U still gets dumbed down ports from time to time. Yet PS4 is getting an enhanced version. Either way, no one ever complains about GOTY repackagings, and this is essentially that but with better visuals. Since it comes with all of the extra content, including the single player DLC it begs the question if it really is such a horrible thing. I personally don't think so.

s45gr323677d ago

If it becomes free of charge for PS Plus members does the Last of Us still worth the $60.00 plus tax

jjonez183676d ago

Fiscally speaking, no game is worth the price tag since they are basically given away when they get old. But if we all thought like that, then we would still be mowing through games two or three generations old.

So it all comes down to "is it worth it to you,personally, right now?"

For me the answer is yes, since I've never played it on the ps3.

Roger2Doger3677d ago (Edited 3677d ago )

Why are game enthusiasts so up in arms about everything? We have seen this practice for other mediums like movies and music. Sure it's great for newcomers who never got to play it but it's also appealing to those who want a better version. Just like how I want better versions of the DVD's I own so I upgraded to bluray. There was no buyback program for those so why should gamers feel entitled to get free or discounted upgrades moving onto next generation?

This does nothing to previous PS3 players, they still can play that game if they find paying $60 for this unreasonable.

Toon_Link3677d ago

The way I see it is if people that played it before want to experience it on the ps4 and don't want to pay full retail can wait for a sale. Nothing wrong with feeling 60 bucks is steep for something they already enjoyed and that's fine, and if that's the case just wait a few months.

I've been itching to play MGSV for awhile now and couldn't bring myself to pay 30 bucks for the ps4 version so guess what... I waited. And on Saturday I went to target and bought MGSV, LoZ link between worlds, and FFX HD all for 60 bucks plus tax.

Some people act like they are forced to get stuff day 1 and that comes at a premium price. I'm a dad with two kids and sadly my fun money is now their fun money ; ; lol. So now I gotta wait for sales I still play what I want just a little later.

On topic. I'm totally with you on this TLoU remaster is mainly for the new to playstation gamer and also the hardcorest of TLoU that need to experience it with a new coat of paint. I for one am excited to replay it with my wife watching, I would tell her about how awesome it was but she never got into it herself. Also I'm excited to get into the multiplayer early before everyone has hours and hours of gameplay under their belts.for these reasons I'm probably going to splurge a little and pay full retail on this one. But for all the complainers of the price Black Friday is only a few months after the release go pick it up for 30 bucks then or whatever's your preferred price of entry.

s45gr323677d ago

but is going to be free for PS plus members like Tomb Raider definite edition. That too me shows ignorance of gamers let's pay $60.00 for a remastered edition of say game instead of waiting for it to come to PS Plus for free yeah that makes a whole lot of sense. As a Steam member I really don't see the value I get old ass games with updated graphic fidelity, extras, shorter load times, etc. for $20-$5. Like Alan Wake when it got to Steam it was sold for $30.00 with enhanced visuals, the soundtrack, a digital journal, the DLC content, shorter load times, etc. a month later I got the game for $17.00. Tomb Raider with all DLC included and some other extra was available for $4.99 during the Steam Winter sale. Why can't console gamers get this simple concept older tech/software=cheap price.

Toon_Link3677d ago

I don't think anyone has a problem understanding games go down in price over time. Some people don't need to worry about price. Not me I have a budget and a severe gaming habit so I choose to wait for sales be it on steam, the psn or at retail stores.

I also agree with you about waiting to see what games come to ps plus but there's no guarantee what games and when that'll happen so that's not really a great argument. I definitely see where you are coming from I'm not arguing that but I will say price you are willing to pay for games comes down to how much you are willing to spend and how long your willing to wait.

Also I don't believe that console gamers have a hard time grasping value and have no need to argue about it but it might be worth your while to drop your prejudice towards them considerng we Are all gamers enjoying the same medium regardless if it's a console a PC or a smartphone.

Happy gaming.

Mouktouk3677d ago

I totally agree with your blog post. Whoever you are, a mere PS3 player that already have played The Last of Us or a random newcomer, bringing TLOU to PS4 isn't that bad. Sure, people who already played the PS3 version will find it overpriced for a simple glorified port, but honestly, TLOU is such a great game, I prefer people paying 60$ for a port of a GOTY game rather than 60$ for a FIFA game (and TLOU:R also includes the DLCs).

However, I am afraid of the message it will send to the industry if the Remastered Edition is successful.

The cinema, music and video game industry is facing a creativity wall, it's getting hard and costy for publishers to release successful titles, so they tend to avoid taking risks and prefer to invest in their traditional blockbuster and substantial marketing until their IP get tired (and by "tired" I mean "close enough to death") and until they find a new trend to follow.

But the success of Tomb Raider or The Last of Us Remastered can show to the video game industry a "new" way for easy profitability: reheat their previous hits. And I'm sincerely afraid this will be a trend. A trend where publishers, in order to have easy profits or to finance their upcoming generic blockbuster, re-release PS3 / Xbox 360 hits.

I wouldn't be surprised if, in the coming years, we will have "remastered" versions of franchises like Halo, Mass Effect, Gears of War, Uncharted, Call of Duty, GTA, Assassin's Creed... Not that those are bad games in any way, but in my opinion, this shouldn't be "a thing", otherwise I'm afraid the video game industry will progressively become decadent.

(sorry if I made any grammatical mistake, I'm French. I still hope my comment is understandable)

s45gr323677d ago

Except is going to end up for free for PS Plus members lol

Toon_Link3677d ago

Damn troll much? I took some time to give you a response on my comment but now see you keep saying the same thing over and over in this thread. It's fine to have your opinion but there's no need to act like other people's opinions are trash. I know I might sound crazy considering this is the internet but I don't see the point in taking the time to bash someone's opinion especially if it in no way will affect your life. And by the way you keep saying "if it comes to ps plus" nothing is certain in life and ps plus is like 5 bucks a month no harm in buying a game you want to play because it might come to plus one day.

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Rocksmith+ Comes To PS And Steam In June

This looks like a great way to play.
Rocksmith+, the award winning music-learning app that teaches you guitar and piano with thousands of hit songs, is coming to PlayStation and Steam on June 6, and is available to wishlist now on both platforms.


Next Battlefield Game Already Playable and Being Built by “Largest BF Team in History"

EA says the next Battlefield game is being built by the "largest Battlefield team in history," and confirms the game is in a playable state.

Kaii23h ago

“I’ve just spent a whole bunch of time with the collective Battlefield team, playing what they’re building and it is going to be another tremendous live service.”
It's just what gamers want, more live service garbage.

XiNatsuDragnel21h ago

Ik more live service is what I want /s.

_SilverHawk_20h ago

I'd like a lot more live service game / hi 5

RaidenBlack17h ago

What Henderson has leaked so far is that ... even though the dev size's large, they are playing safe this time,
so I am guessing big budgeted BF3 2.0 ... fingers crossed

Yi-Long1h ago(Edited 1h ago)

We don't need thousands of workers wasting their time and effort, for many years, on a live-service project nobody asked for.

Just take a dedicated small team and create a cool Battlefield GAME. Not a service, but a game. As in 10-12 Conquest maps, 4 classes, cool gameplay, done. That's it.

That doesn't need 3-4 years of development. That doesn't need thousands of employees. Just go back to basics; Release a cool game, let gamers buy and enjoy that game, and 1-2 years later you release a sequel. No 'service', no subsciption, no DLC, no seasons. Just a game. On its own. Done. 50 bucks.


Heading Out: PC Gameplay

This one is tricky with just a keyboard but here is a look at the early part of the game.