
Xbox One vs. PS4 vs. Wii U

With the new Xbox console finally unveiled, we can finally do a proper comparison with the PlayStation 4 and Wii U. Hardware-wise, the Xbox One is almost on par with the Sony in most departments, except for its supposed graphics-processing power. While Microsoft has been tight-lipped about the GPU performance, it is widely rumored to be around 1.2TFLOPS. Meanwhile, the PS4 can theoretically churn out 1.84TFLOPS.

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BigFnHooters4141d ago (Edited 4141d ago )

"Hardware-wise, the Xbox One is almost on par with the Sony in most departments"

Not even close.

* The PS4 GPU is roughly 50 percent more powerful the weak Xbox One GPU.

* The PS4's insanely fast RAM crushes the slower Xbox One's standard RAM.

* The PS4 has 2-3 more gigs of system RAM for games to utilize

* The PS4 doesn't have all various system services Microsoft has inexplicably made to run at all times

The silly and inane attempts to downplay the massive power advantage the PS4 has over the weak Xbox One can't be spun with fanboy word games like 'on par' or 'a little faster' or 'an edge'

The PS4 CRUSHES the Xbox One in graphics. Nothing is going to change that fact unless Microsoft cancels shipping in 2013 and goes back to the drawingboard and redesigns their hardware.

Sandmano4141d ago

Agreed the PS4 is more powerful.

project_pat364141d ago

While I agree... I could've went the rest of my life without ever having seen your avatar.

Rageanitus4141d ago (Edited 4141d ago )

Crushes is a overstatement and speculation from you.
Rumors is the PS4 is more powerful but to say it crushes the One is pure speculation.

I do not remember the conference mention much about hardware. Hell even if you ps4 announcement they did not really mention about the technical aspects of the console. "heavily modified super charged". We need real numbers and real demonstrations to make judgement between both consoles side by side

1) You have to remember the one and ps4 GPU are made from the same manufacturer.... IF the consoles are priced simularily do you honestly think one GPU will be 50 percent slower?

2)A gaming PC still uses the ddr3 for main memory and gddr5 for GPU memory, with that logic I guess the ps4 will crush a PC gaming rig?

3)are you a programmer I do not remember the ps4 saying it has 2>3 gigs more to utilize

4)Again we have to wait to see how much resources these services actually use.

Petro4141d ago

2) No, by his logic GPU would crush CPU.

zebramocha4141d ago (Edited 4141d ago )

@rageanitus Here is the spec sheet from the 20th unveiling.

kneon4141d ago (Edited 4141d ago )

1) The GPU in the PS4 has 50% more compute units than the GPU in the X1, a Microsoft engineer let that slip out during an interview. And the consoles are similarly priced because Microsoft spent the extra money on Kinect and TV functionality while Sony spent it on my graphic power.

2) A gaming PC is not optimized for gaming, it's a general purpose computing device. There is a reason that DDR3 is not used in the GPU and that is that it would create a performance bottleneck. Microsoft have tried to mitigate that by adding in a small esram cache but that just complicates the architecture. Sony's approach of a unified GDDR5 memory alleviates a lot of the copying of data that occurs in a typical PC architecture and so should have much better performance.

3) I am a programmer actually, and Microsoft have said that the OS will consume 3gb leaving 5 for games, Sony have said their OS will use 1gb leaving 7 for games. I believe they also said that the Xb1 OS will use 2 of the 8 cores.

4) We've already heard quite a bit of detail and it's not looking good.

hakis864141d ago (Edited 4141d ago )

Dear Rageanitus, it seems like you have not read as many articles about this like I have. And I mean tech-analysis and official HW specs articles.

1) While the CPU/GPU/"APU" in both consoles are from AMD, they already know that the PS4 has 18 unified Compute units, vs the Xbox One's 12.

However, I'm not sure actual clock-speeds for the chips in any system are official.

2) The architecture is similar to a PC but not LIKE a PC. You have your motherboard with a CPU, north/south bridge, GPU via PCI express BUS, and DDR3 dual channel RAM on a typical gaming PC these days.
The Xbox One is slower than a PC like this, because it is very similar considering it has to transfer data via different "buses" to/from RAM to the GPU/CPU. COMBINED these about match the total bandwidth of the PS4.
But, the PS¤ has a UNIFIED memory pool (like the 360 has, really), and the GPU/CPU can access it directly without going via a cache/"bus", and this is where the PS4 is in theory very efficient compared to a standard PC architecture. But no, it's not more powerful than a expensive PC.

3) The point is that the Xbox One has reserved about 3GB of ram to the operating systemS and Kinect, in order to have apps and TV etc running/swapping smoothly, like we were shown. 3 Operating systems takes up more RAM than the PS4's single operating system (they haven't said how mush it uses..?).

4) Agreed.

EDIT: typos ++ Sources:


noctis_lumia4141d ago

buddy DEAL WITH IT already...the ps4 CRUSHES the xdone

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 4141d ago
hennessey864141d ago

because my "STANDARD" ddr3 ram in my PC is running games the PS4 could only dream of running at the settings I have them running at. As for the GPU we don't no what either has inside GPU wise its just guessing and rumors again. The only time we will be able to say which is more powerful is when we see games up and running on final hardware in living rooms.

Petro4141d ago

Take a look at your GPU's RAM. ;)

Brazz4141d ago (Edited 4141d ago )

your GPU memory is DDR 3 or Gddr5? if you are playing games that "PS4 could only dream of running" you GPU is GDDR5, no doubt...
don't mistake the DDR3 memory that your computer use for system, app and stuff, for the Gddr 5 that video cards use to produce better graphics...

kwandar4141d ago

Doesn't matter ... Xbox One is effectively DOA.


Captain Qwark 94141d ago

Ha yeah right. It was the most wished for item on amazon yesterday with ps4 as number 4. Gaming websites are where the vocal minority tends to voice their displeasure, if you think n4g represents the population then you really should get out more. Myself and ALL of my friends with 360s were impressed and are getting one. That's around 50 peeps I know who game frequently, my gf was impressed by it too and she would be more in that casual market. The console will so great in the us, doa in Japan, and I imagine a similar performance in other territories as the 360 does now

_QQ_4141d ago (Edited 4141d ago )

50 people want the TVboxone. Now we know MS is safe.

Brazz4141d ago

Cap. Qwark 9 > No doubt that xbox will sell good in USA, it's made for USA market... But like this it will never be bigger than PS4 in world market. Ps3 have close to 1.75 times the sales of xbox360 outside USA, and ps4 will make this diference even bigger outside USA now that MS made this "USA only machine"...

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 4141d ago
Daves4141d ago

Quite simple really, would you buy something from a company that can't count?

level 3604141d ago

What's the Wii U doing here? It's already a last-gen console as far as the PS4/XBox One are concerned.

chestnut11224141d ago

You don't own a Wii U so ur comment is invalid. Get Lost with Your X Bots 360.

noctis_lumia4141d ago

wii u is still a piece of crap compared to the ps4 so yep its not next gen buddy...it cant even beat some ps3 games in performance lol

kwandar4141d ago

Really? Maybe on a hardware basis, but I've never bought a console based on hardware - I buy based on games and features. If you just want to base this on hardware, than I'd highly recommend you move to a PC with Steam.

Xbox One is dead anyway. That leaves PS4, but lets see if Sony tries to screw over consumers too.


maxgamehard4141d ago

Hey its still better than the Xbone. It can play used games and kinect isn't shoved down my throat.

Bathyj4141d ago

Wow Nintendo, what were you thinking?
The only place it stacks up is WiFi.

1upgamer994141d ago

Although clearly Nintendo's Wii U doesn't have the power of PS41, the reason it should appeal to you is the games that are going to be on the system, and the fact that it does play Wii Games and upscales them. Lets not for get it has 3X more ram and newer tech than PS360.No it will not be able to do what PS41 can, but it will certainly be able to pull off much more than we have seen last gen. I mean Wii had barely more power than Gamecube, but look what Nintendo pulled off with that system, For instance Metroid Prime 3 and Galaxy 2. They still look pretty good to this day, and with the power of Wii U and Retro's new game engine, I am sure there will be some nice eye candy. I love games, and am very excited about this Next gen. Sony is going to be amazing, and Nintendo will as well. 1st Box, well I know there are going to be some great games, but I am going to pass for sure. I did have 360 6 years ago, but not going to even think about Xbox this time around. Going to pick PS4 up right away, unless its like $10,000 LOL :)

punisher994141d ago

"the reason it should appeal to you is the games that are going to be on the system,"

Which games is that exactly? Last time I checked, developers are starting to turn away from this console. The Wii U is slowly starting to die. Its not even outselling current gen consoles.

" Wii had barely more power than Gamecube, but look what Nintendo pulled off with that system,"

The Wii was a much cheaper gimmicky console that got the attention of the non gamers, (the grandmas, grandpas and other non gamers were all wowed by its motion gaming. You can compare this system to the Wii U, because the Wii U is not targeting that audience.

kwandar4141d ago

Actually it stacks up well.

It brings asymmetrical gaming, and off screen play, built into the system (ie. you aren't reliant on having the consumer purchase additional hardware, so you can build games around that).

More to the point it brings games, and a lower price point. It is all about the games, and is likely to have FAR more games this fall when parents are shopping.

Ok - last point. Xbox One is already a fail due to anti-consumer technology (and PS4 may yet have an issue in that respect). Listen to Joe - he knows what he is talking about:


Bathyj4141d ago

"Despite a higher GPU performance, we doubt that the PS4 will perform much better than the Xbox One."

I wonder how he arrived at that conclusion. He doesnt explain at all. Thats like saying just because you have a bigger bucket, doesnt mean you can hold more water. But it kinda does, doesnt it?

If that is in fact true, and CPU's are comparable, I would have thought better GPU, better RAM and better tools as well from what we've heard means better performance, unless he was just talking about sales performance which cant be measured yet since both have sold 0.

Kakashi Hatake4141d ago

The only explanation is the media is in bed with MS. Had Sony had the weaker machine, the media would be all over it. Sadly all they'll do is downplay it.

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Game Journalism is too corporate to trust

Game reviews have been around since the mid-1970s. Play Meter was the first of its kind. During their time, it was mainly coin-operated machines that were covered, as certain arcade games that many of us consider classics such as Space Invaders were popular. Other publications sprang up, such as Arcade Alley in 1979. From then on, gaming journalism was on the rise. Electronic Games Magazine, Famitsu, The Games Machine, Nintendo Power, and others all gave way to gaming journalism’s growing popularity and importance. In the beginning, gaming journalism was about the love of the games, the history of the product, and giving potential consumers genuine insight. The passion was there. The commitment was there. The insight was there. And most importantly, the trust was there.

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jznrpg1d 4h ago

That and a bunch of haters have made gaming a big negative cesspool.

lodossrage1d 3h ago

True, that's almost as much of a problem as the gaming media itself

CrimsonIdol5h ago

There's a fair bit to hate about big corporate game companies

thorstein8h ago

They've become nothing more than corporate shills. Rather than speaking truth to power, they're just looking at the latest clickbait no matter how false it is.

The straight up lies are annoying. Then journalists claim that a lie is an opinion. Um... no.

Tacoboto6h agoShowReplies(1)
gold_drake7h ago

yea its been like this for years and only has gotten worse during covid.

they are sometimes worse than celeb. trash news ha.

"you will NOT believe what the DEV of XYZ said"

or and those are my favourites,

"XYZ game gets REMASTER TREATMENT" and you click on the link and its just a god damn mod ha.

Tacoboto6h ago

"XYZ Players are saying THIS about the new update!"

And the article is based on a single tweet from someone with an anime profile image

Profchaos7h ago

The gaming landscape today is full of corporations trying to suck as much money out of us as possible while giving us as little as possible in return that's the biggest problem I see right now and the fact the journos should be the ones calling the gross practices out now suckle at the teat of the publishers to stay in favour and maintain working relationships to avoid being blacklisted for reviews and preview events show their interests do not align with ours.

HankHill6h ago

Consume the new product and don't ask any questions.

Christopher4h ago

Always question change, always seek out facts.

victorMaje3h ago

Hey Chris, not sure if others have already suggested but here’s another idea for N4G, a website trust meter.
There used to be a way to click on the website of an article and downvote or something like that.
It can be like Steam’s rating, all time & recent.
Then the list of journalism website ratings accessible from a subdomain, jowebrat.n4g dot com :)

SimpleDad44m ago

@victorMaje No, this site user opinions? NO. This is not how it works my Victor. Trust meter??? LOL.

User reviews... this is what you have to look for, because games are made for users... not journalists.
Even if something is review bombed... there has to be a reason, something is wrong and you should hold on with your hard earned money.

Game sites are pushing... what they need to push, or want to push, or both.
Yes always seek out facts, right on Chris.

victorMaje7m ago


Of course games are made for users. That’s the whole point. I already seek out facts. Check my comment history you’ll see how I always advise to check trusted user reviews & I don’t pre-order.

Some journalism sites however do have user reviews, they’re not all bad journalism, these would raise the trust score of the journalism website, other stories with an agenda or disingenuous reviews could lower it.
Why not have such a tool coming out of N4G? It would be the metacritic of journalism websites, voted by N4G users. That doesn’t mean one should stop from also seeking user reviews.


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