
Review: Crash Bandicoot N. Sane Trilogy shows why we shouldn't remaster classics | GQ

N. Sane trilogy is a stark reminder of just how long ago 1996 really was.

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WilliamSheridan2523d ago

Yeah I honestly didn't know peoole actually cared about this game. I had bought the original on PlayStation, but i never really considered it as a classic must have...

AspiringProGenji2523d ago (Edited 2523d ago )

Key word: You

As for me and most PS gamers who grew up playing this, it is a classic. Back in the days Crash was great, and these remasters show why: sick OSTs, challenge, character designs, and animations (those funny death animations in particular) still hold up today

WilliamSheridan2522d ago

Yup... I literally said "I" didn't know. I spoke for myself and have my opinion. People disagreed with my opinion. Interesting.

Anyway glad it sold well, I miss good platformers, although this was never my cup of tea

Exari2522d ago

many ppl played the first crash and started complaining that its hard, well it is hard because the original was

i personally think that its a great remaster, it may have problems here and there, but none are bad enough to affect the overall experience, and at the end of the day it feels just like the old games.

subtenko2522d ago

@WilliamSheridan "People disagreed with my opinion. Interesting. "

You knew it was gonna happen just like whoever wrote this blog post knew.....

RedDeadLB2522d ago

Disagreeing with opinions is valid. It's what makes them opinions, not facts.

Neonridr2522d ago

And that is your opinion Aspiring. Both of you are entitled to differing ones. Doesn't make either of you right or wrong.

AspiringProGenji2521d ago

Let's be real @Neonril...

It is his opinion and I don't have a problem with it, but to be surprised that people cared about Crash is either ignorance or just... I dont know stupid? Or has he been under a rock these past 2 decades?

Crash was a success back them and most PS gamers grew up with it. It is classic indeed! People care for Crash. Why shouldn't anyone care for Crash and what is so surprising about that? It is like me saying "Lol people care about Pokemon?"

I wasn't trying to be rude, but these people should stop thinking they are the center of the universe.

WilliamSheridan2521d ago

@aspiring Crash wasn't requested until Uncharted made its way and became popular. It's more of an homage to Naughty Dog. Crash was a mediocre platformer back then and it is still one today. But because Uncharted is so fucking awesome, and it truly is, people remember Crash more fondly. It's what happens when publishers become big, their early releases become "classic" and their early works are remembered more fondly. If Crash was truly a great game, the "franchise" would have continued forward as the mascot of PlayStation. Strangely, it did not. So the sales must have spoken for themself.

So I'm not ignorant nor under a rock. I'm willing to bet I've been a gamer far longer than yourself. My first game was Ladder on a KayPro, follows by Zaxxon on ColecoVision.

What was yours?

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 2521d ago
KillZallthebeast2522d ago

lol this and spyro were basically the face of ps1 for most people. They just dropped off most peoples radars when insomniac and naughty dog stopped making them and activision took over and drove them both into the ground.

DanteVFenris6662522d ago

Yes I stilled played crash but I have more nostalgia for spyro. I think I played 1 activision game before I stopped

BigTrain2522d ago

Spyro was definitely the better series for me.

Orpheo2522d ago

Agree, though I was more fond of Spyro as well. I think I first learned of Spyro from a PlayStation Underground* demo disc. I was so impressed I rented the game from Blockbuster (anyone remember renting games? ;)). Before I had to return the game I got all the way to the final boss and came very close to beating him but just couldn't pull it off. Now of the Spyro games I'd like a re-make, that would be a must-buy for me. :)

*Anyone remember the real PlayStation Underground demo discs with trailers, demos, game save downloads, behind-the-scenes featurettes, and other unlockable goodies? With such a selection of gaming greatness there was always something for everyone; it awesome and I wish PlayStation didn't tarnish those memories with their new YouTube playlist. Also, Maggie was my favorite unofficial PlayStation mascot and I really wanted to see her in PlayStation All-Stars more than any other character. Maybe one day we'll get a re-imagining**.

On another side-note, I really wanted PS All-Stars to be a fighting game closer to Tekken or Street Fighter, not a party game like Super Smash Bros.

Killa Aaron2522d ago (Edited 2522d ago )

I agree, PlayStation needs more lighthearted fun games like Spyro and Crash because Knack wasn’t a smashing success but it was alright.

NotoriousWhiz2522d ago

You can disagree with an opinion. That's why it's called an opinion.

MegamanXXX2522d ago

93 people disagree with you 😁😂

WilliamSheridan2522d ago

Fanboys defending an.exclusive... 😊

BigTrain2522d ago

Same here. Definitely a Playstation 1 generation thing in terms of little growing up with it and thinking it was impressive. Hated this series up until part 3 came out and Crash Team Racing was great as well. I hated PS1 1st gen games. Crash, Jumping Flash, Jet Moto, bleeggghhhh. 1st gen grainy low-polygon count 3D tripe as far as I was concerned, especially considering there was no analog control. The 1st 3D game to truly impress me in every category was Mario 64, everything was right.

yeahokwhatever2522d ago

How dare you. Jet Moto is the best thing. Team Mountain Dew FTW.

XStation4pio_Pro2522d ago (Edited 2522d ago )

If it has a PlayStation logo then it's the best and automatically a classic and also goty and you're an a$$hole if you don't agree. Welcome to n4g. If you wipe the dust off the site mast you'll actually see it says playstation4g. Don't expect objective/subjective debate here. Just contorted justifications, dynamically adjusted logic and moved goalposts. :)

WilliamSheridan2522d ago

I learned that when I got banned twice because I defended Xbox

JLynn9432522d ago

I knew people cared, but I personally didn't/don't care. I had Cortex Strikes Back and played it for a while, but I was more into Mario 64 and then Banjo Kazooie. It couldn't compete with them for me.

Nesflix2522d ago

Insane you're being down-voted for having an opinion. This is N4G's comment section though. I think it's a classic but it held up better in my mind as a classic than when I played the remaster. I popped it in and played the first zone of Warped, beat Tiny and haven't gone back to it since.

AspiringProGenji2522d ago (Edited 2522d ago )

"Yeah I honestly didn't know peoole actually cared about this game."

You are telling me a series as old as Crash Bandicoot is not gonna have fans that grew playing it? I don't mind he didn't like Crash back them, but using his distaste for it to question everyone else is wrong. Either he is joking or so out of touch with this world to not know that preople did and indeed do care about Crash

Not to mention, ever since Sony started teasing crash at the beggining of this gen, people have been asking and talking about him. So you tell me, how are people not going to care for Crash?

yeahokwhatever2522d ago

Its not down voting, its called a "disagree". Here, check this out, it may help: http://www.dictionary.com/b...

Nesflix2521d ago

@AspiringProGenji Again...his opinion. Relax.

AspiringProGenji2521d ago

So? Does having an opinion is a bulletproof vest now? If you are afraid of people disagreeing with you, then don't you ever start an argument

Nesflix2521d ago

@AspiringProGenji Who's afraid? I disagree constantly with people. It's my favorite pastime.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 2521d ago
gangsta_red2522d ago

I agree, I was never a Crash fan and I found the original games boring. Especially compared to how many other classic games were out during the PS1 era.

But more power to Activision for bringing this back. I have always said that games that have a decade or more age on them should get the remaster treatment.

Orpheo2522d ago (Edited 2522d ago )

I bought the original 1996 digital release a while back on PS3 and never finished it because it was too hard; it took me a half a day just to beat the first boss.

I remember seeing the Crash commercials when I was young and loving the bandicoot's attitude and his short stint as a quasi - PlayStation mascot, for that reason alone I wanted to see the return of Crash. I also really like the game's colorful graphics and sound design. Crash 2 looked okay and Crash 3 looked amazing, but I refuse to play 3 without beating the older games first and that's not going to happen. Not saying the Crash games aren't worth it, but to someone like me who prefers other genres and generally easier games like "Ninja Gaiden (PS3)," I pass.

trooper_2522d ago (Edited 2522d ago )

It's a beloved franchise. Not sure where you're getting your information from.

SonyWarrior2521d ago

you must have been under a rock if you are telling the truth because back then crash was super big and was the face of playstation

mogwaii2521d ago

Its just nostalgia, these millenials who played it way after it was released and see it through rose coloured glasses, the games arent great.

thehitman13982521d ago

Man u must have a man crush on crash because u keep going to every article about him and bashing it. Getting kinda weird bro... Getting weird

AspiringProGenji2521d ago (Edited 2521d ago )

"Crash wasn't requested until Uncharted made its way and became popular."

Wrong! People began to ask for Crash when Sony teased it with the Greatness Awaits PS4 commercials and all the rumors that Sony got the IP back.

"Crash was a mediocre platformer back then and it is still one today."

Like I said... Keyword: You
We care for Crash and it wasn't mediocre back them. It was part of our childhood. If you don't like it, again, that is you!

"If Crash was truly a great game, the "franchise" would have continued forward as the mascot of PlayStation. Strangely, it did not. So the sales must have spoken for themself."

Crash did continued but not as a PS mascot because Sony had no ownership after Activision bought Universal Studios and Activision let the IP to die until recently. That still change nothing of how great Crash was back in the days

You claim to be an old gamer and yet you don't know anything about Crash Bandicoot. Well too bad because we love Crash and we care for him. This remaster and its reception proves it! Deal with it!

+ Show (14) more repliesLast reply 2521d ago
admiralvic2523d ago

Ignoring obvious errors, such as saying the game released 30 years ago, I think the author put it best here.

"It’s a game that was flawed when it came out in 1996, let alone after three decades when the scene has moved on exponentially in terms of craft and ambition."

This isn't an issue with remasters/remakes/whatever, but really Crash in general. No offense to people who love the game, I do too, but Crash was not a game designed in a "timeless" style like Super Mario Bros. 3. However, I don't think that is too much of a problem either.

Sometimes it's good to revisit the past and even if the games aren't perfect by today's standards, they're still fun. Sure, some parts are frustrating, but for many games from the past, that is what made them so memorable. No one remembers beating the second area in Sonic the Hedgehog, but I'm sure anyone who has played the bike section in Battletoads remembers that.

-Foxtrot2523d ago

I do

Marble Zone, great level, awesome soundtrack.

I_am_Batman2522d ago

Yeah when he said no one remembers beating the second area in Sonic I thought to myself: "Oh you mean the Lava stage with the burning platforms, mechanical spiky chandeliers and the awesome music that gets stuck in your head? Yeah I totally don't remember anything about that. /s"

The 10th Rider2522d ago

Good level design will never become outdated.

DJStotty2522d ago

Love myself a bit of sonic, still play the games to this day

AspiringProGenji2523d ago (Edited 2523d ago )

But Crash Bandicoot was not the only flawed game. If you remaster plenty of those other classics, they would have this same issue. Mario 64 was flawed too, Halo CE was very flaw too, Sonic Heroes, and on and on... And who cares? We loved these games anyways back when we weren't self centered game critics, so why compare Crash with the games and mechanics of today?

And I think the gameplay is still good compared to the aim assist, handholding gameplay of today... The gameplay in crash is stiff and skillful, such as when you have to time your jumps to get on a platform. It is not just "press X" and not risks. Mario 64 was like this before too.

I have a 16 year old brother who I game share my library of games, and I told him to play Crash. He stopped playing it because "it was too slow," he said, and he would fall all the time for not timing his jumps... It is no wonder why many games of today are so easy. There's no willingness to get better and surpass any challenge. I think if arcades were still relevant, they would die because of this

AmUnRa2522d ago

I agree with you for 100%.

nix2522d ago (Edited 2522d ago )

you should let him play Crash 2. i found it little smoother/lighter and easier to control compared to 1. let him ride the bear in 2. hahaha.

Newmanator2522d ago

I 100% Crash 2 this weekend. I haven't felt that level of pride and achievement since Guitar Hero 1

DanteVFenris6662522d ago

Flawed in the sense that every game is flawed. Crash and Mario 64 are still better than 90% of modern releases

UCForce2521d ago (Edited 2521d ago )

I have to agree with you.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 2521d ago
andrewsquall2522d ago

What's your point? Imagine if the original Tomb Raiders or Syphon Filters got THIS type of remake/remaster treatment. As in, the animations are untouched. Can you see how terrible the human characters would move around?

Naughty Dog knew what they were doing back in the day going with a more cartoony style before moving onto more realistic humanoids in the Jak series and finally human characters by the time Uncharted's generation started. Like others have said, Crash still hold up today with just a little lick of paint.

Do you honestly think something like Max Payne from 2001 (out the same month as Jak and Daxter by ND) would hold up today with a visual lick of paint and those horrible movement and strafing animations? It didn't hold up a year after launch lol. "It’s a game that was flawed when it came out in 2001, let alone after five decades (why not lol?) when the scene has moved on exponentially in terms of craft and ambition."
The same quote does not apply to the critically acclaimed Crash Bandicoot PS1 series lol.

Nosferatu_dude2522d ago

erm... you know that they reworked the animations too in Crash? Besides the Graphics:)

AnubisG2522d ago (Edited 2522d ago )


We talked about this already guy. Resident Evil 1 was already remade and fans loved it so much that they are remaking RE2 and these games have human characters. Tomb Raider could be remade as well. Just because you lack an imagination or have a hatred for classic games it does not mean you are right. We don't care to see your wrong opinion in every single CB article guy. Just keep your hatred to yourself. You are not going to convince anyone.

DefenderOfDoom22522d ago

I remember playing SYPHON FILTER and dealing with the horrible camera angles . I stopped playing 3rd person games until Resident Evil 4 came out.

Fonso1282522d ago

Super Mario bros 3 aged horribly. The difficulty spiked up and down like crazy. SMB3 also had forgettable music. Crash Bandicoot difficulty spiked up and down just not as bad as Mario 3.

yeahokwhatever2522d ago

People who grew up on Mario don't remember Sonic or Crash moments, which is perfectly understandable. I think the smashing success of this remaster(Crash) is a testament to just how many people had a PS1.

ChronoJoe2522d ago

I think what you're saying is true for the first game, but Crash 2 and 3 hold up today just fine. I think a lot of what Crash was doing has gotten better in games today, things like the underwater segments in Crash 3 come to mind, as being done better elsewhere, but the same is true of a lot of games. Even titles like Banjo Kazooie (which were both happily rereleased by Rare on the 360) have segments of the game that don't control as well as they could. Heck, even Super Mario 64 has a pretty bad camera.

Crash has its own set of issues, but it can still be a tremendous amount of fun. There's a very good platformer in there if you can stomach the difficulty.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 2521d ago
isarai2523d ago

Well a lot of people are having a lot of fun playing it, and thats kinda the point in games. So why shouldnt it be remastered/remade?

AspiringProGenji2523d ago

I know right? This guy is just one of those gamers of today who want to shit on everyone's childhood by comparing the old game mechanics with those of today. How is that fair? By that logic, approximately 90% of the old games are shit as well

2522d ago
onisama2521d ago

90% of games are shit today too just to point it out...

AnubisG2522d ago

Because there is always an idiot "progressive journalist" who can't stand the fact that older games are good and people love playing them. However these same "journalists" praise 8bit indie games like it's the second coming. They are idiots to say the least.

sampson31212521d ago

shovel knight anyone? lol

yeahokwhatever2522d ago

it was sold out at the 3 gamesstops near me. I had to go a bit more into the sticks to get this game in physical form. I think its being very well-received by fans of the series. Its been a while since I've had to actually look for a game. Weird.

rainslacker2521d ago

Because some people think they're being cool and edgy by thinking they're all about the good stuff that is in the future, and holding onto the past is a bad thing. Others, or some of those same people, act like there are an over-abundance of remakes or remasters which are somehow keeping newer games from getting made.

IMO, I'm fine with them. We can play them if we want them, or ignore them if we don't. If people enjoy them, then great, if they don't, or it's a bad remake/remaster, then the reviews will reflect it, and people can make their own choice.

Overall, the whole argument they shouldn't exist is just stupid. There have been remakes and remasters ever since the early days of consoles. NES and other consoles in that gen had them as well. Somehow, it became a console war talking point to act like one console has too many, or nothing but, which is also just stupid. To me, people who act like certain games shouldn't get made because they don't get the point, or they wouldn't enjoy them would be akin to someone saying Halo or Gran Turismo shouldn't get made because they don't care for them.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 2521d ago
Simon_the_sorcerer2523d ago

Say what? The collection is really good imo.

PhoenixUp2523d ago

They're not remasters they're remakes

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