
PS4 vs Xbox One: Which Has the Better 2016 Exclusives So Far?

At the halfway mark, which console, PS4 or Xbox One, has the better exclusives?

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GigawattConduit2881d ago

PS4, if only because Uncharted 4 has been taking up my early summer and No Man's Sky is sure to take up the back end of it in August.

2880d ago Replies(26)
jessionpc2880d ago

How has a single 14 hour game taken up your early summer? That game was literally a casual 1 week playthrough, or a weekend game for most, or a 2 day game for the hardcore...

Don't tell me your the 1 person playing the multiplayer nobody plays. It's absolute crap. Anyone and everyone would choose even COD over it... COD!

TBH, I don't own an xbox, nor do I remotely care about it's brand... But so far, has EITHER console released good enough exclusives to even warrant GAMERS saying who's better?...

We should all be saying DO BETTER... I've never spent so many months in my life having my console turned on just for twitch. I'm at the point where I'm literally forcing myself to replay old games I don't really want to play again. I can only beat Bloodborne and do random dungeons in Disgaea 5 for so long.

2880d ago
rainslacker2880d ago (Edited 2880d ago )

PS4 has released quite a few exclusives this year for me.

UC4, VC:R, GR:R, Odin Sphere, R&C, Megadimension neptunia VII(just now starting to play it), Digimon Story, and Senran Kagura have all seen play time from me this year, and I have quite a few more that I haven't gotten to yet.

So yes, one has released more AND better exclusive content that I can say is better than the one exclusive game, Quantum Break, that I've played on the X1. At the end of this year MS has GeOW4, and Forza...of which, neither will likely see any playtime from me, because I prefer the regular Forza over Horizon, and GeOW looks dull. I won't even attempt to list the PS4 exclusives coming this year that i want to get to that will likely be better and much more numerous.

GordonKnight2880d ago (Edited 2880d ago )

So as some one that doesn't understand what exclusive means.

I agree it is silly to argue your console of choice is better. Just enjoy it. The true way to enjoy gaming is to embrace all forms of gaming. Having the Wii U, PS4, & X1, I can see all three of them have great content, along with some problems.

Wii U $350
PS4 $400
X1 $500
No exclusives "Priceless"

guyman2879d ago

Shame, your tears are plentiful. Cry us a river.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 2879d ago
fromchildren2880d ago

To be fair, the Xbox one still has the Halo 5
Halo 6 is going pc but halo 5 is still exclusive

badz1492880d ago (Edited 2880d ago )

but THAT was from last year. this article is about 2016 so you're going pretty off the the topic there

notachance2880d ago

the funny thing is 2/3 of Xbox 'exclusives' are indies, while according to their fanboys it's playstation which was supposed to be indies heaven.

oh I'm sorry did I say 2/3? I meant two of the three Xbox 'exclusives'

that's right, half a year has gone by and they're sitting at 3 little 'exclusives', of which 2 are indies
and the ultra-hyped 'AAA' is scored 77, lower than Until Dawn lol

'exclusives', lmao

'we are doubling down on games'

Aceman182880d ago

The only game in 2016 on X1 I was looking forward to was quantum break, and it disappointed me after playing it. I lost interest in gears after the part 3 horrible story.

And the only other game on that console that I wanted to play was the main campaign of crackdown 3, but since they decided to push that back to 2017 I said F it and sold my system last weekend day to a friend.

On PS4 I've gotten to play or will play

Gravity Rush remaster
Uncharted 4
Ratchet & Clank
Star Ocean 5 (next week)
The Last Guardian (October)
GT Sport (November)
Nier (fall)
Gravity Rush 2 (fall)
Valkyria Chronicles remaster

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 2879d ago
Thom94342881d ago

I'd say the PS4 has probably done better but I don't think either side has been totally screwed. The Xbox has a lot of cool stuff on the way. I'm envious of dat Gears 4.

Rude-ro2880d ago

Although I am hoping gears is good, it is not exclusive

2880d ago Replies(1)
Scottyxboxoneandps42880d ago

Agreed, at last someone who talks sense. This site is an absolute joke with the bias that goes on on here, i mean look at the dissagrees you have for stating you are envious of gears 4!!
This site must be rife with spotty kiddies that thinks its cool to hate on a specific system just because they dont own it.

I have all systems, game mostly on ps4 at the moment, and yeah its true they have the better exclusives so far, but this stupid "war" gets tiring.
And honestly, if any of the comments that are talking shit about another console are from actual adults, then i think its time to reavaluate your life.

Eonjay2881d ago

According to the lists on the article, PS4 has completely blow Xbox away in terms of exclusives in 2016. By almost 8:1 so far so even if they stopped now, and didn't release TLG, GT:S, Star Ocean, NMS, PSVR and all 50 of those games, you would still have nearly 10x more content on the PS4. Thats why its winning. Its about the games.

2880d ago Replies(19)
Ashlen2881d ago

The PS4 list is missing so many things. From this month alone it's Atelier Sophie and Star Ocean. Though they did note Odin Sphere and Grand Kingdom.

Kingthrash3602880d ago

I recommend grand kingdome....I knew nothing about this game, downloaded the demo and bought it right after....pleasant surprise for me.

Rude-ro2880d ago

Accidentally downvoted. Big thumbs small phone. Sorry. I agree.

_-EDMIX-_2880d ago

Well if they mean "exclusive" Star Ocean isn't as its coming to PS3 (in Japan anyway), Odin Sphere is coming to PS3, PS Vita and PS4 and Grand Kingdom is also coming to PS Vita, so it makes sense why those are not listed considering they are not exclusively on PS4, same with Atelier Sophie.

I can see them as being notable titles for any PS4 owner, but they are not actually exclusive based on the pure definition of.

2880d ago
AngelicIceDiamond2880d ago

The same ecosystem, still exclusive.

nix2880d ago

OMG... Edimix!

Are you really that daft? Please don't reproduce.

Sparta072880d ago

Why is QB on the list for xbox then!?
@angelic, lmao. Really? Same ecosystem, is that what we are calling it now? Is NOT exclusive.

_-EDMIX-_2880d ago

@star- agreed.

@angelic- what is being regarded is not ecosystem what is being questioned is platform and for a fact those games can be played on another platform.

Consider this if you wanted to know what store carries Doritos would you then listen to the company if they stated it was Frito-Lay exclusive?

Consider what you are literally asking is is it available only at one store or many stores you're not asking in regards to who financially owns it or what ecosystems it belongs to in regards to retail merchant stores etc.

Very literal. Can I play it somewhere else? If the answer to that is yes it is not exclusive.

zeuanimals2880d ago (Edited 2880d ago )


Hypocrite much? In this very thread there's people saying Xbox One exclusives aren't really exclusive because you don't need an Xbox One to play them, you even said "Xbox has exclusives?" as if you mean to say it doesn't. And yet you have a problem with the same logic being applied to games on the PS4. And this is coming from someone who prefers Playstation.

Jesus, I'm really debating on whether or not to continue coming to this site because some of you people are ridiculous.

Also, taking this stuff so seriously to the point that you tell someone not to reproduce? Someone who's trying to be fair and unbiased? Get your head checked.

Kingthrash3602880d ago (Edited 2880d ago )

Same ecosystem? So does that mean we count all ps4/vita/ps3 games?

_-EDMIX-_2879d ago

@Zeua- thank you so much! I think people need to remain objective.

Though I prefer PlayStation it does not necessarily mean I'm going to jump on calling anything in exclusive simply because I like it.

If it can be played on another platform it is not exclusive. I'm getting Persona 5 day 1 on PlayStation 4 but it is also on PlayStation 3...... it is not exclusive to any one platform.

I don't mind if someone disagrees with my post , it's life, everyone is not always going to agree with your opinion but if you're going to comment at least say what is wrong with my post because you cannot say in the same breath Xbox one doesn't have exclusives using your examples and then also State PlayStation has exclusive yet use examples of titles that actually are not exclusive.

PlayStation 4 by default has the most exclusives do to that Sony is not sending their top titles to another platform.

But folks let's at least please use examples of titles that are only found in one place that is the PlayStation 4 Horizon, days gone , Gran Turismo sport ,the order Knack, Infamous Second Son, Killzone shadow Fall, God of War etc.

I'm trying to make my view as unbiased as possible and I'm trying to give you an objective statement regarding exclusives regardless of platform.

Sea of Thieves, Quantum break , Halo 6, Gears of War 1 and 4 are not exclusive because they are also on PC and the same respect Persona 5 Star Ocean 5 are not exclusive because they can be played on the PS Vita or PlayStation 3.

I'm simply trying to make it as Fair as possible because my view means absolutely nothing if I'm simply lying or goalpost moving to fit a narrative.

Exclusive means it's on one platform.

multi-platform means it's on more than one.....

no exception.

By default to what Microsoft has done on PC, PlayStation 4 will have more exclusives.

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 2879d ago
rainslacker2880d ago (Edited 2880d ago )

It's easy to forget when there are so many. Kind of miss List Wars because of this fact.

I really want to believe they left out some of the MS one's though. 3 just doesn't sound right. Even if you confine it to console exclusives, which this list apparently was, and keep in games with PC versions, which this list does, 3 doesn't sound right.

If it is right, by my calculations, MS will have 5 total exclusive games released on their system this year. maybe 8-9 if we include indies no one remembers...which this list seemed to do also.

Otherwise, looking forward to getting into Antelier Sophie and Star Ocean, but kind of hyped for Zero Time Dilemma since it's getting some good reviews.

Edit @ Below

I've always enjoyed the series, although I couldn't get into the Dusk trilogy too much. My backlog keeps growing, and it's not showing signs of dwindling. Have a move coming up soon, so probably going to make matters worse. Already packing. Will probably play on handhelds for a while.:*(

I've heard good things about the series, but have been enjoying Neptunia VII a lot, so will probably try to finish that up before the move.

JRPG's are making a comeback. Feels like the PS2 days when you had to pick and choose what to play, as opposed to last gen where it was mostly waiting for the next one to come out....mostly all within the same style and publisher.

Ashlen2880d ago (Edited 2880d ago )

Sophie is great, I've been playing it since release still a ways to go on it. I'm always happy to hear from other people who like it. Such a great series.

I'm also getting Star Ocean and Grand Kingdom, this has been a great month for people who like Japanese games Odin Sphere is also fantastic.

Zero Time Dilemma is getting great reviews, but It's a series that I haven't gotten into, but I hope you enjoy it!

Really stellar month.

Edit: Yea, Neptunia is a fun series, I like the story and humor in them a lot.

The nice thing about Sophie is that they removed the time limits so you can take your time and craft things when they become available then re-craft them later when you get better materials instead of having the time limit semi forcing you to wait until you have just the right materials. Plus you can farm for items with the traits you need without worrying about the timer. Makes the whole experience way less stressful. Also I really enjoy the crafting mini-game that's like a semi-Tetris style puzzle very challenging.

Good luck with the move! That's always a stressful thing, hope it goes well.

_-EDMIX-_2880d ago

@Ashlen- good to know, I was going to get that game but have some many games I'm playing right now, might put it on the back burner until I have more time.

So many good RPGS, so little time

2880d ago Replies(14)
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15 Xbox Games That Should Make the Multiplatform Jump

While there’s likely already a list behind closed doors, one can still speculate and offer logical suggestions for titles new and old that should find their way into the PlayStation and Switch libraries.

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GamerRN59d ago

Single A games and live service games. Those make sense

S2Killinit59d ago

None of it makes sense. But its happening.

Ps5conehead58d ago

That’s up to Microsoft they want return on there investment. From buying up those publishers. That’s what there in business for. And they made a mistake putting day one exclusive on game pass. So now Microsoft wants to profit any way they can.its called buisness . Just like Sony putting games on pc a year are two after ps5 launch.
So if they can make money off PlayStation and Nintendo. They will do that. And I bet soon real soon they will release some aaa exclusives .and I bet one day it will be same day release

TheEroica58d ago

Sony gamers begging for Xbox games.... Who would've thunk it?


Yeah, because random site off the internet represents all Sony gamers, they have the letter of attorney and all...

S2Killinit58d ago

Lol what a spin. You dizzy?

AsunaYuukiTheFlash58d ago (Edited 58d ago )

We don’t care about shovelwares. Get that junk out of PS5

StormSnooper58d ago

More like MS begging to put their games on PlayStation.

TheEroica56d ago

Keep begging Sony gamers!

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 56d ago
Friendlygamer59d ago

Some of these seem to be exclusive for lack of enthusiasm of the publisher rather than because of deals. A lot of cool indies skip ps for some reason like katana zero, el paso, elsewhere and gunbrela

S2Killinit59d ago

Even more indies skip xbox. We know that right?

Friendlygamer59d ago

Quality over quantity, Microsoft got some really interesting and curated niche games on their machines, maybe in part because of gamepass

S2Killinit58d ago

Quality and MS are not things you bring up in same sentence.

shinoff218358d ago (Edited 58d ago )

Alot of indies skip xbox to. It goes round and round. Personally I think your off base on that but no need to have the argument.

Friendlygamer58d ago

Between katana zero, valheim, Battletech, el passo... I don't feel off base. maybe ps got a million of light novel games that will never release on Xbox but like I've said, I'm talking about niche games highlights, the 10%.

  Heck, it's probably thanks to Microsoft that the s.t.a.l.k.e.r games came to console ps included, meanwhile Sony backwards compatibility continues to be extremely anemic.

And I'm sure most ps5 users are happy to ignore these games and just play wathever new 3rd person action game is trending but it's cool that Microsoft gives some love to smaller audiences and software preservation

shinoff218358d ago

Again your off base just to be snide. All it's showing though is your ignorance.

One light novels wtf is that even. Ps has plenty of pretty damn good indies.

Speaking of indies and ms being responsible. You know F.I.S.T. of course you do alot of you guys just support gamepass. Well here's a history of Sony being responsible for helping indies. Look up the China project from Sony.

Lastly lol your ignorance showing again. Sony has plenty of games. Personally third person is better then first anyway but that's besides the point. Sony gets so many games that xbox doesn't get because yall don't support the games. Jrpgs being a great example. I personally am not into every Sony first party game. Alot of us aren't. On the other side you don't get to eat often so you gobble up everything. Me personally God of War not my cup, etc. For me I'm into jrpgs and ms just can't touch Sony on those. Again because the Xbox base doesn't support it. Devs dont wanna waste their time or money. Hit me up when falcom develops a game over there.

Speaking of third person narrative games. Aren't yall drooling over hellblade 2. The first one was Sony exclusive at one point. Another not my cup game. Showing we don't have to fall in line and agree we love everything Sony puts out. The facts are they sell though unlike elsewhere(not nintendo)

StormSnooper58d ago

You are same person as GamerRN, yes?

Abnor_Mal59d ago

They really think PlayStation fans would want to play Redfall? Pfft.

Personally nothing on that list would be any game I’d want to play.

TwoPicklesGood58d ago

I’d absolutely love Hellblade 2, Palworld, and Quantum Break on ps5 as I’m sure tons of others would too. There’s nothing wrong with wanting games from another console and its sad that people try to act like they aren’t interested in them.

shinoff218358d ago

While indont agree with the games. I agree with the point. Your not wrong.

DarXyde58d ago

Sunset Overdrive makes very good sense. Palworld might.

Don't know about the others. Hellblade II does make sense given the original launched on PS4 first. Quantum Break was a massive letdown for me. I absolutely hated the whole TV show thing and I don't think anyone should have to relive that on modern hardware.

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Now that Remedy owns Control, it’s time to reclaim Quantum Break

Alan Wake 2 studio Remedy Entertainment has reclaimed the rights to Control, and now sci-fi hit Quantum Break deserves the same treatment.

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Petebloodyonion74d ago

Totally agree with that especially when Quantum Break has several references to Alan Wake and Alan Wake make allusions to QB.
I do believe that MS and Remedy can work things out and MS has usually been nice to devs and publishers regarding IP.

Obscure_Observer74d ago

They can't "reclaim" what was never theirs.

Petebloodyonion74d ago

I’m sure we can settle for purchase from MS the IP.

Lightning7774d ago

MS is not doin anything with it. Plus they're doing a multiverse of their own so Remedy needs the IP.

If MS wants to have exclusive let it be timed for 6 months then go to other platforms. MS seems to be, let's say, generous with some if their games as of late.

Or have QB2 be multiplat from the jump, put it on GP. Keeping QB2 as an exclusive is kinda weird these days.

Obscure_Observer74d ago (Edited 74d ago )


"I’m sure we can settle for purchase from MS the IP."

Good luck


"MS is not doin anything with it."

Japan Studio is dead nd Sony isn´t doing anything with Bloodborne either! Yet I can 100% guarantee that there´s a far bigger demand for a sequel, remake or even a remaster for that game from both PS5 and PC gamers.

That been said, why don´t you ask Sony tol sell the IP to Fromsoftware now that according to rumors, they bought Elden Ring from Bandai?

ZwVw74d ago (Edited 74d ago )

Reclaim? That would mean that they actually owned the ip at one point, which they never did (MS always has). Apples & oranges. Remedy always owned the Control ip (just not the publishing), as they have with Alan Wake.

About as likely as them getting the Max Payne rights from Rockstar.

mastershredder74d ago (Edited 74d ago )

Sending you game to a publisher does not mean they get "rights to own it " unless that was part of the contract (monetary/ strategic reasons). 505 was the publisher they worked with to publish and distribute it, it dos not mean that 505 flat out "owned" anything, clearly they did have a special arrangement that made them open to limit their publishing rights. and so here we are and big whoop

Jingsing74d ago (Edited 74d ago )

Yeah get Quantum Break PS5, only if you put it on disc with all the associated movie material.

isarai74d ago

I mean they got the Alan Wake IP back from MS, so I feel like they could get QB back as well

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Uncharted Unreal Engine 5 Imagining From MachineGames-Indiana Jones Designer is a Sight to Behold

A stunning Uncharted Unreal Engine 5 imagining has been released, featuring cutscenes, platforming, combat, stealth, and vehicles.

Created by Daniel Arriaga, a level designer at MachineGames on the upcoming Indiana Jones game, this fan concept is a solo developer project.

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RaidenBlack76d ago

to reiterate, this is just a hobby project by a single developer

isarai76d ago

As a one man project this is awesome as hell!

75d ago
lellkay75d ago

Impressive considering its a one man effort!

Nacho_Z75d ago

Nate looks like he's been charting the lost city of Marijuana.

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