
CRank: 5Score: 15000


Again the inefficiency isnt ground breaking. Yes its there, and consoles are more efficient no one is doubting that. However the differences arent ground breaking.

If consoles were so efficient there would be no reason why the PS3 wouldnt outperform a 8800GTX. 8800GTX is about 2x as powerful and the result is pretty simular too. PS3 runs most of its games in 720p or below while 8800GTX runs most games in 1080p. So where is the console optimization?

4089d ago 5 agree19 disagreeView comment


If Windows is so bad then why is it 8800GTX with a dual core is still beating current consoles? PC optimization is no where near as bad as console makers want people to believe. Sorry but these are just sad attempts by console makers to make the PC look bad so they can sell their consoles, while charging a premium on every game sold.

People blame Windows for taking up RAM, wait till the PS4 releases, in all likely hood 1-2 GB of RAM will be reserved fo...

4089d ago 11 agree38 disagreeView comment

Preordered BF3 for 37usd, so yea gonna wait on this.

4090d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Everything needs to be balanced, sure a shortage of RAM can cause a system to choke. However remember that RAM by itself does no calculations what so ever.

Its the CPU / GPU where all the calculations take place. RAM is just a storage where the data is stored.

Having excess RAM wont do anything.

Sure the PS4 has a 8 core APU but you must remember those are Tablet cores running at a mere 1.6-1.8 GHZ. Even the GPU is a Mobile GPU hence isnt to...

4091d ago 3 agree5 disagreeView comment


Every platform has its exclusives. Just depends which appeal to you. Even then its not hard owning both platforms.

4091d ago 8 agree2 disagreeView comment

Tech Demos dont prove much, specially watching them over Youtube isnt even a comparison. Its when Developers release games and push the hardware that's when the differences show.

Once Devs start pushing hardware, most console versions of games will be running at 720p back to 30fps again. Thats the time PC will shine again.

Tech demos are designed to for marketing purposes. Let the games show themselves its at that time you can judge.

4091d ago 5 agree14 disagreeView comment


500usd Pcs are playing BF3 at ultra settings 4x aa near 60 fps. Thats not a whole lot expensive than a PS3. Its about next gen console price, so will you abadon next Playstation too because it cost more than a PS3?

4097d ago 5 agree1 disagreeView comment


"And thats why you lose your credibility.
Because thats not true at all, unless you set everything on low setting"

Its true 500usd PCs will run most games and they will do it maxed out specially games running Unreal 3 engines.

Heres a link to one:


4097d ago 18 agree10 disagreeView comment

"Even the low end pc stomp console ?"

Wake up, yes they do. As of today anything with a 80-100usd GPU will beat current consoles. Id go one step further and say integrated GPUs present on Intel CPUs would give current consoles a run for their money. Thats the lowest hardware on the GPU food chain.


Read decrypts post again. He never was claiming graphics superiority since that is a moot point at this moment, everyone knows ...

4097d ago 47 agree64 disagreeView comment


from what i recall AMD sold their FABS i could be wrong.

They sold the Fabs because they were not competitve with Intel anyways.

4102d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Well most games are multiplats anyways. atleast 90% of them are.

Gameplay is same across all platforms.

Its just PC provides the bonus with better graphics across the board and this just isnt high end PCs. Since console tech is so old, Even low to mid range PCs of today provide that bonus.

4102d ago 3 agree9 disagreeView comment

Well AMD is going to sell to consoles, then there wont be any innovation later, it will be the same tech rolled on for the next 6 years.

Nvidia will constantly need to pump out a new GPU for the Androids every year.

From a chip makers point of view its healthy to be releasing new chips as they can make huge margins on new tech. Rolling the same tech for 6 years means no innovation and piddly profits.

Hence from a profitability point of view A...

4102d ago 11 agree20 disagreeView comment

Console gamers are in for a sad awakening.

1. RAM does no calculations, Hence boatloads of it wont make a difference.

2. Its the GPU and CPU that do all the work. If those 2 are weak dont expect miracles to happen.

PC gamers have been saying this since the last few weeks, let the dust settle and we will see more and more games running at 720p / 60fps.

Once devs start pushing graphics even more. Consoles will be back to 720p /...

4102d ago 1 agree3 disagreeView comment

Quick tell us where we can grab a PS4 and a copy of Killzone 4.

By which time PC games will just be looking way ahead because the next gen is arriving, consoles will be left in the dust again.

No need to get excited lol.

4103d ago 18 agree20 disagreeView comment

"Develop the game on the weakest console first.."

I am a PC gamer so i dont favor any machine over the other. However even ill tell you its rather ignorant to make comments like the above.

Both of them very close in terms of power. No need to pretend as if the PS3 is a gen ahead.

4103d ago 73 agree107 disagreeView comment


"All games run on high settings without the need to upgrade to get them.
Being able to share games without have to buy any code keys to use games."

First its not cheaper, games are cheaper on PC. 600usd PC outperforms the PS4 as of today.

Does the PS3 run all games at high settings? No it doesnt, in comparison to PC, PS3 runs games in Low settings with no AA, blurry textures. Same will be the comparison for PS4.

4105d ago 13 agree39 disagreeView comment

Lol so not its cheap not being able to play the thousands of usd worth of games you bought on the PS3?

As of today a 600usd PC can beat the PS4 in terms of performance and can play thousands of games from the PC library. Question is PS4 isnt even out yet and PCs such as this one:


Already beat the PS4. By the t...

4105d ago 15 agree75 disagreeView comment

Have you ever seen OS resourse utilization before making such claims. This is console maker propaganda at best. Yes console optimization is better but its not a world of a difference that console makers make it out to be.

Most of the time optimisation on console equals to using low res textures, blurry AA, low res, low af etc.

If console optimisation was so good current consoles would have no problem beating 6 year old Pc hardware like 8800gtx.

4105d ago 2 agree4 disagreeView comment

"Though i will say one thing , show me a pc equal in price to a ps4 that will run equal graphics to ps4 or have the same large collection of quality titles as the ps4"

First Ps 4 will launch with no BC meaning it will hardly have any games at launch its library will have to grow gradually. Even then PC already has thousands of games under its umbrella. Hence its safe to say PS4 or any console for that matter will never catch the PC in games library.


4105d ago 3 agree8 disagreeView comment

Realistically speaking people disagreeing with Decrypt are just being fanboys.

Sony only made losses this gen- Fact

Sony used to be a leader in consumer electronics many years back - Fact

MS Barely made a profit - Fact

Windows is Ms's back bone - Fact

Windows 8 hasnt been well received neither have Surface tablets - Fact

If Ms cant turn around Windows then XBox wont save them.

4105d ago 18 agree23 disagreeView comment