
CRank: 5Score: 4570

Mix of both and I love it!

2742d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

The gameplay looks so bland. You guys should watch this https://mmos.com/preview/lo... if your looking for a good Diablo like

2857d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I had to post this sorry.

2866d ago 1 agree3 disagreeView comment

Seems like you never played an MMO before, I played WoW for almost 10 years and every expansion, you don't keep your guns and armor.... it cost 15$/month so if I keep the math, I paid 100$ for limited edition with both DLC + 40$ for TTK so thats 140$/12 = 11.67$ a month, wow that price of 2 movies for like 50+ hours a month. I admit that the first 2 DLC were really lacking but if they keep the quality of the next DLC or expansion close to TTKs for 11$/month, im all for it.

3170d ago 2 agree4 disagreeView comment

because the original was flawed and repetitive as hell and this version, even after 3 weeks I still have lots to do and all the content is actually more fun, it changes everytime and hard to glitch unlike the other DLC. Raid is really fun too.

3170d ago 2 agree3 disagreeView comment

Wow its so true you should wait for year 10 to play this game.....

3207d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Hey, I've been trying to get my friends to play this game but we never ended up logging on the same nights and stuff, so I made new friends with Destinylfg.com or .net it's really easy finding a group or creating one I just usually start a party chat and invite people to it, then people can join my fireteam from the chat. I add people I enjoyed playing with in my friends list after that. Then like in realy life... you meet friends of friends and now everytime I log on I have 3-4 diffe...

3223d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Alright, so let me get this straight, you and your buddies enjoyed this game a lot and played 5 nights a week and then, because it is maybe 10-20$ more than you expected it to be, you will stop playing??? for 10$ ?? They sell the full game with all expansion for 80$ and I i'm fine with it because it's the right price for bringing more people in to play this great game. HoW was overpriced remashed stuff but TTK seems like big content update, if it is as they advertised. If you had play...

3223d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Alright It's a good read but this is not a review btw, it explains how Bloodborne brings people together in it's Universe. It explains how twitch and other videostreaming media has made us closer when we get in to those worlds and how it gives senses to our life when we are in it with millions of other and how alone we end up after leaving this universe because in the end, we are still alone and it is just a videogame.

3296d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

He's probably refering to Watchdog not being good enough or sumtin

3499d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

CoD is fun but I don't get the same feeling from shooting, the reactivity of the gameplay is just spot on in Destiny when you blow up an head or shoot something you feel it in the controller and sound, in CoD, you know the guy is dead, because you can see trough walls... I know in real life that when you shoot on a target that you don't get feedback that you actually hit it but this isn't reality and CoD could use some of that feedback.

3500d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

They get the same amount of content, it is just delayed for a year.

3504d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

They actually get the same amount of content but a year later. So they should pay the same price for it...

3504d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I had the pulse Edition Headset and they were too Heavy for me and there was not enough foam over the head to make them comfortable. I wanted to buy another headset but didn't want to dish out another 150$+.

I found a discount at bestbuy at 59$ for the gold headset.
I would recommend them to everyone, great sound, great batterie life and they are way more comfortable than my Pulse.

3506d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment


I could have used other games as example I was just trying to make a point where we still get great value for 20$.

I'm a WoW player also.

The only point where I'm thinking that this could annoy people is for Europe where they pay 20euro wich is half the price of the game other than that stop whining for 20$ to play more of a great game. If you don't like this game, fine don't play it but stop complaining unles...

3506d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I right with ya on this but you know Tomb raider is Timed exclusive right?


Single Player games can be played anytime unlike Multiplayer games where you wanna play in the beginning to keep up with friends so I prefer having Destiny's exclusivity.

3506d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Like someone said b4 they get the same content for the same price, but they'll have it in a year hehe

3506d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

At 98xpresent Square Enix already said that Tomb raider was only a timed exlusive


It's coming to PS4 one day or another talk about 1 strike when we're getting a full game 1 year or more later...

3506d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

As for CoD with xbox, Playstation is probably paying for all the advertising of the game, or most of it, since all commercial i have seen announced it for PS. Same thing with CoD where Microsoft was advertising. They advertise the game and want more people on their consoles of course... Atleast xbox players get to play the game, they knew way b4 the game came out that there would be exclusive content so they should have bought it on ps4...
I don't love this kind of practice but I...

3506d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Mercury is already a PVP map and would be really awesome. Also a concept art of Europa (one of Jupiter's moon) was shown during the press conference for Destiny's reveal and would be really nice to add for a DLC.


A Raid located in the Reef Area that will probably be in the 2nd DLC was leaked some time ago.

3506d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment