PS4+PC is all you need now


CRank: 7Score: 49740

Stay tuned for the holidays./s lol

3304d ago 10 agree4 disagreeView comment

I thought I've heard this before.

"I'm sorry but you can't just ignore rehashes of the same hyped up lines."

I have to agree. Xbox one hasn't done anything to convince me yet through all of the PR hype so far.

3304d ago 3 agree13 disagreeView comment

"the game looks MUCH better with the day 1 patch."

Lol, No It doesn't. It just looks like a different time of day or color correction.

3307d ago 1 agree3 disagreeView comment

I always ask myself if the pc version is worth more than double the money of consoles when looking at these comparisons, the answer is always no. PC gaming will always have the best possible graphics and features but atm PC gaming performance to price scale is not worth it when compared to consoles.

3310d ago 27 agree17 disagreeView comment

It's very clear to me at this point that Xbox fans in particular seem more interested in positive Xbox One sales. The only time npd gets this hot is when Xbox pulls off a victory.

This was last months npd......

3310d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Wtf is this game? and how did i miss this announcement. That trailer was amazing!

3311d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

"worst gaming company this year"!? More like all time in my eyes.

3311d ago 3 agree6 disagreeView comment

Edit: I see what you're saying now. I agree the old guide is useless for sotfs. They should release a updated guide. Doesn't make sense that they change some things so drastically.

3311d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

@xHeavYx, To be honest, PS4 has been doing great winning NPD up til this point with MS's super aggressive deals, game bundles and cheaper price in their strongest territory. Congrats to Sony for not allowing MS to establish a steady foot in a region they(MS) once dominated.

3311d ago 34 agree25 disagreeView comment

Being cheaper in your best territory during a slow month helps. I think people actually forgot that Xbox One has been cheaper for the entire year so far, yet only two NPD victories in it's strongest territory.

3311d ago 8 agree9 disagreeView comment

Congrats to Xbox One.

3311d ago 113 agree30 disagreeView comment

@QuickdrawMcgraw Well said, Septic is perfect example of a stealth troll. Even though he tries very hard to be neutral, his bias shows most of the time. I enjoy reading his comments though, they're fun to read unlike most fanboy comments. He at least attempts to make a valid argument most of the time, even though I disagree with almost every comment he makes.

3311d ago 12 agree1 disagreeView comment

@The_Infected, "How do you know for a fact they're better?" seriously, just stop. What you originally said had no relevance to Rippn's comment according to yourself. No one wants to play into your stealth trolling, go away.

3312d ago 9 agree3 disagreeView comment

PS4 obviously. Xbox One haven't had one big exclusive this year so far, not mention It's still struggling with 1080p and inferior multiplats. PS4 is the easy choice and It's not even close.

3312d ago 79 agree31 disagreeView comment

"probably" is the key word here. Demos were more common before dd.

3317d ago 6 agree0 disagreeView comment

Don't forget about cardboard crowds and less cars.

3319d ago 2 agree3 disagreeView comment

@Agent, Forever a classic. Good times :)

3325d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

I want Hololens. It's very cool for non gaming applications.

3326d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

Thanks for responding guys. It's a really cool concept and I would like for it to work. I just don't see MS allowing every developer to automatically update their code in real time, so very few games would benefit from such cloud tech. Updating in real time comes with some good but it also comes with a lot of disadvantages. I'm sure there's more uses for this that I'm not currently thinking of atm.

3326d ago 0 agree3 disagreeView comment

This is cool and all, but wouldn't updating code in real time like that without proper testing be extremely risky? Also lots of security risk comes to mind.

3326d ago 7 agree10 disagreeView comment