
CRank: 5Score: 92180

This article seems to appear at least twice per year.

4022d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

A widely targeted audience does not automatically equal a guaranteed wider audience. Even in spite of the generously pedestrian press response, reaction from the GP has been terrible. Word of mouth is spreading and the outlook isn't positive in the least, generally speaking. I'm not placing any bets just yet, but it's a bit premature to crown the XBox the winner just yet.

4023d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Doubtful. If that were the case, then Microsoft, as well as the gaming press at large, would be talking this feature up immensely.

They've been far too quiet and ambiguous about it for it to have any sort of appreciable advantage over the PS4. If anything, it may level the playing field, with the PS4 reputed to be around 50% more powerful than the XBone, but I'd hardly call that an advantage anyway.

4023d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I'm tired of this popping up so frequently these days. I'm also tired of people trivializing visuals as if they mean nothing to the bigger picture. As far as I'm concerned, if you truly believe that graphics don't matter, add nothing, and are superficial or meaningless, then you've likely never studied, created, or even appreciated art in your entire life. Visual arts have been an important part of human culture since time immemorial, it's downright sickening when p...

4041d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

This sort of sentiment is detrimental to the gaming community, not to mention ignorant in a very snobbish kind of way. Graphics are the art in a game, which helps to immerse us in the world, and hardly anybody seems to appreciate it anymore. Far too many artists work way too hard for this growing community of snobs to simply dismiss graphics as something superficial, and it's downright disrespectful.

To be honest, outside of simple commentary like "ooh, it's p...

4069d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

James Harden.

4077d ago 2 agree3 disagreeView comment

^That actually isn't realistic at all. Grab an AR15, a Remington shotgun and a holstered .45 and go for a run. See if you can make it half a mile without heaving your lungs out.

If realism was what they were going for, a long gun and a sidearm is the most you would ever see...but with magic and "plasmids", I doubt it. Either way, 2 is fine.

4085d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

This will go down as Kojima's most elaborate ruse to date; hopefully he's gonna knock our socks off with the next game. I can't help but imagine that he's got something special cooked up for us that he's genuinely passionate about this time.

4097d ago 7 agree2 disagreeView comment

I think this game looks good, but in light of their recent releases, I'm praying that Insomniac doesn't go the way of Free Radical and Rare. Always sucks to see a good studio fall by the wayside.

4097d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Probably because they've never handled firearms in their entire lives. Personally, I do like the XBox triggers and think that they're well designed, but I agree with you in that they're better suited to racing games as a primary function, and precision related tasks or mini-games otherwise.

4113d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Right now, this is my only question mark concerning the controller. Everything else, and I mean EVERYTHING else about it is a step up from the classic design, from the handles and triggers, to the sticks and the d-pad. I just can't see the touch pad being useful for anything beyond menu screen navigation, personally. Any other functions I could imagine for it would be easier/more intuitive with the sticks + buttons...and the use of this touchpad would require that you take your thumb a...

4114d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Nor do we need one for cinema, either. Not enough movies get a fair shake at a nomination, let alone securing the award itself. The Oscars is little more than an elaborate dog & pony show; far too many of the movies that "win" awards are memorable anyway.

4115d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

The quality jump isn't nearly as substantial as what we've gotten used to from previous generation transitions, but it is there. I get what the author means, but I'd say it's a bit of a stretch to say that it doesn't look "next-gen". In all honesty, this is about what I expected. Not what I had hoped for, but definitely what I expected. I'll say this much though; some folks will just be geeked out by anything new that you put in front of their face(and th...

4116d ago 2 agree9 disagreeView comment

That would be a colossal mistake. As games get more complex, we naturally start to see diminishing returns on the results, ranging from graphics to physics, and content. Let enough time pass so that the differences are decidedly superior.

4118d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

The landscape has changed far too much for us to use the past as a hard guide. Whereas 20 years ago you could create a game like Mortal Kombat with 3 people in a time span of 3 months, these days it takes core teams of well over 100 people and roughly 2 years(if not more) to get a quality title to market. A 5 year life cycle would limit all of your favorite studios to 2 games per generation given the current state of affairs.

Besides that, we're seeing diminishing ret...

4120d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Given the current state of affairs, I for one think that they should wait another ten. A hot issue with the current generation since it debuted was sub-HD resolutions and anything else under 1080p.

Even still, we've got 4K and possibly 8K looming on the horizon, which will be yet another exponential performance cost on future consoles. The current gen almost seemed like a test bed for the HD revolution, and not one console was able to manage it adequately(how many 1080p/...

4120d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

This is a foregone conclusion at this point; this article is at least two years too late. All sources, whether you choose to believe them or not, have been pointing towards a new architecture for a long time now.

4176d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

It astonishes me how delusional these so-called Devil May Cry diehards can be; they're almost as bad as Justin Beiber fangirls. Let's get something straight first of all: Devil May Cry is not, never has been and will never be regarded as the shining example of gaming excellence that some of you pretend that it is. Let's not forget that it started as the abortion of a failed Resident Evil experiment that Capcom eventually decided to salvage on a whim. Let that sink in for a minute....

4189d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

In a word, no.

4190d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

Good question. Mission accomplished, Kojima. Even though the interwebz figured him out, he got people talking.

4194d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment