CRank: 5Score: 22240

"Video chatting is also neat. The call quality is good and the sensor follows you if you move around your living room. A number of technology companies have unsuccessfully tried to get video calling onto the television – Microsoft may just be the one to do it by sneaking it in tied to video games."

The PSeye has been able to do 6 at a time video chat since its launch. I have used it from time to time and it works very well. The PSeye also has four OMNIDIRECTIONAL* ...

4960d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Yes it has glitz, expense, size....but really MS? Teeshirts that say I am the controller?

Everyone dancing in unison?

I feel like I am looking at a car commercial.


4961d ago 4 agree1 disagreeView comment

reading this review of Kinect...its as if I were....watching fox news for actual news and not morbid entertainment.

Somehow....many have forgotten that waving your hands in the air has been done before...and now its brand new.

It is not the technology of Kinect I have a problem with...its the insistence that this has never been done before when it HAS.

4961d ago 7 agree5 disagreeView comment

God cares so much about the GT fans that he is personally hand stamping each and every copy.

4962d ago 12 agree1 disagreeView comment

The PS3 came out November of 2006 for North America and Japan and some other asian did not come out till 2007 for the EU.

So basic math tells us that your PS3 has been pregnant for 4 years.

Still....I am finally going to be able to get excited (once again) for this game. THIS is the game I bought my PS3 back in November of 2006 for....and THIS is the game I will play for hour after hour after hour after hour after hour....


4962d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

PSeye has skeletal tracking software, PSeye has voice recognition (singstar) 2 out of 3.

PSeye also has better sound quality and 4 microphones and 2wice the framerate at the same resolution.

Most importantly....the PSeye used WITH Move makes it the most accurate, complete tracking system in 3d or 2d....better than Wii and better than Kinect. is not the hardware that makes kinect or is the SOFTWARE.


4963d ago 31 agree4 disagreeView comment

In many times is this going to happen for real?

Not quite to that level of course but a stray hand or foot is bound to do some serious damage to a child at some point.

4969d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Just got home from Whirlyball and now I am looking at my fantasy matchups and bi week replacements. I will have at it tomorrow.

wait I can.....for just a little while longer.

4970d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

"all sony has to do is add software to pseye and....BOOM.....same gesture control for media and all you would have to pay is $40 dollars for those 40 million ps3s.because games released years ago already do it on the PS store.

FYI, the voice recognition software and gesture control software have been in PS3 dev kits for almost 3 years now. Why almost no one has tak...

4974d ago 3 agree5 disagreeView comment

Wii+ does NOT know where it is in 3D space. It can only detect how fast it is going and its orientation....that's it.

Move has accelerometers (to detect how fast it is going) Wii+ has this as well
Gyroscope (for orientation) Wii+ has this also

Magnetometer (to help the PS3 know where it is in 3D space)

and finally Move has a camera that can detect the EXACT size of the ball on the Move to pinpoint where YOU and the controller are...

4974d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

These videos show WHY people like me dissed the wii as a gimmick and a waggle on waggle off joke of a device.

I did not say that motion control was a gimmick....WII and even WII+ is a gimmick....Move is the real the videos and if you still cannot see what the difference is....then you are immune to reality.

When someone who has a wii or played one comes over...the 1st thing I tell them is that this is not the must remove yourself from...

4974d ago 6 agree1 disagreeView comment

"To move the pointer from one end of the screen to the other, I have to move the stylus all the way across. With a mouse, I only need to nudge it."

If you have played Move as you would know that it takes VERY LITTLE movement from the Move to move your cursor from 1 side of the screen to the other. You also do not need to hold your arms can easily rest them like you do with a standard controller because the movement is so accurate with its SUB m...

4975d ago 12 agree3 disagreeView comment

Where do you see the game character mimicking the player? I don't see it...and at 1:48 of the second video you can see the onscreen character starting up its next animation BEFORE the player even starts to dance again.

You can also see the player dipping much further down than the onscreen character...again player mimicking character NOT character mimicking player. I am not debating whether or not this game will be fun to play...I am simply saying that it is more smoke ...

4982d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

He is mimicking the character....the character is NOT mimicking him. So again...its just DDR with a different interface. The character will do the PERFECT animation NO MATTER WHAT YOU you understand now?

My point don't need anything more than a basic webcam to play this game.

Why you cannot see that is ridiculous.

4982d ago 3 agree2 disagreeView comment

So what if the game has a hard mode....the point is what the character does on screen has NOTHING to do with what you are doing. Why is it not 1to1? Why don't the characters mimic what YOU are doing and not what you SHOULD do if you were to do it perfectly?

What happened to YOU are the controller? This is just dance dance revolution with a different interface...nothing more.

Yes it will probably sell very well...but is THIS what you paid $150 for? A g...

4982d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

"One would think, based on the above FACTS, that the PS3 hate crew would eat a little bit of humble pie, and realize that their hate is doing absolutely nothing to help the Move, PS3, or GT5."

Just like I tell my theist friends....please do not confuse RIDICULE with hate.

We are RIDICULING Kinect....not hating on can we hate something that we laugh at on a daily basis?

4987d ago 9 agree4 disagreeView comment

"joostin on October 7th, 2010 18:02:21

Everything you noted there seemed like reasons not to buy Kinect. Honestly I can only see families getting this junk. It is just a next-gen version of the EyeToy/PSEye. PSEye does full body tracking, head tracking, voice commands. Only thing it doesn't do that Kinect does is 3D spacial awareness, but that is what the MOVE is for. Who wants to play table tenis that you can't aim or change position really? Who wants to drive a...

4988d ago 4 agree1 disagreeView comment

Dance central could easily be done with the PSeye...frakk it could even actually TRACK you and your hands at twice the framerate of kinect at the same resolution.

There is more smoke and mirrors with Kinect than there is at a smoke and mirrors room at your local carnival.

4988d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

This excerpt from the article sums it up perfectly.......

"While the basics worked as expected, attempting to alter the ball's lateral direction proved fruitless. No matter how much I tried I couldn't hit the ball in the direction I intended, making for long - and rather boring - rallies where neither my opponent or I made a mistake due to the lack of difficulty. In fact, it's possible to just wave your hand at the right time to return the ball because your o...

4988d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

How about nearly every single exclusive for starters?

If you do not design the engine to USE the super frakking fast SPU's then of course the game ported to the PS3 is not going to be as good...since ALL of the game is being done on the CPU while leaving the PS3's beast SPU's unused.

4996d ago 3 agree4 disagreeView comment