CRank: 5Score: 22240

Thanks for the Newsflash, companies using telecommunications to communicate....WOWEEEEEE!!!

"Yes, audio and video-conferencing solutions have emerged but the use of virtual worlds may offer the next evolution in overcoming the tyranny of distance - a more realistic and learning-enhanced environment where managers can brainstorm, give presentations, express behaviour and network at a more human level while being continents apart. The concept of personalised avatars and imme...

5641d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

"The firm's clients include Microsoft, Merrill Lynch, Ernst and Young and numerous companies in the Financial Services sector with large white collar worker populations - executives from which will take part in the research project starting late February, 2009."

One of the many future uses that Home brings at very little cost. Home, just like the XMB will be nearly UNrecognizable in 2 years.

Thanks for that 2005 tech Sony. Man oh man, MS execs. using ...

5641d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

The Republican Vice Presidential pysco fundy Sara Palin THINKS the Earth is 6k years old.

Fun FACT...the LOWER your IQ, the MORE likely you are to believe in an omnipotent Deity. The HIGHER your IQ...all together now class...the LESS likely you are to believe in a God.(s)

Screw FACTS...just give me a 2K+ year old group of STORIES and I will base my ENTIRE LIFE off of it.

Ignorant Nomadic Cavemen for the WIN!!!

Why is the Sun there d...

5746d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

How did I prove your point? I did not group you into anything, YOU did.

I just called you out on it.

You can believe in whatever you want, your shoe, your neighbors toejams...whatever.

"We are ALL Atheists...I just take it ONE Deity further."
(Richard Dawkins)

5746d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

Will Right said you could view it from BOTH an ID and Atheistic perspective.

One question I have for those ID'ers out there.

How is it ID when we have useless organs? Extra teeth. Diseases. Hell, why does LIFE have to feed on LIFE? Is (insert Deity here) a macabre monster?

5746d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

cue the Manmade religious person to group all Atheists into ONE group.


If you were to accept the FSM and be touched by his Noodly would not have said something so STOOOOOOOPID Forrest.

5746d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

Praise be the Beer Volcano
Praise be the Stripper Factory

Down with all other FALSE Deity's. All hail the ONLY TRUE GOD...

His Noodlyness, the Flying Spaghetti Monster.

Convert the non-believers.


5746d ago 6 agree0 disagreeView comment
5772d ago

I do not own a 360 and never will, but I will complain about what it does or does not have simply because I want to be like the Mart and POG.

Why does the 360 make you buy dedicated peripherals?
Why does the 360 NOT allow 3rd parties to give away FREE stuff on Live?
Why does the 360 break down so much? (I am on my hypothetical 6th one)
Why does the 360 have a 90's style slide out disc tray?
Why does the 360 NOT have Blu-ray?
Why does MS contin...

5772d ago 15 agree2 disagreeView comment

ALL of Sony's Playstations 1,2,3 have had different skus. The PS1 and PS2 had at LEAST 10+ skus.

The difference this time around is...Sony announces the sku changes.

5772d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Since you don't own a PS3 Marty 'ol boy 'ol's not a problem for you.

5772d ago 3 agree2 disagreeView comment

If you send in your system to Sony, or if CC does you get back the same model you sent in, so you will get a fully functional 60GB back. Sony has said so in several interviews the last one I remember is Trentton.

As long as you are still in warranty, your good 2 go.

5788d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

So, my 3 year old can press random buttons and do just as good as I can? I cannot see how this could be fun for even the most braindead soccermom. No matter what button you press, the game plays the right notes. How is that fun? And why would you put a Wiimote up to your mouth unless you are a Clubbiefan who resides in Boystown?

If the pitches changed with the angle that you held the Wiimote I could "kinda" understand the appeal to grandma. But if ALL you do is p...

5800d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I have been telling my friends that the Wii is a joke and a ripoff since B4 launch. Anytime something different shows a NEW way of doing or playing something...the masses eat it up. The problem that Nintendo will have is the hoard will eventually get full and move on to something else. As long as the Wii is looked at like a toy (and Nintendo continues to treat it as such) and not a gaming console that is.

I heard so much about how arrogant Sony is/was. I said it then and I ...

5800d ago 1 agree3 disagreeView comment


I thought GG was using differed rendering and not differed shading. Pardon my ignorance if those two are the same. All I know is what my eyes tell me, that the lighting in that game is MILES above anything else I have ever seen. Just DL the MP trailer of the PS Store and pause it and advance frame by frame and you will see subtleties that are truely remarkable. The way the light reflects off everything and the amount of choas going on without even a hint of a hiccup in t...

5801d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

That "article" about the PS3 being broken just looks Lloyd Christmas "dumb and dumber" after viewing that footage.

If the PS3 is "broken" then I want the PS3 to "Break" even more. Crappy "broken" PS3, why can't they design a powerhouse original innovative console like Nintendo?

After Sony's conference...the anti-PS3 articles are going to look as out of touch as Dubya at a Mensa conference.

5806d ago 31 agree2 disagreeView comment

Gamestop has been printing out release lists for upcoming games since the Funcoland days. All you have to do is to ask for an updated release list printout. You can request 1 particular system, or every system. These dates are the best guesses that GSE has along with any confirmed dates that they have received. I used to have 3-ring binders with weekly updated release lists for games and for the bigger releases hi-lighted by system when I ran a district of stores. My stores consistantl...

5809d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

how about it? I am still scratching my head on that one. This has to be the most pessimistic and complaining gaming generation in the history of videogames. WAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHH, I want I want I want....NOW!!!

Maybe the politicians got it backwards, videogames dont make you violent, they make you cry like a baby and constantly complain along with saying my Scwartz is BIGGER than your Schwartz.

5814d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Wait a minute. Why am I seeing posts and articles about Sony should have WAITED and not released 2.4 until it was ready? Seriously, WTF?
So many (including me) have complained that Sony should give us in-game XMB so that we can send and receive messages. Is that not what Sony just gave us? Did they not say this was phase 1 of 3?

The same thing goes for Home. I hear constant crying that Sony should quit delaying it and release it. So let's say they do and viola, peo...

5814d ago 22 agree5 disagreeView comment

Yes, si, hi, da, affirmative. 2.4 is indeed phase 1 of 3 with the in-game XMB. I would say by the end of the year most of the XMB functionality will be available in-game.

First things first though....they need to get 2.4 back up for those of us who did not DL 2.4. I have, and in the words of that McDogfood commercial....I'm luvin' it

5814d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment